Profile of Syrma: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Syrma Cambria
Subspecies: ½ Mexican Grey x ¼ Rocky Mountain x ¼ Eastern Timber Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 1 (June 30, 2019)
Birthplace: Whitefish River, Kintla Flatlands
Profile of Syrma: Details
Syrma is primarily a soft gray that darkens on her legs, eartips, and the bridge of her nose with very white cheeks, underbelly, and a small diamond between her bright yellow-gold eyes. She also has a faint smattering of freckles over her cheeks, courtesy her father. Still very much a young wolf, she is sometimes scrappy-looking and not all that big, but she does match her twin sister remarkably well.
She has a good sense of loyalty, and is devoted to her twin sister above all else--this bond is her primary motivation (and security) in a great many things. She can be a friendly, curious sort with a strong memory, and intuition to match, although sometimes her strongest emotions catch her up. Also, she has always seemed fond of the night.
After her mother was chased from the mountain her father reigned over to the riverside where their life could begin in peace, the bastard litter was born and nurtured comfortably in the pack called Kaistleoki. At the start of their first autumn, seismic disturbances began in the area, eventually forcing the pack to move to higher ground. There, they never truly felt contentment, and eventually returned to the river. When their first year neared, their mother eventually revealed the delicate nature of their parentage—specifically, the father they would never know and his family's violent manner.
Parents: Speedy Cambria ♀ × Charon Ostrega ♂✝
Littermates: Acheron ♂, Castor ♂, Spica
Half Siblings: Several
Pack History
Kaistleoki (06/30/2019 — 10/20/2020)
Lone Wolf (present)
Profile of Syrma: Additional Information
Registered on June 23, 2019, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
by florian
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