Profile of Tiarnán: Quick Facts
Played By: Java
Basic Info
Full Name: Tiarnán, son of Berach. [Teer-non]
Subspecies: Great Plains Wolf
Sex: Male
Age: 19 months / 1.6 years (November 2012)
Birthplace: Toraigh
At a Glance
A stick-legged and reedy creature that is made of mud and shadow, with hungry eyes constantly seeking things that others own.
Profile of Tiarnán: Details
Distinctly dark when first spotted, it is clear when approached that Tiarnán is not a pure black; his face and legs are very dark indeed, but the rest of him fades in to a ruddy chocolate, a mix of browns and reds. This <i>hood</i> marking flows from his face and down his spine, where it then creeps along his ribcage to form a dark ventral line as well. When the light hits him just right, his pelt is illuminated in crimson and deep streaks of fiery reds.
Contrary to the pallet of colors which usually coats the Great Plains Wolf, it is believed that he is a throwback to one of his godlike ancestors - and for this darkness he sports, Tiarnán has been granted quite a lot of leeway when it comes to his parents. They raised him with the beliefs of their ancestors. He is quite a flighty individual indeed, with barely any semblance of structure to his behavior. His whims drive him, and he is rather selfish and self-absorbed when confronted with strangers. Still, he means well - being raised in a good-natured place without too much struggle. Tiarnán often speaks his mind even when unprompted, and is known for letting his tongue wag when it really shouldn't. He is boisterous and keen for new experiences, as many youth are, but is curtailed by how harsh and hard the world truly is. With time he will most likely come to realize that things will not just be handed to him; that his status in his family pack does not apply outside of it. The poor thing has little common sense, but he will learn. He will have to.
Born as the third son to the Delta of Toraigh and raised with his parent's strong beliefs, it was only natural for him to follow the teachings and break away from Toraigh when the time was right. In his case, it was in the form of <b>Khatera</b>, a wandering girl who caught his fancy and wooed him from his home. Her flamboyance mirrored his own for a time; however, the girl's whimsical nature proved to separate them after a few playful weeks. In his foray away from Toraigh, the boy lost his way - and comes upon the Teekon Wilds.
Berach, son of Dalach, follower of Nechtan the river god.<br>
Chevonne, daughter of Gilroy, follower of Fuamnach the witch.<br>
Kyran (brother), Riordan (brother), Maura (sister).
Pack History
<b>Toraigh</b> &mdash; (Birth - January 2014.)<br><b>Lone Wolf</b> &mdash; (January 2014 - May 2014.)<br>
<b>Silvertip Mountain</b> &mdash; (May 2014 - June 2014.)<br>
<b>Lone Wolf</b> &mdash; (June 2014 - July 2014.)<br>
<b>Stavanger Bay</b> &mdash; (July 2014 - Present)
Profile of Tiarnán: Additional Information
Registered on March 29, 2014, last visited (Hidden)
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<b>Irish Mythos Beliefs:</b><br>
Muintir was the First One; the first living thing after the Great Flood, who crawled out of the river and laid claim to all the land. His many children went on to dominate the land while Muintir himself was challenged and defeated by Ciocal. It is said Ciocal's success marred the Muintir line with sickness; many of them were swept away by an ensuing plague.
Thirty years later, the ruler of the family Neimheadh took over the ruins. Neimheadh is said to have fought the gods themselves for his place upon the land. He killed their kings Gann and Sengann; but two more rulers rose up, Conand (son of Faebar), Morc (son sof Dela, leader of the Fir Bolg).
After Neimheadh's death, the gods took over and enslaved his family. They demanded blood tribute in the form of his children and grandchildren. An uprising occurred and Neimheadh's surviving line took over once more. They then encountered the Fir Bolg.

The next group to rise up were the Tuatha, which battled for control, and defeated the Fir Bolg - taking posession of a majority of the territories. They made an alliance with the gods, but then the god Bres overturned the alliegance and forced the Tuatha to work for them as slaves. When the slaves began to fight back, Bres chose the warmonger Balor to raise up his own force, and keep them in check.
While all of this troublesome warring went on, each group seeded with the other. The resulting relations between the Tuatha and the gods are ancestors to both, surviving to modern times. With control over the small territory of Toraigh.
<b>Tiarnán speaks Gaelic, and will need to learn the Common Tongue (English).</b>
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