Profile of Davri: Quick Facts
Played By: Anonymous
Basic Info
Full Name: Davri
Subspecies: Coyote
Sex: Female
Age: 4 (August 2016)
Birthplace: Ashefa Narrows
At a Glance
Twenty-four inches of grizzle on stilts.
Profile of Davri: Details
[Image: transparent]

subservient / covetous / brazen / solitary

Mixed hungers cross her face, at once appreciating one's conformation while looking for a taut hamstring with which to floss. A gaze which hums, anticipatory, set in to a gaunt face that sparks of violet if the light is right. She never looks you in the eye, not really. Her gaze wanders to the thickest parts of you first - then the legs, the supple belly, knowing how easily it tears.
Vorsakhi , Kendri .
Filko , Lanat , Thirro .
Pack History
Ashefa Narrows Tribe August 2016—September 2020.
A place where wolves are dominant.
Profile of Davri: Additional Information
Registered on October 19, 2020, last visited October 21, 2020, 12:06 PM
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