Profile of Burdock: Quick Facts
Swiftcurrent Creek NPC
Played By: Me
Basic Info
Full Name: Burdock
Subspecies: Mixed
Size: Medium, Stocky
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Age: 0 (12th June)
Birthplace: Swiftcurrent creek
At a Glance
At the moment Burdock is a round, black, fluffy potato.
Profile of Burdock: Details
Pitch black furball, who will grow into a short-legged, stocky boy. Inherited white circle around his left eye from his father.
As an infant - happy to eat and sleep and not make much of a fuss.
Personality will develop as he grows up and will be influenced by the events that happen in his life. However, his general demeanor will be very good-natured and cheerful. A little dense at times and not being able to pick up social cues right away.
Currently a newborn with no other mighty career aspiration than having a belly full of milk and the warmest spot by his mother's side.
Born to Arlette ( and Arric ( in Swiftcurrent creek on 12th June. Shares the milk tank with three other potatos - Violet, Juniper and Buckthorn.
Pack History
Puppy in Swiftcurrent creek.
Profile of Burdock: Additional Information
Registered on June 12, 2024, last visited January 09, 2025, 01:43 PM
Art Credits
Base - Srynix on DA.
Colours and design - Mar
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