Profile of Ayovi: Quick Facts
Mate to Skorpa
Played By: tazi
Basic Info
Full Name: Ayovi ('eye-oh-vee') Ankgunquint
Subspecies: Great Plains Wolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Female
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 2 years old (2023)
Birthplace: Big Sky (off map)
Voice: click
Scent: manzanita & winter livia
At a Glance
Profile of Ayovi: Details

Woolly with a toned hunter's build. Fur a wintery sheen. Ardent indigo eyes. Affectionate, fickle, obsessive. Speaks Numic & common.

notre dame


Born to the Ashēer and raised along the Red Creek and its tributaries within Big Sky. She lived a semi-nomadic childhood, engaging in summer migrations to the great falls where her pack fed on salmon, small game, and berries. Each autumn took them North into the mountains where they pursued bison. Hunting expeditions allowed their band chiefs to acquire power and initiate friendly relationships with neighbors, often camping side-by-side and inter-marrying.

When a super pack moved into Big Sky, the land became inundated. Ashēer had considerable influence in inciting their neighbors to revolts and raids against the Wide Fangs. Famine and frustration was suppressed with a massacre of the Ashēer pack and their neighbors; survivors forced to assimilate or disperse.

A husband in the norseman, Skorpa. Mother to ???, ??? & ???, sired by Skorpa.

Conception: 2025-02-04
Pack History
HUNTER (birth — december 2024)
Profile of Ayovi: Additional Information
Registered on December 03, 2024, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
lascaux cave painting (photographer unknown), edits by tazi
avatar by SchuhSchone
appearance by tazi
pixel art by nopeita, gifted from honey! <3

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