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Sunbeam Lair Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Printable Version

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Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - April 11, 2016

@Ezimette @Jolon

 A grin played across his proud face. The male held his head high, excitement at the thought of claiming her prodding at his mind. He had followed her for months. She would bow down to him, kiss him, love him. They would be mates and she would bear his pups. They would be perfect together, a wonderful wedded couple indeed. She would worship him, and he would enjoy every moment of it. When she came to the border tonight, this would take place, the easy or hard way, he did not care...She would be his.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Ezimette - April 12, 2016

Ezimette was wandering around the boundaries of their territory, trying to keep away from the rest of the pack in her heat. She was obviously not successful though, as she smelled a male. No...it couldn't be...Suniku? Fear exploded within her. She had not told anyone, not even did she have the chance to tell Eximurra. Him...Crap... 

He was clearly across the borders, but she wasn't sure of what to do. In the end, she was trotting towards him, as he needed to back off. He had a menacing grin across his face, which terrified Ezimette. What were his plans? Last time she had met with him- she choked on her air. The ghost attempted to hide in the shadows, but she knew of how sharp Suniku was and how quickly he could move. She was terrified with her decisions now, and began to run. Calling out for @Noctura, as he would know what to do in this situation. Ezimette, who was normally graceful, blazed through the forest, making a racket.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - April 12, 2016


The dark brute's demons sure had quieted down, and he had accomplished many things the last few days. Not only was he almost sure the love of his life may like him in return, but he was climbing up the ranks. It was wonderful to be in the higher tier again, for he felt much braver. He didn't see wolves under him lower though, they were a tribe after all, but yet he still felt amazing about his new rank as Epsilon. Watch out brother Noctura, here I come.

Tonight, as the stars were flickering in the sky, he had border duties. Well, no one had asked him to do it, but it was the thing he liked most doing. It seemed walking across the border made him relax and bond more with his new home. But this night, there was something off. A scent, male, and not familiar. Who might this be? Was it a new pack mate he hadn't met yet, like with the Blind Eve? An intruder? Jolon couldn't help himself, and crawled in some bushes, his eyes trying to spot the being that was linked to this smell. He heard breathing, soft, but it wasn't his own. What was going on here?

Not long after, the sweet scent of Ezimette, somehow stronger than normal, cam to him. He raised an eyebrow and almost jumped in the air when she started calling. What in the name of God was going on?!

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - April 12, 2016

This mr. steal your girl...>:) Oh, and for realism, powerplay permission was granted....Mwah ha ha...

Sinuko picked up the wonderfully delicious scent of his love, Ezi or Eztra near. He let out a growl of excitement,as she was in season, which slowly faded to anger as she ran. He flashed his ivories, bolting after her. "Oh Eztra my dear, you're not escaping me this time. Ahahaha!" He was much more powerful than her, and, in his art to claim her, missed the scent of a masculine figure. He leapt when he neared her, powerful paws aiming to bore down on her. He landed squarely on her back and pressed her into the ground as she struggled. "Oh no no no dear, won't you be a good girl? I thought a puppy-dog raised you, shan't you have learned to behave?" He sneered into her beautiful ears.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Ezimette - April 12, 2016

Ezimette writhed underneath Sinuko when he pinned her down, choking for air, as he was crushing her at the moment.
All she could manage was a couple of wheezy gasps for help, but they were to quiet for anyone to hear, or so she believed. His sickly breath tickling her ear gave her chills, causing her to writhe even more. Oh god, she wished she had never met him. Despite her thrashing, she remained pinned, as he was much stronger than the slim female, however tall she may be. "H...lp"

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - April 12, 2016

Gotta go to school actually, so this is a quickie, sorry <3

Thundering paws, a loud crash, shuffling and gasps for air. Jolon heard it all, and it was going so fast. His mind went black, and without thinking, he stormed after the intruder that had made it's way into his home. He couldn't quite make out what the other male was saying, but he was still on top of his girlfriend his best companion.

The brute growled, launching himself at the two. get away, get away, get away! He had to protect her, otherwise he would be useless. She was his, not this stranger's, and he would feel it. He tried to bite the male, as hard as he could, trying to drag him away from Ezimette. GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT! he screamed, his voice muffled with the fur of the stranger.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - April 12, 2016

Ezi agreed that if they fight, as I cannot predict the future but have a hunch, we may skip overher to continue the thread.

