Profile of Satakhetem: Quick Facts
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Basic Info
Full Name: Satakhetem
Praenomen: Anerenrut-teshur
Horus Name: Reka-khenti-anemakhet
Subspecies: Mixed
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Female
Age: 0 (7.25.24)
Birthplace: Lion's Head Mesa
Praenomen: Anerenrut-teshur
Horus Name: Reka-khenti-anemakhet
Subspecies: Mixed
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Female
Age: 0 (7.25.24)
Birthplace: Lion's Head Mesa
NPC Guidelines
pup npc
At a Glance
"Beloved of Ra / Daughter of the Black Horizon." [Name comes from the name of goddess Anqet, as well as words of power.]
"To soar above Red Stone."
"Burning, fiery / gazelle God / of the Horizon."
Profile of Satakhetem: Details
Night-shrouded; sand-kissed.
Shadow-form of the Semer-wati,
the aureate glow of Pharaoh's golds.
Kohl-lined blue eyes.
Shadow-form of the Semer-wati,
the aureate glow of Pharaoh's golds.
Kohl-lined blue eyes.
Pack History
Akashingo (july 2024—present.)
Profile of Satakhetem: Additional Information
Registered on May 24, 2024, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
reference, avatar etc by tazi; header by claudio testa, unsplash; photo avatar originally by hunter masters, unsplash, edits by me.