Profile of Asklepios: Quick Facts
Played By: box
Basic Info
Full Name: Asklepios
Subspecies: mackenzie valley wolf mix
Size: Medium, Lanky
Sex: Male
Gender: masc
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 2 (may 15, 2022)
Birthplace: arcadia isle
Profile of Asklepios: Details

takes after a brambling in appearance. browns, a sharp red chest, grey nape, black ticking, a black face. white hindquarters. golden eyes. pretty, slender.

wears several scars on his shoulders, hidden by fur, to mark his allegiance to his old healers unit.
primed by war, asklepios is a relentless healer often accompanied by the attitude of a wolverine. sports a face often neutral, or creased in negatives. the very definition of resting bitch face.

refuses to be close to anyone, even far away from the war that took everything.
grew up under the tyrannical fist of a child king, who waged war for fun. became part of a unit of unaffiliated healers. healers were murdered in their beds to prove a point, with asklepios barely escaping with his life.
left behind
Pack History
medical unit, disbanded via death
Profile of Asklepios: Additional Information
Registered on July 30, 2024, last visited August 05, 2024, 11:40 AM
Art Credits
design and appearance art by box
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