Wolf RPG

Full Version: do what you gotta do [ic joining]
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date; 1.15.14
time; mid-afternoon
status; all welcome, though calling for a leader @Hawkeye

Quite some time had passed since the sightless young male had ended up getting caught in a storm and completely losing his way. He, who prided himself in knowing his way around, had been unable to find his way back to Koontz because the storm had washed away his scent trail, thus causing him to completely lose his way. It was purely by the grace of the Stars that he had survived on his own this long, not mention finally finding his way back into the area. But what he couldn’t find was her scent. He searched high and low, following his nose and feeling his way around. She was nowhere to be found.

Broken hearted, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to continue trying to survive on his own and would have to try to find a pack that would graciously take him in, blindness and all. That task was going to be just as hard as finding his way back, if not harder. His blindness was likely to be his downfall, to be honest. But he had to try to hold onto the hope that someone, somewhere, would accept him and allow him to try to prove himself worthy enough of being a member of their pack. It was getting someone to give him that chance, though, that he knew was going to be difficult.

Scent markings lingering in the air caused the sightless young male to come to a complete halt. He knew better than to cross scent markings, especially since he no longer knew if there was even anyone still around that he knew. But there was a familiar scent in those scent markings and it caused a slight frown to dance upon his muzzle. This was because he remembered her scent. He remembered the last time he had been anywhere near her. It had not gone well. Yildun considered turning away, going somewhere else, but it was a touch of pride, or perhaps humbleness, that caused him to remain where he was… save for taking a couple respectful steps backward, away from the border.

Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly and prepared himself to be as humble as possible, knowing that he was probably going to have to do some sucking up and ass kissing. Finally, he tilted his head back a little and let his song fill the air, asking for audience with someone in charge, not knowing that it was she that was the one in charge here. Boy was he going to be in for a surprise.

The inky black wolf padded carefully through the snow that covered her plateau, strengthening scents that faded with the blanket of white. Small crunches could be heard underfoot, a faint squeak reaching Hawkeye's left ear here and there but mostly staying quiet.

Freezing mid-step, Hawkeye caught a sorrowful and lonely howl that she stretched her ear to grasp. The call somehow sounded familiar, but she could not place the voice. She shrugged and turned to trot, the crunch, crunch, crunch sounding beneath her feet as she went, a strangely satisfying sound that made her lip quirk into a little smile.

But that smile turned to a frown as she saw the male who called. So that's who it was. Red began to form over her vision but a grunt wiped the fogginess away. It would not be professional to lose control, she thought at least. Even if she had, it would have been considered acceptable to her pack since she was Alpha, but none of this crossed her mind.

"Yildun," she spoke quietly. "What are you doing on my lands? I thought that you and" - this next part came out roughly - "Koontz left here for good. You have no business here and to show your face is rather stupidly brave on your part." Though he could not see her, she lengthened her chest and neck. A puff of smoke filled the air each time she let out a husky breath.

table by houkie
say something, i'm giving up on you
i'll be the one, if you want me to
anywhere i would’ve followed you
[size=3]say something, i'm giving up on you[/size]

He was feeling a bit nervous, unsure of if he should be there at that moment in time given that he did recognize the scent that lingered in the air. The sound of paws against the snow made him realize that he had spent too much time trying to think about what he should or shouldn’t do, giving sign that it was too late for him to just turn and leave. As the sound neared, her scent grew stronger. He lowered his head, slicking his ears back against his head. The sightless male knew this area. It had once belonged to Koontz. He knew his way around, and he knew where to go if he had to leave in a hurry, which he hoped would not end up being the case.

She addressed him and he dipped his head down a little further. Avoiding eye contact was easy for him since he was blind, unable to see her face, forever unable to see the faces of others in general. “Vilocity,” he spoke her name in return, the only name that he knew her by. Inwardly he cringed as she said “my lands” but outwardly showed nothing. “I have not seen her since I got caught away from here, these very lands, in a storm and it washed away my scent trail, leaving me unable to find my way back until now. She’s gone. I know this. I have tried to find her scent, but to no avail.” The sightless young male took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. This was not how he envisioned his day to go.

“I am most likely the last being you thought to find at your borders, but here I am,” he began, keeping his head low and ears slicked against his crown. “I have nowhere to go, no place to call home.” Yildun sighed at his own words, feeling the pain as his own words fully sank in. “I am here to humbly, very humbly, ask to be able to call here home. I know this territory. Having lived here I know every inch, every rock, every tree, every nook, every cranny.” Being this humble was hard, especially since the two of them didn’t exactly get along, but he was doing what he knew he had to do.

Lowering himself further, his entire body and not just his head, he could feel the coldness against his stomach, causing him to shiver lightly. “Please…” His voice quivered, be it from the cold or from groveling it was unknown. “Don’t turn me away. I may not be able to hunt with the pack, but there are other things that I can be useful for. Place me at the lowest possible of your ranks, but please… don’t turn me away…”

Hawkeye impatiently listened to his words, slipping in a "I go by 'Hawkeye' now" over his soliloquy; but, she let him speak his piece after that. She kept her mouth shut and stared into the milky eyes of the male. Though he was blind, she could still see emotion marred into his eyes.

"And what of our last encounter? You two took everything I said the wrong way. Do you remember, Yildun? I thought we could have been close friends. I did not pity you or think you incapable of tasks. I had never met another wolf that was handicapped -- whether you believe it or not, no matter how skilled we become, you will never have your sight and my hearing will always be fucked up." Hawkeye growled the last portion out, spitting the words.

