Profile of Frederick: Quick Facts
Played By: Skrimble
Basic Info
Full Name: Frederick Alban
Subspecies: Candian Timber Wolf
Size: Gigantic, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 3 (19th of April, 2021)
Birthplace: Canadian Tundra
At a Glance
Hulking mass of differentiating shades of ivory. Seaglass eyes and a scar that cuts across his left brow-bone. Another closer to the base of his tail. Incredibly fluffy--almost silky. Stoic-looking by default — wears a deer-hide necklace.
Profile of Frederick: Details
[Image: 5oWzOF3.png]

A massive figure, towering at 34" at the withers, swathed in a coat of pearly white fur. Fading at the tips to a deeper, greyer hue. Pink-skinned, similarly proven by a pale scar across his left brow, and another on his back, near his tail. Creamy underbelly. Light blue-green eyes, permanently smoldering.
ISTP-A | virtuoso
neutral good
adaptable · independent · spontaneous

Frederick, a loner who prefers seclusion rather than a bustling crowd, is a quiet man. He speaks in a low hum, and his phlegmatic exterior tends to hide his inner quirks. He takes a while to open up, using his learnt charisma to keep a light conversation flowing without letting it dip into anything deeper. However, digging deeper, his life, his reasoning and his "morals" are based on commonly known facts rather than emotional values. Though he doesn't struggle to understand the feelings of others, he oftentimes struggles to understand and communicate his own, ultimately adding to his quiet demeanor.

As a procrastinator, he and deadlines don't typically mix well. Frederick finds his motivations in small bursts, preferring to work spontaneously, quickly, rather than dragging his efforts out over a long period of time. Should he put too much effort into something all at once, he finds himself burnt out (which is often). Similarly, he doesn't enjoy working in team-based activities, instead using his independence to fuel his creativity. He believes that if he disallows himself from relying on anyone, he'll be forced to come up with solutions on his own, stopping him from getting "mentally lazy."

He is warm, gentle, compassionate towards those he cares for.

[Image: kBRbft2.png]

TW for Child Death

0-6 months:

A white, fuzzy ball, wriggling and whining, desperate for food. Squirming against siblings, all their colours, a blur to watery eyes. The cries of his mother when one fell still. The smell of carnations, red. Moving dens. Frederick grew with little memory of the one that was left behind. Eventually, they moved from their cold, stoney den to the plains, where caribou roamed, and Frederick was taught how to watch the herds. In preparation of teaching his children how to hunt, their father, along with Fredericks uncles, aunts, went after one of the herds. In spring, when the flowers bloomed, the calves were born. Two were brought home, though not without injury. That was the first time Frederick had seen his father bruised.

1-2 years:

Frederick, his father, and Fredericks only littermate that survived through the winter, Adrian, followed after a caribou herd, watching, observing them. They were tense, nervous, for they had lost a female and her calf two moons ago. However, his father, in a moment of unreasonable decision making, sprung early. A hoof to the cranium. A whine, and a thud. The caribou trotted away, as if nothing had happened. Frederick stood, eyes wide. Waiting for his father to stand back up. Waiting. Adrian came forward, slowly, tentatively, nervously. Their father did not move. Another--gone.

Bruised, bloody, they dragged his body back home, and again, his mother wept. Cried and cried over her mate's body. Mourned for weeks, a moon, two moons, three. Frederick did not blink, eat, drink. Slept when the exhaustion took him by force. He buried the body a few days after it fell, decorating his grave-marker with the same scarlet flowers. Half a year--two seasons--passed, and only then did their mother return to the outside world. Her eyes, heavy, sunken. She would not be the same, but she would be strong. For her children.

Adrian leaves one day, in the middle of the night. Neither Frederick, nor his mother allow themselves to grieve or search. His uncles continue to provide food, while his mother searches for dispersals willing to take on a pack. It hurts. Every mark, every flower, every breeze reminds him of his father, her of her mate, but life must continue on.

2.5-3 years:

Frederick's mother finds a new companion. He misses his brother, so, he prepares to leave, just as he did. His mother tries to stop him. Begs him to stay. Orders the uncles to keep him within the territory at all times. Fredrick longs to be free, to be independent, and runs anyway. Runs into a friend--his mothers' sister, an aunt, who sneaks him out of the territory to go find his littermate, Adrian. Frederick thanks her and sets out to find him. A long journey ahead.

