Profile of Alphonse: Quick Facts
Played By: Will
Basic Info
Full Name: Alphonse de Les Fantôme
Sex: Male
Age: 0.1 (10/8/2014)
Birthplace: The Sunspire
At a Glance
His dark honey colored eyes, the only thing that stands out of his dark coat. Large build, bigger than average.
Profile of Alphonse: Details
The firstborn of the litter, sleek black fur with a few tufts of white fur here and there. Dark honey colored eyes glow from a dark face. Large build, bigger than average, a hint of what he might grow up into.
To be determined.
<b>Mother:</b> <a href="">Erika de Les Fantôme</a>
<b>Father:</b> <s>Majesty</s> (Vanished)
<b>Surrogate Father:</b> <a href="">Ferdie Von Pelt</a>
<b>Sister:</b> <a href="">Serena de Les Fantôme</a>
Profile of Alphonse: Additional Information
Registered on August 10, 2014, last visited January 03, 2015, 02:56 AM
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