Suniku snarled as he was pulled from his soon-to-be wife and barked with pain as teeth set into his neck, deeply. He thrashed and pulled in attempt to release himself from these disgusting jaws so that he may make a claim on the ghost. "Get off me! She's mine stupid! I know her! Who are you? Let go!I got to Eztra first, I get to make the claim!" He bellowed angrily, snapping his jaws together and squealing with the pain exploding from his scruff. He attempted to pull away, and if he got away, he would pull his lips back in a grimace and throw himself at this man whom thought he could take Sinuko from Eztra. Hah! Not a chance, bud!

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - April 12, 2016

Don't know how to get those size thingies away. Please, just read over them, I can't delete them. I'm not on my own computer, so sorry.

[size=medium]It worked. Holy moly, it worked. Perhaps he was stronger than he thought. He even tasted the sweet taste of blood. He had only tasted it on animals, but his own kind he had never had the luxury of tasting. It wasn’t awful, but he preferred the taste of rabbits. The scent of Ezimette was making him crazy, if he wasn’t already. He had never smelled a female in heat before, therefore he didn’t have the slightest idea what this male was talking about. Besides, this wasn’t his place. This was the tribe’s place, and he wasn’t part of it.[/size]

[size=medium]She isn’t anybody’s! He yelled, but still muffled by the stranger’s fur. I am Jolon, great defender of my homeland, and my tribe mates! Why was he calling her Eztra? Who was this? So many questions going through his head, all while holding the stranger in place. Whatever was “claiming her”, he wouldn’t do it. Not as long as Jolon was here to defend his love.[/size]
Welp, I done goofed. Had first hour free. GREAT.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - April 12, 2016

Suniku screamed in pain and managed to kick his lecks out, aiming them for the stranger's legs. His amber eyes glowed. What was this man talking about? Tribe? Extra had a tribe now? No! No! This would ruin his entire plan. He had their future on a map now. It was terribly horribly awful that he would have to get through a tribe to mate her. Ugh! How could she be so stupid? He had never thought she would go and do something idiotic like that. He wanted them to start their own pack! 

"She is mine, bonehead! I can take on your little tribe anyday. I'm not giving her up, I will leave with her, or you will have to die." His lip curled, but he managed to snort out those words, though he was still crying in pain. He needed to give her back! Who did this male think he was, as he said she was nobodies. This meant that he had no right to defend Killdeer from making a move! How dare he. "Why do you care, she's obviously not yours, you said so yourself!" he snarled, taking the time to attempt to pry himself from the other's jaws.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - April 12, 2016

He was a sadist, that was for sure. The way the stranger screamed was enough to fill him with determination to kill him. He wasn't welcome, he wasn't. He had to go, the hard way or the even harder way. Killing was not in Jolon's nature, but he would do it if it meant keeping Ezi safe. He snorted, the faint sound of a laugh.

Well, if I am able to bring you to stop so easily, what is keeping my whole tribe from killing you?! But the next words hurt him. No, she wasn't his. But at least him and Ezi had a bond. She didn't scream whenever he touched her, but she did with this stranger. How did this fool not see that she didn't want to?! Well, she definetly isn't yours! Didn't you hear her gasp? She doesn't want you, she doesn't! He tried to scream, and hold in a sob. He shook the stranger in his mouth, hopefully increasing his pain. The kicking on his legs was annoying though, and he couldn't hold it anymore. He fell down, and if this stranger wasn't quick enough, he would go down with him.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - April 12, 2016

Killdeer yelped when being shook, and quickly darted away from the male as soon as possible. Eztra was in the corner, shivering. Sinuku felt bad that such a dumb thing was going on. "Have you not heard of that is a claim stupid? It's not true love, though I wish it was. It's when a male takes what is destined for him, and to me,  Eztra. So get lost! You don't need to stick your nose in this! what is she to you, bud," he maliciously spat. He pinned his ears against his skull. His lips were pulled back and down in a terrible grimace. How dare he interfere!?

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - April 12, 2016

Ah hello everyone~ ^__^

The haze was low and dark over him. Noctura had turned to the way of the stars, defining himself not by his foolish instinct for violence as he once had but instead by the pull of magic and the lure of peace. But at the desperate cry of Ezimette, and the vile scent of a heated stranger, Noctura felt as though his silver eyes were glowing red, and he ceased to think. The huge Gamma sped for the tangle of bodies, targeting the brown-furred stranger. He went straight for the throat, aiming to brutalise, intending to kill without thought.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Asterr - April 12, 2016

With the need to complete her daily duties, the girl had left Ezimette alone. Certain tasks demanded her presence, and while keeping her tribe mate away from the males was of great importance, so was patrolling the territory. When she'd finally returned, the other had gone, forcing the chieftess to search for her. Never would she had imagined the other to have gone towards the borders, and so her focus laid primarily on the innermost sections of the lair. Scent alone made it difficult to track her, for the members of the tribe were forever leaving fresh traces of themselves behind, and so she'd need to resort to other methods as well. Before she'd had the chance to locate the other, however, her voice had risen, breaking the silence. The call was meant for Noctura, though, which had ignited within the chieftess an even stronger desire to find Ezimette. She could allow no acts of breeding to transpire between the two of them, both to preserve her wish for the tribe and because she found herself unable to envision the two of them together.