One that does not go without injury. His attempts to hunt on his own, at first, are futile. Predator show-downs do not go well. A bears' claw ripped through the base of his tail while they 'danced' over a moose carcass. A wolverine scarred his brow bone, and luckily that is the last -- so far -- of his scars. Now, he is content with tying himself over between meals, snacking on birds and fish when scents are weak, or herds are not tiring as quickly as he'd like them to.


3+ years:

Searching for his brother, Adrian, Frederick arrives to the Teekon Wilds.

I. Frederick meets Lestan at the mudminnow river. They talk, introduce themselves to one another, and Frederick tells him about his brother. Lestan invites him back to Swiftcurrent Creek and Federick agrees. Learns of Swiftcurrent Creek & Kvarsheim.

II. Lestan brings Frederick back to the creek with him. He meets Arric. Eventually, he is accepted into the pack, given a tour and shown the ways around the creek.

III. While wandering, Federick also meets Milan, a gentle woman that Federick eventually finds himself fond of. They get to know one another, Federick hunts for her, and they depart one another with the promise of eventually reuniting later on. Learns of Bearclaw Valley.

IV. Two days later, he and Milan reunite, greeting one another with affection and sharing how they've been. Milan offers him a gift: a necklace of deer hide, with a pendant of flowers and dangling teeth around it's circumference. Frederick accepts it gratefully, wearing it with pride.

With a wish to repay her, Frederick gifts her a forget-me-not, and a promise is made: when he finds his brother, he will go to the valley, and stay with her. But, with duties to tend to, and a man to find, they depart, Frederick's heart sinking with every step

[Image: pT2RPNP.png]

[Image: 9IEE3UP.png]
milan & frederick -- bg from unsplash

V. Conflicted between his loyalty to Swiftcurrent Creek, his duty to find his brother and his heart telling him to be near Milan, Frederick goes to wander once more, thinking a walk may clear his doubts. However, finding himself near the meadow, he relents, calling for the gentle woman that occupied the back of his mind.

He seeks comfort within her fur, her warmth, and tells her of his worries. She provides him the refuge he was seeking, if for only but a moment. Together, they lay within the glade, soaking in eachothers company. Savouring the moment, before Federick ultimately has to return to the creek.

VI. He spends time in the creek, now. He meets Etienne, the singer of sea-shanties, Leonore, the boisterous pup, and Morwenna, the navy lass. More to come.

VII. Missing Milan, he meets with her once more. He shares parts of his history with her, and she briefly talks of her own family. They play together like children, their bond further growing.

Parents: †Bastien ♂, Genevive ♀
Siblings: Adrian ♂, Liselotte ♀, Ruben ♂, †non-surviving littermates
Extended: Many uncles, Charlotte ♀

Confidant(?): Milan ♀

† indicates deceased,
italic indicates forgotten/unknown

Pack History
Caribou Hunters: Birth -- OCT. 2024

within teekon

Dispersal: OCT. 2024 -- NOV. 2024

SWIFTCURRENT CREEK: NOV. 2024 -- present
Profile of Frederick: Additional Information
Registered on October 24, 2024, last visited January 16, 2025, 02:24 AM
Character Goals:

- Find his brother
- Hunter & Scout trades
- Maybe find a mate, start a family? We'll see
Everyone in Frederick's family tree is adoptable!
Art Credits
Reference ; Me
Personality art ; Me
Avatar ; metic <3
Banner ; Getty Images (Loic Venance)
Frederick's Signature

[Image: LxXG4vL.png]

power-playable by milan

Attached Accounts
Player Notes

i prefer off-site communication. i am semi-active in the discord server, and my username is skrimble, should you wish to contact me. i enjoy both OOC & IC plotting ; feel free to shoot me a dm about either! i use standard dice rolls for combat : two rolls, defense (d) & attack (a), that can be interpreted as you wish.

with nothing else to add, please know that i am a minor! if i have joined a thread and you/the OP doesn't want minors interacting, please let me know and i will delete my post ASAP <3

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