Profile of Sprig Accorsi: Quick Facts
Sprig Accorsi
Played By: Bryndel
Basic Info
Full Name: Sprig Accorsi
Subspecies: Canis lupus lupus
Sex: Male
Age: 2 (Spring 2018)
Birthplace: Outside the Teekons
At a Glance
Tends to frenetically pace nervously to and fro. A cascading fur waterfall of gray and white whose elegance is interrupted by the seemingly permanently rumpled silhouette with somewhat random tufts of upruffled fur protruding. His frame is leggy and unimpressive, and his dark eyeshadow-like markings highlight golden-brown eyes with a haunted, harassed air to them.
Profile of Sprig Accorsi: Details
Seemingly permanently-mussed and slightly scruffy agouti fur is layered atop a lanky frame. His pelt shades dramatically from deep shades of charcoal down to white underparts, with occasional patches shading into dusky brown. He has particularly notable black “cateye” partial-circles around the outer corner of his golden-brown eyes, which help give him a permanently tired and harassed look.
His slight frame thwarts his efforts to beef himself up and attain a more impressive air. Hard to throw your weight around when you don't have much weight to throw, but he does try.
Bundle of nerves who usually tries to come off as more confident than he in fact is, with rather mixed results; as well as metaphorically will literally physically attempt to strike a pose and puff out his skinny chest. Something of a hypochondriac.
Profile of Sprig Accorsi: Additional Information
Registered on April 08, 2020, last visited August 17, 2020, 05:24 AM
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