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Phoenix Maplewood Joining? - Printable Version

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Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 10, 2016

Lunar loped towards the pack's territory,recalling vividly the last two times she'd done this. Both times she'd been rejected by the packs. She was quickly learning that the customs of these southern wolves was different from her own. The first mistake was crossing Porcupine Ridge's borders, she wasn't accustomed to searching for borders. Where she came from most packs were related so that it wasn't unusual for wolves to cross each other's borders to visit. She still had a few scabbed over bite marks from the silent wolf she'd been intercepted by. The second was looking Lost Creek's alpha in the eye. It was custom to look wolves in the eyes where she came from regardless of rank. It was difficult learning these new ways,she had no mentor to teach her. She could feel the self doubt and anxiety of her earlier days creeping in close. It wasn't long until she reached the territory, she paused several feet away from the border. She sat down,resting her scarred leg. The snow was piled up where the cause of her limp could not be seen. She pondered whether or not she should even bother trying with a third pack. But being a naturally social animal left her feeling lonely,it was the risk she had to take. Besides if someone smelled her near the border they might hunt her down. She tipped her head back,howling to the sky so the pack would know she was there.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring perked her ears.  She had been patrolling the border, and now she heard a howl drift into the air.  It sounded unfamiliar.  She felt the fur on her pelt raise, but she forced it to lie flat.  Padding close to the borders.  Deciding she would occupy this wolf until one of her Alphas got here or the Beta Ukko.  To decide what to do.

As Spring approached the border she noticed the wolf was a snow white.  She blinked in surprise,  She had never seen a wolf... so white in her life.  She padded closer, Spring noticed the wolf had the most pale eyes she had ever seen.  Spring found herself wondering who this wolf was and where she was from.  “What are you doing at the border of Phoenix Maplewood?”  Spring asked monotone.  Eyeing the wolf.  She turned her head around for a moment expecting one of the Alphas or Ukko to appear, but so far no one had.  She turned her head back around to face the the wolf.  “Who are you?"

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 10, 2016

Lunar stood before the brown-fray female. 'She's not used to intercepting loners,'she thought. Lunar lowered her eyes to the ground, ears back against her head. Her tail wrapped around her leg as the wolf questioned her. She could tell the female was new to the pack,she didn't quite smell like the pack did yet. Low ranking most like but that was unimportant to her,she'd been low rank her whole life. "I'm Lunar Eclipse, most call me Luna though. I'm here to join if they'll have me,"she said softly,she wasn't sure how to react to the wolves in this area. She was trembling not from cold,but with fear. She didn't want to be rejected any more. She knew if this went wrong she might not have another chance to find a pack. There were maybe two packs left that weren't full or hadn't turned her away. After that she'd be left to roam as a nomad.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring nodded.  “You seem like you’ve traveled a long way and you smell a little of other packs.”  Spring observed.  Watching the wolf looking very unsure about the female.  She nodded when the female told her, her name was Luna.  She eyed the wolf warily.  Then tilted her head back and howled for @Reek or @Ukko, remembering Saena was currently injured and should not be bothered, notifying them a loner was on the other side of the border looking for a pack.

“What brings you here?”  Spring asked.  Just completely out of her own curiosity.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 10, 2016

' She has a strong nose.' "I was there briefly,both places I mean. I was turned away. If you mean what brings me to your pack's territory,it's because I've been looking for a pack. Your ways are different though and I seem to have offended the other pack's in some way. I can guess but I'm not completely sure,"she told the wolf. She made sure to keep her eyes down and her stance submissive. Being submissive wasn't hard for her,it had been ingrained in her since she left her mother's side. She didn't know what to make of this wolf,she seemed somewhat aggressive but not overly so,more like she was distrustful. It wasn't like Lunar could cause them any harm though. You just had to look at her to see that. She was alone,in a different land,and on top of it she was tiny. It was laughable the idea of her harming one of the southerners.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring nodded.  “What are your ways then that have been turned down then?”  The she-wolf asked.  At the back of her mind  though she was wondering when Ukko or Reek would get here, but she focused her attention on Luna.  Waiting for the snow white wolf’s reply.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 10, 2016

"The packs are closer where I come from,and most of the leaders are related in some way,they don't usually watch the borders all that much. Also it's customary to look another wolf in the eyes when you want to show you're being honest. Both things have gotten me in trouble it seems,"she chuckled a bit. It was true the wolves here were stricter it seemed. But at least there were no omegas,or any of the barbaric laws they had up north.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