"I have no doubt you could hold your own weight, and I would never believe otherwise, but both you and Koontz were out of line that day; now, look who stands here. Me. Obviously, I am the stronger wolf. Not your old 'Alpha'." She mocked Koontz with the last word, getting a high off of the angry tangent that she had just gone off on. Maybe she was being a bit childish, but she didn't care; she was upset and an emotional wolf.

table by houkie

He paused in his words, briefly, when she interjected about her name change. "Hawkeye… sorry," he took the time to say before continuing with the rest of what he had to say. This was not easy for him. Groveling was not something anyone really liked doing, did they? He knew he sure didn’t, but he also knew that it wasn’t going to be easy trying to find anyone else who would be even remotely willing to give him a chance. Though as he listened to her, he wasn’t sure that even she was going to give him a chance. There seemed to be a lot of anger in her words.

Keeping his head lowered, he gave a faint nod. "Yes, I remember," he answered. His voice hushed, barely above a whisper but loud enough for her to hopefully hear him. "I don’t know what to say, Vilo… er… Hawkeye, other than I’m sorry," he responded, truly not knowing what else to say. Yildun fell silent again as she continued.

He remained silent through her mocking words, keeping his head lowered and his body so near the cold ground that he could feel the cold slipping to touch his skin through his fur. "I don’t know why she’s gone, nor where she’s gone," he began only when she finished speaking. "I don’t know what you want me to say, Hawkeye," he added, giving a gentle sigh.

Lowering her head in defeat, she sighed. "Stand up, Yildun. You look pathetic right now." Wincing at her own harsh tone, she slipped out a quick "sorry", but then continued on.

"You will be a sigma, but you must pull your own weight as well. Rising in the ranks is fair game, and I will not give you special treatment, something I know you must hate, anyway. I suppose we all make mistakes sometimes; you are forgiven." She thought to the embarrassing day when she entered Neverwinter Forest and had to submit to wolves that were ranked lower than she, and she groaned inwardly.

The large wolf walked over to Yildun and pressed her nose to his throat in a gentle way, trying to show him that all was forgiven and okay -- if Koontz were to return, though, she supposed his true colors would shine in that moment.

table by houkie
I am so sorry this took me forever. Yesterday and today have been... just ugh.

The sound of her sigh and automatically thought he’d said something wrong, shutting him up entirely. Her harshly spoken words didn’t bring forth the desired result of him rising. When she apologized, though, he lifted slightly. It was a quickly spoken word, but it was enough. For the moment, the sightless young male remained absolutely silent, not wanting to say something wrong that might piss her off because he knew that wouldn’t be a good thing.

The words that came next honestly took him by surprise. Yildun really didn’t expect that she was going to accept him into her pack, but her words were ringing clear to him. He lifted his head, not bothering hiding his surprise. Obviously he didn’t make eye contact since he couldn’t see her face. Even his tail wagged, slightly, against his hind legs. He really had thought she was going to send him away, refusing him entry into her pack. But she was going to give him a chance, and he was very grateful for that.

He heard her paws moving against the snow, moving toward him, and he stiffened a bit. This was an automatic reaction, but at least he didn’t retreat. His breath was sucked inward for a brief moment when he felt her touch to his neck, but he was able to release it and relax a little when he let himself realize that there was no ill intent behind the gesture. "Thank you, Hawkeye, for allowing me this chance," he finally said, offering a sincere smile. It was going to be good to be back in the area that he had learned forward and backward, though it would be a little weird for him that he would be under the rule of someone else and Koontz was nowhere around.

Hawkeye backed up and sighed. "Just please make sure that this was worth it, Yildun. I don't want to tell myself later that I made a mistake letting you into the ranks."

She stretched herself, groaning in the process and then nearly giggled at what Yildun might think she was doing with the weird noise. "The den is where the old one was, but I expanded and made another entrance. There are a few caches around, and Peregrine has been filling them up like a good boy, so those are open to you as well. Not much has changed around here, except, you know, there being a better pack living on the lands and all." A smile showed on her voice with the last sentence, and she couldn't help but make jokes about being the more successful pack (considering they were still around).
table by houkie
Very sorry for the delay. Weekends are 100% for my kiddo. Plus having to get this school garbage sorted out... I've been mentally beat lol

say something, i'm giving up on you
i'll be the one, if you want me to
anywhere i would’ve followed you
[size=3]say something, i'm giving up on you[/size]

“I won’t make you regret it,” is the response he gave, along with a faint dipping of his head. He wouldn’t have gone through all of this otherwise because why would he want to have to be this humble toward anyone? No, he would not purposely do anything to make her regret letting him into the pack. That would be like shooting himself in the foot, so to speak.

Honestly, Yildun thought nothing of the groan that came from her, other than maybe she was starting to have second thoughts about letting him into the pack. He really hoped that wasn’t the case. His ears twitched, slightly, as he listened to her. “Um… I only ever shared a den with my sister,” he chimed in. There hadn’t been a communal den or whatever when he had been here as part of Koontz’ pack. He did find himself wondering if his secret place was still secret, but wasn’t about to ask that out loud cause then it wouldn’t be his secret place anymore.

He swallowed a sigh that was trying to rise in his throat at the cutting “joke” in regards to his former pack. Yildun did wonder if this was something he was going to be stuck having to hear from her often as a way of basically shoving it into his face. “Okay,” was all he answered in return.

The pitch black wolf frowned slightly at the response to her joke. He didn't seem to think it was funny, and she figured that at least Peregrine or Pied would find it humorous. She shrugged it off, a little annoyed; it was true that this was the better pack, and Yildun would see this in time.

Sighing, she said, "well, we can part ways here, or I can show you a few of the caches that are around, though I am sure you could easily smell them when you pass by."

Hawkeye suddenly wondered if she was making a mistake or not, but time would tell whether the uneasiness that was now carried in her body would stay or go.
table by houkie