Wolf RPG

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@Jorunn @Ragna @Kaylan only if you guys have times..the babies can hear and babble now...but I will make this all welcome for everyone in case of.

Thistle woke with a start and looked at the little bundles wrapped around her. Her eyes sought the forms of Charon and Levi too. They had yet to find dens, but she didn't so much mind. Especially now that Ragnar and Gunnar were gone. It had broken her heart when Ragnar had departed the mortal world. And it had hurt when her oldest, present son departed for his own adventure. However, she knew very well she couldn't hold him back. And he had make sure to tell everyone, and say his goodbyes. She had told him he could come and go as he pleased as long as he had an escort, probably one of his adopted or biological siblings or herself.

She sighed and sniffed gently at the babes around her. They should be able to hear anyday now, if they didn't already. And they all could see of course. She licked their heads and standing to her paws, gently. So as to not disturb them. She slid into the sunlit day and looked about her. Settling to her haunches she closed her eyes and let the sun slide across her face. She sighed, Ragnar being gone was like a crushing ache, that just never went away. Some days, it was hard to breathe.
If the gift of sight had been an adjustment, so too had her hearing. She spent her time keeping quiet, mostly, listening and watching and saying (or attempting to say) very little. But she watched well, keen eyes fixed on any movement and her ears open for that which she still did not understand. Now she knew that the vibrations she had heard (but could not remember) were clear sounds, and one day she would understand them to be words.

She had been asleep when her mother moved, but stirred under the touch of her mother's tongue. Ragna squirmed, stretching out graceless limbs, and cracked her eyes open to see what had disturbed her. At the sight of her mother's retreating form she cried out, her tongue tripping over syllables while she tripped over her ungainly paws. She bubbled happily, trying to catch her mother's attention. Where her mother was, food could often be found, after all. And if not food, then warmth or entertainment or a myriad of other creature comforts.
lol, Jorunn the future little shit. xD

Noises had begun to become something more abstract with each milestone that Jorunn hit, a trait no doubt not exclusive to him. After all, his littermates also happened to turn the same day or week old just as he did. Not that his rapid growth had any conceptual bearing on him beyond the new abilities he was discovering as he leveled up. At first they were strange, all of them. The sudden ability to see blurry and oft times fuzzy shadows, which was slowly beginning to clear up. The shapes began to take something less like a blob and more definitive in it's design. Enraptured by the world beginning to unfold around him, Jorunn couldn't keep still. He yearned to investigate the defining shapes, and when his hearing had began to develop, beginning like hearing something muffled by a tunnel into something that was directly heard, albeit misunderstood. Language was not something that the legend was able to perceive yet, but he attempted by childish babbling, though for all that he knew he was communicating just as efficiently as the adults around him. He did not yet understand that they could not understand him just as thoroughly as he failed to understand them.

Adventure. It was out there, he determined studiously as he squinted at the light breaking through the mouth of the den. His eyes were sensitive to the light that filtered in, and though he was not aware it was caused by monochromacy — a complete inability to see colors. Shades of grey, white and black were all he was able to see as to which direct sunlight impaired his vision. He could see colors in his dreams, though, vivid as they were, a gift and the curse of being a völva, a Seer chosen by the Gods, though both were nothing more than a side effect of the Berserker mushrooms Ragnar had consumed in his youth, passed from father to son. The young legend jumped to his paws suddenly, ears splaying on either side of his head as he sniffed at the gentle breeze that came in through the mouth of the den. Head whipped in Thistle's direction when he felt the soft blow of her breath against the fur at his nape as she exhaled upon her sniff, which was accompanied unwelcomingly by a bath. “Gahh nnnuuuuhhhh,” The twin gasped and rolled onto his belly, attempting to ward his shield maiden mother off with his paws which failed and pawed uselessly at the air.

Jorunn stared at his mother's gray-scale face, not experienced enough to tell emotions by facial expressions, something that would come in time. He was not sure why the atmosphere in the den had shifted to one that was resolutely somber, for he had quickly forgotten what Ragnar's presence felt like. His future lack of empathy towards the name that he would associate with father was not personal, but simply because he would find it hard to feel something for someone whom he'd never actually met. He did not know she was mourning, only that he felt the mood shift and did not like it.
Thistle sat gently in the cave entry way. She turned to chuff gently at Ragna as she babbled at her, trying to garner her attention. She had allowed a smile to fall across her muzzle as she saw Jorunn's paws windmill in the air. She waited silently to see if the little ones would come to the entrance way. Though it was against their culture, honestly she could not make the effort to keep them away from the sun. Not when she herself wanted the sun to warm her fur. She missed Ragnar, it was like a dull ache. She knew that her children would not remember him, would not know of who he was. She would tell them of him of course, but it could never make up for the man himself.

She pawed gently at the two babes taht were wide awake. Inviting them to play ungainly and strangely, but play all the same. She was actually looking forward to a little fun.