Profile of Euros: Quick Facts
Played By: daddy kite
Marked Away: Busy on weekdays, so most replies may be delayed to weekends.
December 21, 2020 — Unknown
Basic Info
Full Name: Euros Vael
Subspecies: 25% Arctic, 25% Mackenzie Valley, 25% Mexican, 12.5% Coastal, 12.5% Coyote
Sex: Male
Age: 1.2 Years (Oct 2019)
Birthplace: Outside Teekon
At a Glance
Profile of Euros: Details
[Image: eurospng.png]

He is swathed in the crepuscular hues of tarmac and mauve, a man birthed in the abysmal sludges from which his lineage crawls like parasites from calescent corpses. In his sockets, the wine of his mother's blood writhes, crimson pools peaking from inky furs; upon his brow, a black heart-shape neatly sits, his crown adorned in horn-like ears, malformed cartilage from a incestual pedigree curling them into angular tips. His mixed heritage has formed an amalgamation of physical manifestations to blend seamlessly upon his frame; tall and lean, agility graced in his coyote bastardization, while a thick thatch cloaks his neck and bristles upon his shoulder. His tail is long, fluffy, an aide in the inherited agility; a man made for athleticism and not the caustic throes of battle. A show horse galloping regally – or slinking with viperish malevolence.

[Image: eurospng2.png]
A mirror cracked in twain, he is trapped in the inescapable tides of his warped psyche. An upbringing of depraved and debauched circumstances coupled with a a traumatic catalyst has left a man with a bisected brain. His base personality is an endearing individual; motherly, compassionate, kind, nurturing and philosophical. The stygian beast which dwells within is depraved, sadistic and an unyielding force of malignancy. While the base is unaware of his alter, the alter is completely conscious of the carcass he possesses – and delights in his ruination. An angel in an endless plight to defeat the demon of his own manufactured hell.

base voice:sasori | alter voice:kakuzu
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Profile of Euros: Additional Information
Registered on December 04, 2020, last visited February 16, 2021, 12:08 PM
Euros is a mature character. By roleplaying with this character, you consent to the possibility of gross/explicit themes.
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