Springs eyes widened and her pupils dilated in surprise.  “You look Alphas in straight in the eyes where your from?”  She yelped surprised.  “Where are you from anyways?”  Spring asked the female.  Still shock pulsed from her.  If she looked an Alpha in the eye here, she’d be as good as dead.  She shivered thinking about it.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 10, 2016

Lunar flinched at the yelp but nodde her head. 'Why is it so shocking?' She supposed it only seemed normal for her because she grew up that way. "Alaska. It's much farther to the north and to the west as well. And you only look them in the eye to show honesty,not everyday,"she told the she wolf. She shuddered at the thought of looking her father in the eyes. He defintly would have given her another scar.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring showed a little more friendliness of the mention of Alaska.  “My Mother was from Alaska.”  Spring commented.  “Always told me it was pretty cold up there though.”  Spring paused for a moment thinking.  “I’m from Canada.”  She added.  “So I used to be pretty near to Alaska I guess."

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 10, 2016

"It is,it gets below zero sometimes. Its dark half the year as well,"she was unsure of what else to say as her voice died out awkwardly. "I never got your name,that is if you're allowed to tell me,"she was unsure if she was even supposed to ask or if this would get her thrown out as well.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring nodded.  Listenig to Luna give a short explanation of Alaska.  Then Spring heard Luna ask for her name.  Spring wasn't sure she should tell the loner her name... yet.  She would wait for the loner to be either accepted or declined.  If the loner was accepted she would surely tell the loner her name, it wouldn't do any harm, yet she had her own reasons not to tell a random loner her name if Luna was declined.  “My name does not matter right now.”  Spring simply responded.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 10, 2016

Lunar nodded,she must have her reasons. Maybe she wasn't allowed to tell her. She shifted awkwardly on her paws as she waited for the alpha or beta or whoever the girl had howled for to show up. 

Ooc:sorry not sure what else to say,i have to go to bed so hopefully tomorrow someone will have answered :)

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

((That’s Fine))

Spring waited for Reek or Ukko to show up.  Keeping her eyes locked on the loner.

RE: Joining? - Reek - January 10, 2016

Running out of herbs in the dead of winter hadn't been a part of Reek's plan. He had stockpiled tirelessly during the fall and had built up a sizeable cache, but unexpected injuries sapped his supply much faster than he intended.  Worry gripped Reek now more than ever.  Saena, it seemed was healing well— but Scarlett, she still clung to life by a slowly fraying string. It was as if she were caught in a limbo between life and death, and his herbs were the only things that could tip the scale.

He stayed within earshot of his old den and infirmary at all times to moniter their condition.  Even though there was nothing more he could do, he felt his preasence would atleast bring his patients a level of ease. This comfort may have been all Scarlett had left. Despite his intention of staying close, a howl on the border from one of the newbies drew Reek's attention. The howl had been specifically tailored for himself or Ukko, so he knew whatever it was about, it had to be urgent business.

Knowing that he still had a pack to run, Reek stopped watching his patients and set off toward the border in a lope to find Spring and an unfamiliar wolf.

Despite Reek's small stature, he exuded strength. He approached with head held high and head erect. Dominance practically poured from every fiber of his being.  This was his territory after all, and those who traveled close needed to know this simple fact.  Turning to Spring, Reek asked, "What's her story?" in regards to the unfamiliar girl, while making utlimatly clear with his body that the unfamiliar wolf was to speak only when spoken to.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring looked pretty relieved when Reek came, ending the awkwardness.  But quickly covered up her emotions with a blank gaze answering Reeks question.  “Says her names Luna short for Lunar Eclipse.”  Spring began.  “She comes from Alaska and has been turned down two times, but has learned from her mistakes.  I have yet to learn of the females talents.”  Spring finished.

Spring then lowered her voice, so only Reek could hear.  “How’s the herb supply doing?”  She asked quietly and a little rhetorical hint to the question stating that Reek didn’t have to answer if he didn’t wan to.  A little nervous of the response she was sure to get if she got one.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 11, 2016

Lunar's stomach became a rolling mass of nerves when the alpha approached. "Okay,okay,just don't mess it up. He's worried about someone or something. They both are.' Her ears twitched when the girl asked him a question but she could not hear what was said. She remained with her head down and her ears back,crouching so that she made herself smaller,not a threat. She knew it was possible if she messed this up she'd be leaving with more than a few bites. He seemed more aggressive than the others she had met,even the one who had attacked her. Her fear,which had only increased since arriving in Teekon Wilds was stronger than ever,causing her to tremble. She willed it away not wanting them to smell it on her.

