Profile of Iär'e: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Iär'e te Irathi Ìnìayp'ite Tipani Nolias
Subspecies: Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 3 years (2016)
Birthplace: Irathi lands
Profile of Iär'e: Details
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(inspired by this Norwegian forest cat)

"She wears darkness and strength equally well. The girl has always been half Goddess.."

An alkonost; diminutive and elven with the bearing of a lady yet edged like the chipped flint of a spear. There is something captivatingly sharp about this tribal beauty - perhaps the feline slant of her hellfire eyes, the predatory prowl of her gait, or even the peculiar grace of primivity murmuring beneath her composure.

Graced yet not quite hidden amongst volumes of wild, messy fur - not quite unkempt, for Tishinka values her cleanliness, but a few locs can be found matted within her soft tresses. Oft, one might spot some debris of the forest caught in this mane-like ruff.

An underbelly of snow is cloaked by a topside of cappucino and fawn, streaked by hues of silver ranging from dove to predawn. Patches of hazelnut and mocha, as well as fiery ginger, pattern the length of her spine much like calico raindrops.

Pools of aquamarine saltwater peer startlingly from beneath small, round ears and a plethora of scars (see Biography) taint an otherwise untamed, savage beauty.

Additionally, Iär'e sports a few ornamentations.
- Three crimson slash marks/scratches on left shoulder, given as a rite of passage in the Tipani.
- Small indigo dot between her eyes, the mark of a healer amongst the Omec Clans.

Ritualistic Scarification:
- A series of small, round scars rings the back of her ears. Symbolic of an Irathi prisoner.

- Two piercings in right ear, plugged with feather shafts.

- 2 ft at shoulder
- 2.8 ft long (discluding tail)
- 98 lbs

Pine, cedar, rainwater, sage, rosemary, lavender, earth, musk.

"..half Hell."
Tarot:The Empress | The High Priestess | Astrology: Gemini | Moon in: Virgo | Ascendant: Aquarius, Descendant: Leo | Ruled by: Mercury | Element: Air | Alignment: Chaotic Good "Rebel" | Temperance: I-S "The Relator" | Personality: Analyst: INTP-T "The Logician"


Born beneath the Dioscuri and the light of a full moon, within the first stroke of the Bewitching Hour, the namesake of the woodwitch and the daughter of the trailstalker was imprinted by this merge between days and worlds - fated, even, for the assemblance of stardust and peculiarities.

A bright child, she has matured into a woman of equal wit and wisdom. Silver-tongued, studious, and analytically intelligent - phenomenally so. This sharp mind is only one of many facets, an undercurrent in the river of layers flowing into the oceans of her depths, revealed upon prolonged contact with the Irathi; a focal characteristic often overshadowed by Zuzuhakte's ferality.

Though guarded and shuttered closed upon first encounter, she is quick to warm into a motherly caretaker and nurturing spirit. Organized and pristinely fastidious, the Logician is a homemaker and provider at heart - compassionate, just, and loyally devoted to the select few who hold her secretive heart.

Though raised in the Irathi culture, the shamanic warrior has since shunned her birthplace and all it once held; she is a Tipani in heart and soul, if not blood. As such, Iär'e claims Tipani culture and religion as her own. (see Additional Information below.)

(Just for fun!)
Hobbies: Sparring, exploring/patrolling, hunting, gathering/studying herbs and other plant life, observing wildlife, learning.
Interests: Birdwatching, fish, healing, tracking, strategy, games.
Favorites: Cute, smol fuzzies, BABIES, playing with kids, mentoring, swimming, stories, dancing.
Dislikes: Caves, storms, darkness, feeling out of control, feeling powerless/helpless, violent and abusive behavior or actions.
"I will sit side by side with you in the darkness."

Born Iär'e Nyeri of the Irathii tribe, to Íníayp'ite, the herbalist, and sired by Suräk, the hunter, she would know the rosy nostalgia of an average childhood - coddled and cherished as all babes are - for the first blessed moons of her life, raised at the growing hearth of her father, mother, and mamans. Yet, murmuring beneath the contentment of The People's society with malicious intentions, a seething poison was brewing. But a few months prior to her conception, an accident had shaken the foundation of her Clan's sanctuary: a boar hunt gone wrong that had left their beloved Chief out of commission and his ambitious daughter, Voír, to rule.

