Wolf RPG

Full Version: Everything I want is everything that's here
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For @Gunnar

Despite having slept for at least ten hours straight (well come on, she had been lost for months), the tiny viking was still exhausted. The ordeal with her parents had been a draining one; one that she certainly wouldn't be forgetting any time soon. Still, at least she was home now. Sighing, the child shook herself, some of the tension relaxing from her shoulders. Now she just had to find her brother.

If she knew Gunnar, he was going to be less than impressed that she had left without warning. Not that she had been able to help it, but presumably he didn't know that at this point. She needed to find him and explain, before he decided to resent her for the rest of their lives. Gunnaaar! she howled, tail wagging despite the mood she was expecting her sibling to be in when she did find him. She couldn't help being excited to see the boy again; she had missed him. Hey Gunnar, where aaare you?

Gyda speaks!

Gunnar shifted his weight from either side watching the burrow where the rabbits lay hidden. He couldn't see them, but he could smell them and he wondered if he could dig them out. The ground was frozen, but surely he could still dig, it might hurt at first, but once you got further down it stopped being frozen right. While he debated this, the hair on his nape skittered upwards as his sister howled out for him. He frowned, wondering if he really wanted to talk to her.

SIghing, he turned towards her howl and trotted towards his silver svelte sister and stood in front of her an easy stance. His ears upwards and his steely slate gray eyes watching her, they would change as his emotions warred with him, but she may or may not know that having been gone so long. Gyda? he asked softly.