Wolf RPG

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Anyone welcome, but preferably male.

The golden girl wove her way through the snow laden trees, her pelt easy to pick out among the blank whiteness of the snow.  Light yellow eyes matched a pelt of spun gold, long graceful legs matching the long, elegant muzzle. She moved with a swift soundless grace, but was tiring rapidly. Sharp eyes picked out the perfect resting spot, a small cave just inside the borders. Without hesitation, she crossed the scent markers and slipped inside the cave. A few feet inside the borders wasn't really trespassing, and it was just to rest her weary limbs for a while.

The alert eyes lost their sparkle, and slowly closed to slits as the beautiful fae drifted off to unintentional sleep. Spreed out on her side, legs splayed, she dreams.
Hi! I know you wanted a male and Saena obviously isn't, but... well, she's trespassing, so ya know!

Angling her head to the sky, Saena predicted it was just past midday, a time when many a wolf bedded down for an afternoon nap before returning to activity at dusk. She diligently traced the borders, ignoring the sun's slant toward the horizon for now. Maybe after finishing her patrol, the plump young woman would let sleep tempt her, but presently she was on duty and knew better than to slack.

She was no warden, but when she crossed the unmistakable signs and smells of an invader, she wasted no time in altering her course. A trained trespasser could easily beat Saena in a one-on-one fight, a fact she easily forgot as she tracked the trespasser's paw prints through the snow. Besides, it wasn't really one-on-one inside her own turf, and anyway, her mind wasn't exactly on the odds, but rather, the glory of being one to oust a fool.

It didn't take long to find the delinquent's hide-out. The trespassing wolf had the good sense to not go too far into their territory. Nevertheless, they were a comparatively large pack and didn't entertain a neutral buffer zone beyond their borders—therefore, wolf law was broken regardless of distance, and Saena was intent on seeing the wolf beaten to a pulp or well outside their lands.

She stood in the entryway of the cave, and when she spotted the white female sleeping in their lands, she felt every hair on her body rise. Her tail arched up into a dominant line and puffed out like a bottlebrush as she snarled deeply, the only warning the dozing female would get before the young Epsilon attempted to part some piece of her body from the rest of it... or called in the big guns to do it for her, more like.

The sun was high and Valtýr felt lethargic. He mozied around without a thread of haste on the search for a nice, shady resting spot. Already, the juvenile had outgrown his root burrow. Without a den the firefoot was often reduced to dozing beneath clump of bramble. He yawned, however the scent of an outsider snapped him to attention. The lamb didn't make for much of a warden but he approached inquisitively.

The sound of Saena's aggressive snarl pulled him into a canter, curiosity evolving into urgent concern. He was near the border's now... was Dante or Taltos nearby? He turned a corner near the cave, just enough to see Saena's bristled tail disappear into its mouth. He followed, back arched like an irritated cat.
When the pale girl opened her eyes to see the two wolves bristling at her, she smiled, as if she had known they were there the whole time. It was rule #7 of being a badass; Never be surprised. "Oh, hello!" her attempt at a cheery voice failed miserably. She would have to work on that, she promised herself. "I would like to say that I'd like to stay and chat, but sadly, I do not. So I'll just be leaving now"

She stood carefully, and tried to slip past the two, mentally swearing at herself. She had just meant to rest, not fall asleep!
She was a coy thing, this insolent bitch, but her smile did nothing to make her appear a badass in Saena's eyes. Rather, she presented herself as an imbecile, a creature without the most basic of senses or intelligence. A wolf with mush for brains was Calipso, no better than a potato, really.

Saena stood rigid as Valtyr approached, acknowledging him with a flick of her ear but keeping her eyes on the trespasser as she began to move past. This was deceptive, for no sooner had Calipso's chest moved past her elbow did Saena whirl with a sudden spark of aggression and aim to dig her fangs into the woman's hock.

Her main goal was to get the intruder out of their territory, but she was also intent on leaving a mark or two to weaken the idiotic wolf so that she would struggle even harder on her own.
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the scent of an intruder perturbed the earthen male from where he patrolled just at the edges of the territory, and, lunging through the drifts that dragged at his hocks, the beta swept with a feral snarl into a scene populated by saena and valtyr, youngsters he had come to think of rather as his own, and an unknown female.

as the speckled female snapped for the unguarded flesh of the interloper, lasher too soared forth, teeth flashing and a growl thrusting into the atmosphere from his chest. foolish was she, and doubly so, to trespass when little ones lay in the heart of the territory, their very presence a source of high alert for the grown lupines.

The snide intruder attempted to excuse herself from the scene with a coy remark and beguiling smirk, but Saena had no mercy for the pallid wolf. Valtýr expected his friend to react aggressively. After all, she had explained the lengthy history behind Blacktail Deer Plateau and there was no doubt Saena retained a strong resolve and duty to her homeland, especially with Blue's newborns about. Val, too, felt the sting of their opponents transgression. This was his first encounter with an outsider... and he, now tied to the plateau, could feel his chest thrum with disdain for the accused. However, he was not as quick to rage -- a bit unsure what to do in this new situation -- but he followed the Blacktail's lead decidedly.

The Delta, Saena, lunged at the sylph's ankle when she slipped by. Val's stringy hair stood upright, sallow limbs slapping the ground to drive the she-wolf away. He whooped and bayed, ears pointed forward as he barked unabated. Suddenly, a dark wisp of teeth and hair joined the fray. It was Taltos on the assist and Val became all the more gutsy for it. The Sveijarn's orange jaws snapped, teeth nipping for the ghost's haunch to pull the pale hair from her hide.