Profile of Vanja: Quick Facts
Bearclaw Valley Bruin
Played By: rue
Basic Info
Full Name: Vanja Twitch
Subspecies: Wolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 2 (7/10)
Birthplace: Outside Teekon
At a Glance
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stuck reaching for something that isn’t there.
currently: settling in bearclaw.
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Profile of Vanja: Details
little bird
quiet and elusive, twitch is a shadow in the periphery. avoidant of the spotlight and notoriously unconfident. her words are sparse—awkward at best and graceless at worst. she moves through life as if behind glass, a spectator as much as a participant, keeping the world at bay unless necessity draws her out.

long-legged and remarkably lean with plush fur encircling her neck and cheeks. her coat is a tapestry of muted blacks and grays, streaked with tawny undertones thrown over a wiry frame.

blunt and unpolished. crass. she neither seeks nor spares politeness, seeing little need for pretense when silence often serves her better.


code by honey!
born as vanja, twitch was into a tight-knit group of nomads, a mix of a few adults and their children. her early life was ordinary; her childhood was not one of isolation or hardship in the traditional sense—she had stability in movement, familiarity in the faces that surrounded her. within her own home, however, things were far from harmonious. for all her father's goodness, he was never a good man. though he was never outright cruel without cause, his patience was wire thin, his temper thinner, and his disdain for weakness made his affections fickle. she was never quite enough for him, she found. too slow, too clumsy, too skittish, there was always somewhere she fell short.

where her father failed to offer warmth, her mother filled the space with an abundance of it, quick to dismiss his words in attempt to comfort her. over time, twitch learned that silence was safer. she withdrew into herself, flinched at raised voices and tensed at the mere hint of conflict, bracing for things that may or may not come. she became hesitant, desperate to appease; wired for damage control rather than self-preservation. she knew that no amount of effort would earn his approval—nor would it convince her mother to leave his side. love, she realized, was not always enough to make people change.

at eight months old, she left. there was no grand confrontation, only an empty den when they awoke the next morning. she did not know if they came looking—she did not want them to.

the world was not kind to a wolf without pack. she learned quickly how to go unseen, how to take what she needed without asking, how to fend for herself or run for the hills. she was never taught how to navigate people—only how to endure them—and so she learned socialization in fragments, patchworked together through observation and trial and error. mostly error. she made do, she always would.
Profile of Vanja: Additional Information
Registered on January 03, 2025, last visited (Hidden)
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