Profile of Adalynn: Quick Facts
Bearclaw Valley Spike
Played By: bon
Basic Info
Full Name: adalynn bearclaw
Subspecies: mixed (75% arctic, 20% gray, 5% coyote)
Size: Medium, Lanky
Sex: Female
Gender: cis
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 0.8 (06.05.2024)
Birthplace: bearclaw valley
At a Glance
[Image: 9b4e86adce82bee96ec3869f99534cf9.gif]
Profile of Adalynn: Details
[Image: 95208791_qPyQY0AHkaFXGpg.png]


once a fat little ball of silky blacks and silvers and with her small ears, adalynn is very bearlike. now, she grows into adulthood and takes on a thicker coat with a slightly larger than average build. sharp icy blue eyes remained from childhood, which sometimes makes it harder for her to see in the day and can give her a migraine. her underbelly darkens as the soon-to-be yearling sheds the last of her puppy coat. unknown to her, the silver princess closely resembles her paternal grandfather issorartuyok.

adalynn likes to decorate herself with little flowers she finds in the valley of her home, preferring blue flowers because they match her eyes. she can be self-conscious about her appearance, and avoids fighting only to avoid any scarring to herself.

art reflects fully grown appearance, as a yearling she is lankier

ever since puphood adalynn was a reserved girl. though occasionally joining in on roughhousing with her sisters, she preferred to sit by and watch or explore the valley she was born to. despite her seemingly quiet nature, she hides a rebelliousness, and has an insatiable curiosity. she prefers going at her own pace, and doesn't appreciate any changes along the way. still, she believes heavily in what she is told, and can be swayed rather easily despite her insistence to the contrary. the girl wishes to be brighter and more graceful than her family, but struggles with it.

born on june 5th, 2024 to ameline and ancelin, adalynn is the second in the litter losing first to avalita but beating andrelia and athella. however, she made sure to be the first to open her eyes, and adopted a near protective role over her sisters by playing the mature, "adult", silver princess.
mother: ameline
father: ancelin
littermates: avalita, andrelia, athella
siblings: athalia & amneris (adopted)

has extended relations through both maternal and paternal bloodlines
Pack History
BEARCLAWpup [06.05.2024 — current]
Profile of Adalynn: Additional Information
Registered on May 30, 2024, last visited (Hidden)
— trades in naturalist, spiritualist

— profile will be updated frequently as she grows, archives will be kept on her pawprints after a significant change.
— conception:
— birth:

Art Credits
original design by twin
photographer by unknown; edited by myself
appearance art by myself.
Attached Accounts
Player Notes


i'd prefer to plot oocly, so please contact yuriphobia on discord if you ever want to plot something between you and me. im open to just about anything, just lmk if you have something interesting! if you find our characters have an interesting dynamic icly though, then lmk too!

i'm generally still figuring out my writing style, so forgive any mistakes and sorry if my writing is not exactly up to par. length of posts always varies widely.

while i try to be active, i will have moments where i just cannot be as active as i can for whatever reason. i will try to mitigate this as much as possible, and will respond but you may notice that certain times i will respond quickly then others take several weeks to respond. it all depends on the level of muse i have.

my main girl is currently racharra as shes the one i have the most muse for!

my rpg rating is 3-3-3, i prefer mature subject matter in my roleplays. though some characters are more often explicit than others. these will be tagged accordingly in their signatures.

for more info about my OOC terms, please visit my ooc account — bon
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