Wolf RPG

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for @La Reine, as promised!

had it been 5 days? 5 weeks? maybe 5 months. kofteró dónti had no clue.

but in a place such as this, why should he care? 

it was a large world; and with it, a wide selection of pickings when it came to choice of territory. he'd need one, and soon. 

this place was cold. fairly secluded. just right,, he'd thought. 

or maybe not.

growing up in mountain territory, it seemed the most comfortable option. but maybe he would explore elsewhere before making it official.
she insisted prince @Imeut remain within her queendom, as courtier. what a charming, well-spoken loup he were! she'd need keep him. even if he were to leave, she said, he had royal permit to visit her halls, at any hour, of any day.

however, this person lacked such permissions.

elevated upon the branch of mighty érable, the mountain mademoiselle saw the stranger enter her forest. they were a stranger in only that they hadn't yet been met - they were, undeniably, of her own, higher kind.

this were cause both for delight, and dread. what if they thought themselves mighty enough to wrench the throne from her grasp? they couldn't be, she were queen for a reason - but a duel could compromise her health, her ability to quell a future attempt at regicide.

her lips a firm line, grip upon the bark, la reine screamed her dominance at the intruder below.