Profile of Rihannsu: Quick Facts
Played By: Pax
Basic Info
Full Name: Rihannsu
Tria Nomina: Romulus Albus Maurus
Subspecies: Canis lupus italicus* transplanted small pop. for study in the 80s, now flourishing in Manitoba.
Size: Medium, Muscular
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 4 (August 2016)
Birthplace: Pax Albus, Manitoba
Profile of Rihannsu: Details
27" to shoulder, ~80lbs when well fed.
Year-round grey-fulvous coat that turns more ginger in the warm months.
Black-tipped guard hairs, banding to shoulders, ribs, tail.
Beige-white cheeks, throat, undersides.
Coat ill-suited to the winter months.
Pale green-hazel eyes.
Selfish, imperial, sexist, malicious, patronizing, spoilt, prideful.
The first-born son of a senator. Romulus grew up as the center of the universe and as such, loathed his younger siblings; believing they were placed upon the earth to detract attention from himself. The sentiment grew to encompass his mother, who was not viewed with great regard by the society around him, and so he was not admonished for his contemptible attitude towards her or the children she bore. After various failed attempts to demonize, harangue, or outright murder his siblings, his father had him enlisted for the local war effort. Romulus saw this act as a great blessing -- the pinnacle of his father's love for him -- and invested all his time and effort in bettering himself for combat, so as to make his father proud and outclass those that came after him. By the time he had finally trained to the point of acceptance among the centurions, however, the war had ended and the legion was split apart, allocated to other work. Romulus did not get a chance to see true combat. The shame this brought to him was immense, and it fueled his dispersal from his father's land.
Pater: Titus Axius Albus
Mater: Vedia Corvina Maurus
Fratrem: Drusus Albus Maurus, Tiberia Corvina Maurus, Marcellus Albus Maurus, Sisenna Albus Maurus, Gaius Albus Maurus.
Pack History
Pax Albus
Profile of Rihannsu: Additional Information
Registered on July 16, 2021, last visited August 02, 2021, 09:46 PM
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