Asterr had changed her direction immediately, her course set for the way from which the woman’s voice had come. What she had expected to see—the pallid woman alone and far from harm's way—was not the same sight she'd been met with. It seemed as if a male of unknown origins had crossed onto their land, surely having been attracted by the scent of a heat. She knew of no connections between the male a female, believing them to be only strangers in passing, and one of those strangers had never been granted access into Ryūjin's territory. It was clear she was not the only one to feel such a way, either, for both Jolon and Noctura had arrived there before her, and seemed to be taking action. While she'd noticed the intent her favoured man possessed, she could not bring herself to convince him to take an alternative route. Against killing she was, but... perhaps the male would need to be properly subdued if a lesson was to be taught. Peaceful was the tribe, but they were not pushovers. The dragoness would not tolerate those who felt themselves above the law of no trespassing any longer.

Rather than engaging in the confrontation, she'd moved to the woman’s side and prodded her with her nose. It was then she'd motioned to be followed, wishing to lead Ezimette a length away from the men. "Keep close to me," the chieftess had commanded, ensuring her own body remained between the separate parties. While she would not leave just yet, she would ensure her word was not gone against. The scuffle would need to be supervised, and medical treatment provided to her tribe mates if necessary, and so her lingering presence there was unavoidable.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Ezimette - April 12, 2016

Agh, the posting order is crazy cause' I allowed them to skip over me, heheh. I believe posting order is: @Jolon, @Sinuku, @Noctura, @Asterr, Ezimette.

  Ezimette was shaking with fear, she ran to Asterr and yelped in pain, as the place on her shoulder where Sin had landed hurt like hell. She limped behind Asterr, whining and throwing her head back to Jolon. "Sin-Sinuku." She choked out, voice hoarse from screaming. Her pelt stuck up with anger. He saved her. She would've been raped then and there if it hadn't been for him. "Jolon!" She croaked giving a hysterical look at Asterr. "Jolon!" She screeched, attempting to move forwards. her front half fell to the ground, as her shoulder wasn't holding her up straight. She bowed her head low, once again turning to asterr and limping away. She would only manage to hurt herself if she tried to help. She wanted to be with Jolon, and he could be injured tonight in this fight. Her eyes widened as Noctura leapt at Sin, and she flinched away, worried to see what would happen next.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - April 13, 2016

An arrogant grin played across his face now. Was the other scared of him, or of the pain he was able to give? Whatever it was, it made him feel alive again. He knew what a claim was, but Ezi wasn't destined to be claimed by an asshole. She was destined to be loved, a thing Jolon was capable of. She isn't for the taking, bud. He replied. A girl like her isn't claimable. So, I would advise you to run. He said, ignoring the question about what she was to him. Talking with an intruder was wasting time, especially when they were as irritating as this male.

Jolon panted, watching how the other dark brute arrived and dashed right toward the intruder. get him, brother, get him. No, Noctura wasn't his brother, but Jolon saw him as one. They were all a happy family here. One ear perked up, and his head followed suit. Ezi, screaming his name. He gave a warm smile and wished he could come to her then and there, but they had to finish off this stupid dude.

Jolon dashed to the brownish male as well. He had to protect her. Let's finish this together, Noc! He screamed, hoping to crash into the intruder.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - April 13, 2016

Feel free to power play him, just don't kill him yet please...This won't be the last time they meet...

  Killdeer snarled at the male's words, then ducked just in time so that a gigantic male didn't slaughter him. The jaws did manage to take off the top of his right ear though. He snarled even louder, turning to face the injured male. In his rage, he forgot that he should never turn his back on the enemy, and therefor was taken by surprise when this so called Jolon tumbled in. With a cry of anger, he was tackled by the male, wrestling to get to his mate...or at least who he wanted to be his mate.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - April 14, 2016


All was blood and earth, and he took a mouthful of the enemy and tugged on it ruthlessly, tearing and breaking. But then he heard Jolon's voice, and caught a glimpse of him in his peripheral vision, and it was at this point Noctura hesitated. The Gamma had gone so wild he was seconds from accidentally causing Jolon harm. And so it seemed the great black recluse momentarily overcame his feral instincts for the love of his friend, pulling back for the slightest moment — and it was in this moment that the enemy might have the chance to struggle free and run for the hills...

