Profile of Saige: Quick Facts
Played By: Stevie
Basic Info
Full Name: Saige Cinderloch
Subspecies: Mexican Wolf Mix
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Age: 2 (January 23, 2019)
Birthplace: Sablemoon Forest
At a Glance
Lithe and graceful, but fierce. Tall, wrapped in red, gold and brown with silver eyes.
Profile of Saige: Details
Saige is tall for her species, well-built and sturdy, but not at the sacrifice of her femininity. She is lithe and moves with grace and confidence. Her athletic frame is wrapped in a riot of reds and golds with ribbons of dark sienna woven throughout. Her eyes are a sharp silver and glint with a cool, contained ferocity, and when she speaks, she does so with a hint of the Spanish tongue she inherited from her mother.
In spite of her deeply spiritual upbringing, Saige has a very black-and-white view of the world. She is blunt, sarcastic and often comes across as disinterested. She approaches all problems with cool logic, considering things such as intuition or feelings to be useless. She is a warrior and a soldier--clever, competent and as uncompromising as the blade of a knife once her intentions are set.
Saige was born to the druids of Sablemoon Forest to a high-ranking male of the community and his Spanish mate. From an early age, it was clear that she didn't buy into the spirituality that permeated the pack. Though it made her a disappointment to her family and an outcast, this didn't bother the independent young wolf in the least. She'd never struggled for acceptance with the two older brothers who most shaped her personality and passion for fighting, thus she grew up wanting nothing and giving zero fucks for the approval of others. When she was old enough to survive on her own, she bid the druids farewell and set out to carve out her own path in the world.
Mother: Celia Volvados
Father: Kyler Cinderloch
Littermates: None
Older Half-Siblings: Brennan & Mathias | 2017
Pack History
Sablemoon Forest: January 2019 - June 2020
Lone Wolf: June 2020 - Current
Profile of Saige: Additional Information
Registered on March 28, 2021, last visited September 13, 2023, 08:17 AM
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