Profile of Zaavier: Quick Facts
Played By: Amelia
Basic Info
Full Name: Zaavier Mirran Armanda
Subspecies: Northern Rocky Mountains Wolf
Sex: Male
Age: 3 (5 - 14 - 2013)
Birthplace: A place far, far away
At a Glance
Zaavier is a lean, sly wolf, a bit on the skinny side. It first glance, you would be able to see the slight ripple of his ribs and notice the bony personality if his legs, but his looks can trick you.

Profile of Zaavier: Details
Zaavier is your ordinary wolf with a reddish brown coat and black guard hairs. He is a light tan on his legs and darkens as it goes up, leaving his fur different shades of red, tawny and tan.

He has a lean build, but he is very muscular as well. His legs may be slinky and bony, but his haunches, shoulders, neck and jaws are extremely powerful. He is in the larger side, towering over the wolves of smaller size. He likes this, but sometimes his size gets in the way.

Torn up shoulder -- Fight with Gluskap, Later re-torn by Thuringwethil
Zaavier is a lier, prankster, and harsh. He tends to speak in more offensive language, but he can also be very kind and caring. He will be very protective to his pack and family, and perfers to stay away from making friends - more of acquaintances. He likes to joke around, but not to much. He tends to take things lightly, and he is easygoing, but he can also be loud, and in your face. Overall, Zaavier is a hard person to like, but if you push hard enough, you'll get to see the better side of him.
Zaavier does not like to speak of his past, for it is very painful for him to think about. His parents abandoned him when he was just old enough to fend for himself. However, he was still young and faced many hardships throughout his years.

He was abandoned with his cousin Laika, and the two pups looked after each other for one year, until a bear attack separated them. Zaavier believed the a bear killed his beloved cousin and he blames the whole species for her supposed death. Little does he know, she is a member of Silver Creek within the Teekon Wilds that he now lives in too.
Mother - Unknown
Father - Unknown
Cousin - Laika

Friends - none
Mate - none
Pack History
Lone wolf - until 4 - 24 - 16

- Theta - until 4 - 26 - 16
- Eta - until 4 - 27 - 16
- Zeta - until 5 - 8 - 16
- Epsilon - until 6 - 20 - 16
- Rank names changed - 6 - 20 - 16
- Deacon until 6 - 26 - 16
-Left Larksong Grotto

Lone Wolf - until present
Profile of Zaavier: Additional Information
Registered on April 23, 2016, last visited December 12, 2016, 09:51 PM
Art Credits
Zaavier's Signature
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