Profile of Jupiter: Quick Facts
Played By: Bo
Basic Info
Full Name: Jupiter Redleaf-DiSarinno
Subspecies: Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 2 (March of 2018)
Birthplace: South of the Teekon Wilds
At a Glance
A large beast with broad shoulders and a thick frame. Jupiter surprisingly takes after her father in size and shape but her older sister Maia in coloration. They share a coat pattern that almost matches, but Jupiter has found a fair share more of the peach-tan coloring - this paints her underbelly and chest. Both of her eyes gleam like silver starlight.
Profile of Jupiter: Details
A rough and tumble woman with a large frame and a burly build, Jupiter looks more akin to a gladiator in her prime. She stands with broad shoulders and a thick frame, and the young girl isn't hesitant to throw that weight around. She has strikingly jovial features with a firm brow and a wide, toothy smile that fades into a crooked smirk in her relaxed state. Already the young girl has earned a nice scar on the left side of her neck near her shoulder - a blemish no more than three inches in length but worn with pride.

Jupiter is almost a mirage of her older sister Maia, but she deviates in one way. Her frame is cloaked in a dark slate color and dappled with darker grey along her back. Beneath her chin is a streak of ghostly silver - pale as the moon - that starts her undercoat. Once at her chest, there is a soft peachy-tan coloring that dapples in with the silver and covers her undersides. Her eyes are the color of starlight.
Thunderous in size and personality, Jupiter is a warrior. She takes pride in her physical prowess and her ability to throw her weight around to cause damage to her opponents. She's fierce and independent in her thoughts, taking very little shit from those who try to dissuade her, but also possessing the ability to be understanding and warm. Jupiter is joyous and eager, willing to learn things from anyone who might know more than she does. Her goal is simple: to become the best.
Jupiter grew up alongside her siblings not really having known their parents. Dante was ill throughout their very early childhood, but he was ever present for his children and did all that he could to be there for them. Jupiter has more memories of Dante than Osprey, but occasionally has found herself struck with a memory she had let slip of her mother.

After the passing of their parents, Jupiter and her siblings were raised and tended to by Cass and Coriander, their older siblings. Jupiter was a determined young girl from a very young age and dedicated herself to the family as well as she could before the call of the unknown pulled her from them and cast her out into the world. Her first stop: the Teekon Wilds.
Mother: Osprey
Father: Dante
Siblings: Maia, Cassie, Coriander, Terance, Sarah, Wraen
Littermates: Janus and Junona
Profile of Jupiter: Additional Information
Registered on December 02, 2020, last visited January 15, 2021, 12:00 AM
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