Profile of Banesteppe: Quick Facts

Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Banesteppe
Subspecies: 30% Mexican Wolf | 50% Mackenzie Valley Wolf | 20% Unknown Dog Heritage
Size: Gigantic, Muscular
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 2 (January 16, 2021)
Birthplace: Not in the Teekon
Subspecies: 30% Mexican Wolf | 50% Mackenzie Valley Wolf | 20% Unknown Dog Heritage
Size: Gigantic, Muscular
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 2 (January 16, 2021)
Birthplace: Not in the Teekon
Profile of Banesteppe: Details
Gigantic, muscular.
36 inches at the shoulder.
Towering high over many, but usually hunched over like the slithering, conniving man he’s usually known to be, Banesteppe is an extremely large wolf thick with heavily corded muscle. His pelt his mostly made up of deep browns and a lighter coffee colored tan. A black mask accents his muzzle and cheeks, and on the sides of his face, it curves wickedly towards his ears in a sadistic imitation of a smile. The edges of said ears are serrated, as if they’d been cut and bitten, making them appear scarred and creepily pointed. The tips of his ears also curl inward towards the tips, appearing as if he has the horns of the devil as well.
His eyes, as red as freshly spilt blood — bright and vicious. They hold no emotion besides an undying hatred for life — his own and others — and a never ending desire to satiate that void with death and blood.
His fangs are long, almost jutting from his lips — always ready to rip and tear. His tongue and gums are black-purple, like the true demon he’s born to be.
Lastly, two tear drop like scars from his bottom eyelids slip down his cheeks, and end on his chin. The scars always seem red or irritated, making it appear as if he is constantly crying bloody, never ending tears.
Chaotic Evil
A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse.Theme 1 | Mind Games by Sidekick
Life was never kind to him, so why should he show the same gratitude. With a harsh childhood full of painful training and torture, all the way up until adulthood, he endured many horrible and wretched things.
Therefore, he does not show mercy to anyone who deserves it and even less to those who don’t.
Never hesitating to bite first and ask questions never, he is a silent, brooding type and will snap and growl at any who attempts to get to know him (or even looks at him funny). With a dominant personality, he doesn’t take kindly to being told what to do or getting bossed around. He does not have friends, he does not have family, and he holds no oaths or honor. Anything is free game for him and he will not hesitate to bite the hand that feeds him — treason and betrayal is just another notch in the bedpost of life. Better not get too comfortable.
Two tear drop scars under his eyes that end at his chin/jaw. They always seem red and irritated.
Bad! Has a lot of random sores and bite marks from himself all over the place.
Profile of Banesteppe: Additional Information
Registered on January 16, 2023, last visited January 26, 2023, 06:28 PM
Banesteppe is a mature character and is meant for mature audiences due to his orientation with violent and sexual themes. He will have a slough of disorders both mental and physical, if such matters make you uncomfortable please refrain from threading with him. <3
If you are planning on threading with him and are strongly against some of the warnings above please pm me. For he will be played as so until specified otherwise.
He’s a very sadistic, disgusting, and bad man! I do not condone/support/believe in anything he does or says.
• Banesteppe hardly ever speaks common, but is known to speak his native language of Spanish. When he does speak common, his accent is thick and rolling, rasping and deep.
• He sleeps easy knowing that he’s the cause of many unjust deaths and nightmares for those who experienced them. He has zero sympathy for anyone — not even himself.
• Has psychopathic tendencies, lacks empathy, and is constantly irritable. Doesn’t have the ability to feel embarrassed, sad, or happy (or so he thinks).
• Stubborn. Will probably die (or off himself) before he asks for help of any kind.
• Constantly mutilates himself. Chews bald spots in his fur occasionally until he’s raw, bites himself until he bleeds (sometimes even leaves puncture wounds), constantly seeks out pain. Feels uncomfortable in his own skin — like millions of bugs constantly skittering around beneath it.
• Fur is coarse and thick, almost wiry. Doesn’t groom himself and rolls in everything he kills — is usually coated in blood (either something else’s or his own) leaving his fur crusty. Is usually dirty and smells like blood, musk, and a natural forested scent that occasionally smells smokey.
• Could appear rabid! His movements are jerky instead of being fluid. His ears twitch a lot and usually always has miscellaneous wounds on him, either from himself or something else.
• Though he has a snake-like tongue in some of his art, he does not have it in game. It’s just a regular dog tongue lol
Thread Titles From “Mind Games” By Sidekick
Base: 0/5
Warrior: 0/10
Guardian: 0/10
Tactician: 0/10
Master Warrior: 0/20
Master Guardian: 0/20
Master Tactician: 0/20
For detailed info visit Banesteppe’s Trade Log.
Not in game yet!
None yet!
None yet!
Art Credits
Banesteppe's Signature
Oh — he’s sick-sick. Destructive, deranged, and dead. But somehow still alive…
”Common” ”Spanish”
”Common” ”Spanish”
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