Profile of Rosenskärm: Quick Facts
Played By: Nordli
Basic Info
Full Name: Rosenskärm från Myskgräs
Subspecies: Wolf
Size: Small, Lanky
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Age: 2 (September 20th, 2019)
Birthplace: Rumsmälva (Myskgräs)
At a Glance
Profile of Rosenskärm: Details

A small and spritely boy. He wears a coat that is light on eumelanin, making him closer to silver-blond, with the slightest toasted notes to the crown of his head, his neck furs, and top line. The fur hangs in wisps like smoke. His eyes are a plum-heavy brown.


The son of a highly esteemed sjukvårdare father, but more importantly a mother whose ties to the stjärn has always been of utmost importance. Rosenskärm was divided on his loyalties from a young age; seeking of course to honor his far, but knowing his heart lay where his mor and preceding mormor had already gone. He turned to the work of stjärnvakt with their prompting and as a result, lost all ties to Mjukdån.
Rosenskärm's studies of the sky have brought him far from home.


mormor Gukjavle
mor Strandmolke nee Kvitravn
far Mjukdån
bror Ängskorn


Pack History

R U M S M Ä L V A ( barn, lärling, sjukvårdare, stjärnvakt. )
S K I N G R A ( dispersal wolf )

Profile of Rosenskärm: Additional Information
Registered on May 30, 2022, last visited September 14, 2022, 02:03 PM
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