Wolf RPG

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@Fleurette @Andr also, @Kukutux for eventual reference. Set before traveling to MG. :)

the petrel's dark feet flew, restless energy surging in her veins as she bounded across grassland and shore. 

her heart stuttered unevenly, limbs quivering with myriad of emotion.





her thoughts whirled as she finally skidded to a halt on their beaches, a breathless howl urging her companions to her with news.

she tried to untangle them, slow the heavy thud of her heart, the trembling that wracked her scarred form.

but iaghe would still be shaking, grinning, when they joined her on the beach -- hardly able to contain herself as she waited to share what she'd learned, what she'd been asked to do.
The rise and fall of Iaghe’s call had stirred Fleurette from her dazed gazing out to Sea. She had not been far from their camp; she promised Andr she would stay close and not stray from where she told him she would be. The last thing she wanted was to lose her two companions because of her wandering mind and paws.

The call had not seemed out of fear; though, in truth, it still gave Fleurette a sense of trepidation. Why the sudden need to come together? Her curiosity was peaked, so she booked it back, tongue lolling out of her mouth and flapping in the wind. She sent her own howl back to acknowledge Iaghe’s, letting them know she’s on her way.

She arrived shortly, eyes finding her spectre friend with a smile on her face, radiating with excitement. “What’s going on, Iaghe?”
fleurette reached her first and iaghe greeted her with wagging tail so fierce, her whole body reverberated in response. she was practically dancing as she dashed and dipped towards fleur, brushing her cheek with the woman's familiarly.

"iaghe, iaghe big news," she managed breathlessly, grinning like a lunatic. "iaghe find woman, moonwoman. talk."

"moonwoman know iaghe's words. atar's words. moonwoman, kukutux, teach iaghe. teach iaghe, emmë." it was a mess, an almost unintelligible stringing of words she'd learned from andr and fleurette and her own language. 

"iaghe, emmë in aeriön. home. iaghe teach. iaghe raise." try as she might, even her explanation likely didn't make sense.
FYI I'm ok with a flexible posting order for this one if you two are :)

Upon hearing Iaghe's call Andr lifted his head sharply and listened. His sudden movement scared off the hare he was about to strike, but a call from Iaghe followed by Fleur was far more important.

He galloped off back toward their shores and eventually found a lively Iaghe looking to Fleurette. It seemed as though she had just told her something before he arrived.

Her expression was that of excitement but Andr had trouble shaking his constant level of concern when it came to the two before him. "What is it?" he asked slightly out of breath. "Is everything alright?" his question open for Iaghe or Flurette to answer.