Profile of Juárez: Quick Facts
Played By: Teo
Basic Info
Full Name: Juárez de Toro
Subspecies: Coywolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Age: 4 (January 3, 2020)
Birthplace: Guanajuato
At a Glance

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Character is rated M+. His threads may contain content that is not suitable for all audiences. I will seek consent to engage in certain plots or actions before taking them. Please do the same when threading with Juárez.
Profile of Juárez: Details
Likened to a jaguar, Juárez lacks only the characteristic spots of the feline. His fur is rich and handsome, cloaked in an auburn-gold cape that drapes his top half and a soft creamy underside. On his back are flecks of black fur, trailing the length of him to the end of his black-tipped tail. Medium in build and sculpted with lean muscle. Juárez most distinct features are the maroon of his eyes and a jagged face scar. The scar has left several of his teeth permanently exposed, cutting through his lip and stretching up his cheek.
Wicked, devious, dogmatic, alluring.

Not much is known about Juárez true nature. He tends to act in ways that only favor him and his goals. Selfish, unpredictable, and abusive, Juárez has never been known as a man of peace. Though his faults are many, he is an undeniably gifted salesman. He abuses the dependency of others to suit his needs. From a young age, Juárez took an interest in plants and herbs. He is known to carry and distribute dangerous substances to spur addiction in others.
Born to Saltillo and Zemora in the warm of Mexico. Juárez has one younger brother named Soto.
Profile of Juárez: Additional Information
Registered on June 22, 2024, last visited October 04, 2024, 04:40 PM

Juárez is a mature character. His themes are based lightly on Mexican drug cartels. He carries and distributes addictive herbs. If you would like to plot with him, please feel free to reach out!

Juárez speaks Spanish and English. His English is heavily accented but fluent.
Art Credits
Lauren (Val) <3
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