Profile of Akai: Quick Facts
Played By: Kyzy
Basic Info
Full Name: Akai
Subspecies: Wolf
Sex: Male
Age: 4 (27/9/2016)
Birthplace: The Serpents River (unknown, but far)
At a Glance
White with grizzled scars particularly upon his broad muzzle, with dull gold eyes and a nicked ear. He has no real visible markings except for the silvering of his tail, and his paw pads are a deep brown speckled with lighter brown occasionally. Akai's claws are black, and his fur can he described as long-coated, whilst his build for a male is rather petite. Sometimes he can be caught with raven feathers against his fur, a tradition from somewhere far away.
Profile of Akai: Details
[Image: 5g2Oqxn.png]

”I work in the shadows so that others may revel in the starlight.”

”I leave no task unfinished.”

I. Positives include calm, decisive, forgiving, tender, empathetic, knowledgeable.

Akai is an amicable wolf that genuinely cares for those around him in his life, a wolf that will leap into danger for those who need him and a wolf that will listen without a sound to those who wish to cry in the company of one who will not judge. It would be easy to call the canine emotional; despite his stony facade it is clear that within his heart there is a storm that must be tamed in every situation, and it shines like fire in his eyes.
II. Neutral traits include stoic, watchful, quiet, intimidating, strange.

A defining trait of Akai’s is his ability to be straight faced almost ninety percent of the time that he is anyone's vision, completely straight faced save for the most minute beginnings of emotions that play upon his muzzle from time to time. To some wolves this tends to raise suspicion, and others conjure up thoughts of heartless-ness, but he almost never hides any bad intent. Burned from the past and knowing that being emotionally distant is the key to saving his sanity, to most Akai remains distant… but loving when close.
III. Negative traits include being dismissive, hard-headed, stressed, overbearingly protective.

When Akai thinks he is right he is right. It is not often he refuses to budge on subjects (without evidence), but he can be stern when he needs to be and occasionally is known to be a little hard-headed when approaching subjects that require a tad more tact. Though he is a clever wolf, Akai can sometimes run away with his emotions, letting his heart rule his head with such strength that he will make decisions based solely on how something makes him feel over what is the most logical option.

code by ares
[Image: 25URd1X.jpg]
“You must take what life gives in your stride.”
Toyhouse gallery.
Tales told of a full moon’s light birthing blood in the eye of the Serpents river; what foolishness was that… a tale for old yowling beasts.

As a child, Akai and his small family often dwindled by the shore of the slow moving river, rich in fish and cold from the glacier runnings. They thrived and grew upon its banks, danced about the short-grass at its flanks and watched the stars climb to the heavens every night… and life was filled with the mirthful laugh of his beautiful mother, Karoi. He would never believe that that same river would betray his family in winter. The white wolf Akai watched, jaws clattering against each other, as that smiling mother bore bubbles to its icy surface and slipped quietly against the black below. Never before had the ice been that thin… never before had their beloved river caused them such pain. The Serpent had bore its fangs against its own.

With half of his heart gone, Iane (their father) strayed from those one glittering banks for the whispers of his lost love, one day becoming so deep with anguish that his daughter and son had clasped their teeth against his pelt to drag him away from a patch in the moonlight, a curious patch that shimmered pink. New blood? Some creature lost to the same fate…? Hysterical he ran into the black, and disappearing from their den Iane stole away into the frost and never returned.

Beside him slept Sakari, a child like he, of moonlight and snowfall, and the two wolves wept as one. First their mother, then their father, and now the river ran deeper than ever as their strength in the winter waned. Too young to tackle big game alone and too inexperienced to snap at anything but minnows, Akai watched as Sakari and he became thin and brittle in the cold. He would not let her die. Not like the others. When the full moon rose and the Serpent river, in all its winding length, bore red in the star-light the white wolf tiptoed across the ice towards the rose-water, and in desperation leaped into depths.

A single crack beneath his claws.

Would he become the blood blooming under the full moon?! No, he struggled and snapped and charged across the ice with coldness biting his bones in a fit of hysteria, immediately awaking his sister. At the shoreline she stood with tears springing to her eyes, erupting into her own fit of agony as she couldn’t bear to watch her last family member die such a horrible fate. Crazed, she burst from the shadows, turned tail and fled-- just as Akai was dragging himself ashore.

“I’m not dead,” He breathed white, body shaking; only half of it had gotten wet. If he hunkered down and groomed perhaps warmth would return to him-- but another opportunity arose to get his heart racing. Sakari had /fled/. With all the strength he could muster the wolf limped, trotted, and then /ran/ after the fast disappearing tracks in the newly falling snow, but the only sound that ever reached his ears was his own dismal huffing.

He was alone.

Akai immediately went on a quest to find his sister, leaving the only place he had ever known behind. With him he took a plight shackled by determination, and a strength locked away by steel-yness. The white wolf became a wanderer, known to none, suspicious of all. He killed for his sake, and he bled for his mistakes; he wept for the lost and found scars to no longer be suitable company. More and more, as the days bore on, his own loneliness became a staple of his life.

Unused to the company of others, Akai strives to find a place he belongs… and hopes, while he waits, that his sisters voice will be heard on the wind.

Any lore for the years after this have been hidden for story purposes. Wolves that are close to his heart will know the rest of this story, and they alone.

code by ares
Minah - (Rabbit- Nickname) Adoptive daughter, whom he rescued from a fire.
Kali - (Hare - Nickname) Adoptive daughter, whom he encountered in a storm.
Pack History
Once born into a small family unit, Akai has no real understanding of pack life, as he has only ever been outcast-ed in every pack he has tried to join.
Profile of Akai: Additional Information
Registered on October 08, 2020, last visited December 29, 2020, 06:41 PM
[ ] - Talks to birds.
[ ] - Believes in myths.
[ ] - Is looking for his sister.
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