Profile of Dusty Rose: Quick Facts
Dusty Rose
Mate to Reverie
Played By: mixedhearts
Basic Info
Full Name: Dusty Rose Medeiros
Subspecies: Coywolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 3.5 (4/01/2021)
Birthplace: The Red Desert
At a Glance
A mousy coywolf with rust-red points. Deep blue eyes. Snipey yote nose. Very large ears. There's a look on his face that says, Yes, actually, I do know I'm adorable.
Profile of Dusty Rose: Details
Dusty is gray. His parents liked to describe this color, quite poetically, as rose gold or champagne or any number of embarrassingly doting descriptors. But no matter how well you tried to dress it up, he was gray. Grayish-brown, at best. And yes, there was some red in there, up his thin legs and on his snipey nose and backing both his satellite-dish ears. Rusty was a good word for that color.

His parents didn't think much of it.

At the venerable age of two-point-five, he's streamlined and whiplike. A middling example of a wolf. Or, as his parents might say, a strapping Adonis of a coyote.
Earnest and polite, but perpetually wrong-footed. The poster child for separation anxiety. He's been raised to believe that everyone is deserving of kindness until proven otherwise — and that he most especially deserved to be well loved and well treated.

[Image: 5241e197-15a4-40d6-a5e7-df2c7429ae80_drosesketchy1.png]
Dusty was born to a loving mother and a highly absent, slightly insane father. Normal kid, right? But, before he'd even opened his eyes, he was stolen away by said father and presented to said father's clandestine lover, who was also slightly insane.

And slightly stupid, too, because when said father claimed to have given birth to this tiny, sightless creature and that said clandestine lover was the father, he believed him.

So Dusty grew up with two fathers. Or two mothers? He's not sure. No one's really sure. And, as much as he loves his family, he's learned it's best not to try and explain.
Mate: Reverie
Children: Blossom, Foxglove, Dahlia, Petal
Step-Daughter: Blossom

Sire: "flower eater" "baby" (insane coyote man)
Dam: Arroyo (unfortunate wolf mother)
"Dad": Bourbon (flower eater's coywolf OTP)

Siblings: Lonesome Dove, Blood Meridian, Slow West, Scarlett, Wildflower (was eaten), Absaroka, Anza Borrego, Old Hickory
Profile of Dusty Rose: Additional Information
Registered on September 18, 2022, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
Avatar/Appearance: / mixedhearts
At-a-Glance: Musetorment
Dusty Rose's Signature
* Dusty is a little shit who is always up in people's business. Feel free to bite him and inflict minor injuries without asking permission.
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