Profile of Kaniq: Quick Facts
Played By: Houkie
Basic Info
Full Name: Atausriq "Kaniq" Tartok
Subspecies: Mackenzie Valley x Arctic wolf mix
Sex: Male
Age: 2 (Born in early fall)
Birthplace: Anubivaalua <small><br>(Name means "sound of the wind". Located at Beartrack Cove in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska)</small>
At a Glance
Very large. Tall, well-muscled build -- not burly or overly broad. Raven-black fur. Silver-tipped mane and shoulders. Fiery orange eyes. Protective, loyal, aggressive, fiercely competitive. Doesn't talk much.
Profile of Kaniq: Details
Kaniq is a very large wolf; he is extremely tall with an athletic, muscular build. He is not burly, heavyset, or overly broad like most of his family -- perhaps owing to his father's tall, scraggly, rangy physique. He is cloaked in thick fur of deepest, purest obsidian, its sleek blackness broken only by the silver-tipped guard hairs that fleck his mane, shoulders, and back, lending him a "frosty" look. His eyes are the sullen, smoldering orange of burning coals in the belly of a fire.
Protective, loyal, aggressive, and fiercely competitive. Respects females (it's a Tartok thing) but automatically goes into douche mode with males. Though he is an eloquent speaker he tends to be somewhat quiet, preferring to let his actions do the talking.
<i>"Atausriq"</i> means "one".<br>
<i>"Kaniq"</i> means "frost".<br><br>

As is the custom of all Tartok packs -- and indeed any normal wolf pack in the real world -- Kaniq's father had to fight for the right to breed with his mother. When Atuun came into season, four skilled, formidable males sought her affections, but only one would earn them. The fighting was fierce and savage, but brief -- in the end, Halifax was the victor. He won for himself not only a mate, but also the position of alpha male in the Anubivaalua pack. <br><br>

Halifax being the vagrant loner that he was, despite the glory of his position in the pack he did not stick around for long. It wasn't his way to put down roots and settle down. Before he left, however, he bred with and impregnated Atuun, who later bore a single, soot-grey son. As he was her first and only child at the time, she gave him the name "Atausriq", which means "one". Atausriq Tartok.<br><br>

The boy grew up in the savage, hard-knocks way any son of Tartok would. He learned how to fight, he learned the mechanics and strategies of war, he learned how to hunt and kill most efficiently, he learned how to track and stalk and run for days without stopping and assert himself over others and to memorize the lay of the lands. He learned how to be a Tartok wolf, a cut above all others. He learned how to be one who <i>deserved</i> to bear his family name.<br><br>

As he grew and matured, he developed a most curious attribute: pale silver tipped the guard hairs along his mane and over his shoulders and saddle area on his back, giving him a frosty look. Thus, his mother gave him the nickname "Kaniq" -- meaning "frost".<br><br>

When he approached his second year, news reached his pack of a fledgling band of Tartok wolves attempting to establish a new pack to the south (here in Glacier National Park). Since one of the main aspirations of Tartok wolves is to spread their name and conquer as many lands far and wide as possible, Kaniq's mother thought it would be best to send a few of her own southward to help ensure the success of her cousin Tonravik's new pack. Kaniq wished to accompany them, and Atuun agreed to allow it. Over the course of their lengthy journey, the small group became separated from one another, but ultimately Kaniq found his way by using the stars as his guide. In the early fall of 2013, he arrived at Glacier National Park and began the process of tracking down Tonravik...
Kaniq is the only son of <b>Atuun Tartok</b>, alpha female of the Anubivaalua clan of Tartok wolves, and the enigmatic wanderer known only by the name of <b>Halifax</b>. He has no littermates and no other siblings that he knows about. He has an enormously vast network of relatives through the Tartok and Kesuk families, but he only knows a small handful of them from his birth pack. The rest he is <i>aware</i> of, but does not know personally yet.
Profile of Kaniq: Additional Information
Registered on September 17, 2013, last visited December 18, 2013, 06:47 PM
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