The newly appointed leader's reformation began slowly, gradually, so that in her early youth - when the Order of Darkbloods (a wicked and vile clustering built upon blackmail, deceit, and drugs) was introduced there was little cause for protest or discord - so well disguised their corruption was, so well-intending Voír's reasons. Much like the changes, the cult was integrated with care: her parents and guardians brainwashed, Iär'e given up for abuse and torment under the watchful eyes of those she'd once called family. Iär'e speaks little of what happened in the caves of Irathi but the taint remains: her flesh scarred with the violence of mutilation, torture, and even rape as if the graphic scenes were penned into her flesh by teeth and fang.

"I will hold your hand and listen as you tell me the things that have broken you."

A coalition of neighboring packs in the region was eventually formed, their concerns driven by the rumors and hearsay circulating. Iär'e was discovered and rescued in the raids that followed an ensuing battle, adopted by the Tipani warrior, Noalis, who rescued her.

Quote:"While they seem to be a very spiritual tribe, they are in fact cunning and highly dangerous in combat.

The Tipani clan is renowned among the region for its fierce warriors, skilled hunters and virtuous fighters. The clan's members rely heavily on their keen senses and predatory instincts for survival. Their statuesque presence, brute strength, astute sense of hearing and sharp eyesight enable the Tipani to walk the land without fear. Sure and light-footed, a Tipani goes easily undetected. The most experienced Tipani warrior can stalk their prey with such precision that the hunted scarcely realizes its danger before it is too late."

"I will brave those things with you and when I meet your eyes, come face to face with those things which make you human.."

In the Tipani lands, the Irathi grew into a woman under her new father's guidance - a warrioress of her own right, integrating well into the primitive, peaceful tribe. But the sudden death of her surrogate father sparked a desire to disperse, only cemented by a want to carve a life for herself (not to mention a dark secret): her reason for migrating south, to Teekon.

"..I will not flinch."
"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.."

Mother: Ìnìayp'ite
Step-mothers: Neenayt, Ää
Half-siblings: Prídä , T'set , Breíje
Father: Suräk

Adoptive Fathers: Nolias, Tyll
Adoptive Mothers: Ueyänì, Litayle, Ana'aayk
Adoptive Siblings: Izaay , Peäre , Erì , Läto , Elkomi (Ueyänì x Nolais x Tyll)

Ähotx , Ew'ilä (Litayle x Nolais x Tyll)

Tamzäi , Kati , Ipxsop (Ana'aayk x Nolais x Tyll)
Pack History
- child

- tishinka

Profile of Iär'e: Additional Information
Registered on August 28, 2019, last visited November 26, 2019, 06:25 AM
Tipani Info:
Quote:The largest of the Omec Clans; the Tipani are a fierce tribal people oft perceived as aggressive and feral due to their deep connection with the natural world and spartan society. They greet each other with eye contact and the word ezenisiri which literally translates to "with no concealed intentions or ambushes".

Deeply spiritual, their shamanic religion is founded in a basis of paganism and pertains to three main aspects: gyabire (the seat of intelligence, the brain), gyagbe (the seat of vitality, the heart), and gyarge (the house of emotion, the soul).

Although their society is essentially Neolithic, they have developed a vibrant, complex culture based on a profound spiritual connection to their world and its natural order, to one another, and to the deity they call Iio. They are superb artisans who celebrate the interconnectedness of nature through storytelling, song, dance and crafts.

The Tipani are highly social creatures with complex personal, family, and community relationship dynamics. They are polygamous, though usually mating for life - rearing their children together in one large, familial group. Strong social bonds determine the selection of mated pairs, and often social roles within the community are associated with the pairings. The most prominent example of this is that the Ditorro, or Clan Leader, is always paired with the Hagisi, or Shamanic Matriarch.

Social roles are not necessarily determined by gender. Females are known to be active hunters and clan leaders, while males often choose to focus on child rearing or core tasks, such as botany.

The arts are of vital importance in Tipani culture, with all individuals encouraged, even socially required, to be active in music, singing, storytelling, art, and dance.

The Tipani are generally not aggressive with each other, and have many strategies for conflict resolution, both within and between clans. However they are extremely fierce when provoked beyond the limits of these social limiters. War among clans is not unknown, especially when habitat changes rapidly, driving one clan into another’s territory, which can be triggered by stressors such as flooding, vulcanism etc. Tipani warfare is characterized by fierce fighting followed by immediate interactions to resolve conflict through bargaining and negotiation. Often religious ceremonies are involved in this, in which the ancestors and the Tipani diety are petitioned. Tipani warfare has never been observed to cause the unwarranted destruction of populations, as that is not the goal. The goal is to define the severity of the conflict and the worthiness of the combatants, relative to each other. Some researchers have gone so far as to call Tipani warfare “ritualistic”.
Art Credits
Iär'e's Signature
"She may be a beauty, but she is all savage." - j. iron word
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