RE: Joining? - Reek - January 11, 2016

Alright, new post order: Reek -> Spring -> Lunar! I should apologize for Reek, he's sort of a jerk-ass.

An annoyed huff was the only answer Spring would recieve to her hushed question. He figure it would provied a sufficiant answer; the supply was empty. Frustration mounted inside Reek and it came to a head in his next words. "Twice eh? That certanly suggests a trend," he sneered. Pheonix Maplewood may have initially been founded on new beginnings and starting over, but during the dead of winter, Reek wanted only the creame of the crop among his ranks. He would give no handouts, nor would he let some charity case seek shelter in his pack.

Reek took a step toward the stranger and inhaled deeply. He could smell fear. Cowardice. Reek's hackles lifted and he uttered a low and gutteral growl. "Sit still," he commanded as the stranger trembled in wait. "There is no place for timidness here."

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 11, 2016

Spring felt her stomach roll at Reek’s answer.  But she kept her emotions to herself.  Not wanting to betray to the current loner of how bad the herb store currently was... unless of course the loner was accepted into the pack and approved of.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 11, 2016

Lunar's ears flattened further in shame,but she knew she would not grovel. She made mistakes and had learned. She was proud of what she had accompished,considering where she came from. 'Alpha Remus would like you,you think like him.' She locked her muscles knowing it was the best way to ward the pain off. He was coming closer and she wasn't sure his intentions. If he attacked she would not whimper or cry out. She would not attack either that was bringing death upon herself. She turned her neck to him in submission as he came closer,waiting to see what he would do.

RE: Joining? - Reek - January 11, 2016

The stranger's muscles tensed as Reek approached, ultimately mounting in a complete display of submission. Inching even closer to Lunar's exposed throat, Reek bore his teeth and continued to aggressivley posture himself. So far, she had given him no reason to attack... nor had she given him any reason to let her stay. Lettling loose a displeaured huff, a quick blast of warm, steamy vapor erupted from his nostrils and wafted upward, thus intermingling with the stanger's fur and flesh.

"Convince me," he commanded. "You get one chance." He was not in the business of saving the world from the throes of winter. She would need to provide good reason to remain. She would need to prove her worth, here and now.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 11, 2016

"I'm a hunter and I know some healing,"she told him,"am I allowed to enter your territory?" She would have to enter it if she wanted to find healing supplies or prey. Otherwise he would have to follow her outside of it and he didn't seem likely to do that.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 11, 2016

((Feel free to skip over Spring))

Spring winced when Luna asked to enter the territory.
That was not the best thing to ask in Luna's position, but it would be up to Reek, her Alpha to determine whether or not this wolfs question was absurd or peaceful.

RE: Joining? - Reek - January 12, 2016

Did she just? Reek's brow scrunched in at sheer audacity of her request.  It was rediculous to belive that she had earned the opportunity to pass his borders on her word alone.  Eyes squinted tight as he looked upon the prospect, his sardoinc smirk twisted into an expression of utter confusion.  How could she have such high expectations?

"Absolutely not," he scoffed as he peeled his head away from the submitting stranger. "Can't you see that would be a poor move on my part? To let you in on your word alone would be an insult to my family, my leadership." Shaking his head with sarcastic flair, Reek took a few steps back from Luna, allowing her some personal space.

"You say you're a healer... so prove it." He always administered a test to new joiners. Word alone had no bearing, and the King of Bullshit himself knew that talk was cheap. "Hypothetically, say I'm allergic to nettle stings and I roll in a bed of them because I'm itching to win the next Darwin Award and thin out the gene pool. I go into Anaphylactic Shock and my throat starts to close... What do you do?" It wouldn't be a complecated answer if she knew what she was she was doing, but something inside told Reek she probably wouldn't know.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 12, 2016

She nodded,put that way she could see his point. She thought of mentioning that she didn't know much about politics,she'd never been allowed. But honestly she figured he wouldn't care. Taking a deep breath she searched her mind. She knew more than the apprentices had back home. As an omega she hadn't been allowed to train with the wizened old healers,three of them to be exact. But still she'd found excuses to sit near their classes as she worked. "Thyme mixed with plaintain,I would crush it very fine and have you inhale it. CPR would also be needed,"she told him,she was certain about her answer as she'd seen pups treated this way when they suddenly began to seize and choke. Thyme and plaintain were known for their abilities of opening airways,it was one of the first lessons she'd listened in on.