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Asterr - April 16, 2016


It was absolute chaos, a result of some outside male being incapable of properly controlling himself. He had not only crossed onto their, but had harmed a tribe member and even attempted something far worse. For that, Asterr could not forgive him, believing him to be deserving of whatever fate was bestowed upon him. Whether it be a swift death, torture, or the offer to leave with his life, she could only hope that never again would he be seen. Though incapable of looking into the future, she could not deny how likely it seemed that the stranger might not escape with his life, for the bloodlust Jolon displayed may very well prohibit such. It was a side of him never before seen by the young chieftess, and she knew not how to feel towards it in that moment. How the tides could change so suddenly, how the prodding of a bear could result in death—these things were brought to mind as she observed him.

From her right peripheral, Ezimette had been spotted. It'd taken but a moment for the younger's head to whip around and face her entirely, eyeing the other female with a clear, unarguable command in her gaze; keep still. The fall was concerning enough, but what stuck out most was the risk of permitting the woman to fight. So much could happen, this she knew, and this she would not allow. As rare as it was, the girl took on a dominate posture, directing the ivory wolf away from the battle before them. It was with that very same posture that she stood there, scrutinizing her tribe mate until it'd become evident enough that her unspoken words had been acknowledged. Thereafter, she'd looked back, wishing to survey the aggressive scene and it's progression, only to find that Noctura had hesitated. Asterr believed it to have been deliberate, for she knew how the man wished to overcome all bellicose impulses. That gesture had served as a reminded to the yearling of what she stood for. Violence was never the answer, as was the code she'd always lived by, no matter how frustrated either party was made to become. If the outsider were to be successful in wrenching himself away from his darkened attacker, then he would be permitted to leave with his life. If not, though... the Draconid knew not what might become of him.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Ezimette - April 16, 2016

Ezimette began to pant lightly, nervousness making her entire body feel like a hot summer day. Asterr had shown her a side not witnessed since she had been accepted back into the pack on a thread. Her green eyes were wide with terror and she turned, unable to watch. If Jolon was harmed badly here and now, she would never forgive herself. Ever. She then did something unexpected, she pressed her body up against @Asterr, seeking somewhere out of this monstrosity of a battle, and began to sob with true fear. Only one thought went through the mind of a wolf who's greatest love was locked in a dangerous battle. The primal instinct in Noctura's eyes had been another reason for her to turn, terrified that something bad would happen because Noctura could not control his instinct. She wept there for a moment before waiting in turn to follow Asterr, eyes still pooling with tears.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - April 16, 2016

Anger. His only weakness yet one of his biggest strengths had now become the ruler of his body. Jolon, the man who cried real tears of sadness and frustration, had been pushed off the thrown from which he ruled his own. He was no longer in control. Yet somewhere, deep down, he knew it was his anger's birthright to be king now. He would rule for as long as this despicable monster was still in sight, getting ripped to pieces right in front of him. The corner of his lip went up in a mocking way, like a madman with a beautiful woman tied to a bed, stripped of all her humanity. But this was no woman. This was the man who wanted to claim his princess, his fish that he so desperately wanted to catch. 

But his brother hesitated. No, don't let him escape. his mind whispered to him, and only him, for Jolon could no longer control the words rolling off his tongue. Instead of a normal battle cry that would make the earth vibrate, an avalanche rolled down the mountain. NO, BROTHER, PLEASE. He managed, his voice muffled by the intruder's fur, desperately trying to pull it toward him. He will not escape. He was bad, despicable, atrocious, loathsome. He was all of it. He had made his sea, as smooth as if painted, become a well quickly filling with tears. WE HAVE TO FINISH THE JOB, WE HAVE TO, BROTHER. He shouted once more, slowly losing his grip as he screamed into the void.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Eve - April 17, 2016

After leaving Jolon and Ezimette those very few days ago, the effects of loneliness were setting in. Eve had - if only for a short time - had lupine contect again, and now she missed it with an intensity she had never known was there. She was playing with something furry and alive, crouched on a hollow log, boredom and the pull of the Pack fogging her vision. She looked up blearily at a noise, and suddenly she was alert and gasping for breath. The prey ran and she did not give chase.

The scene unfolding before her eyes - Asterr comforting a shivering Ezimette in heat, a wild stranger trying to get at her through a furious Jolon and another wolf (Or is it a she-wolf? No, his male anger stung her nostrils) - enraged her and pulled her at the same time.

Innocent and naive as she was, Eve knew of this situation. But then it had been her cowering from the Alpha`s desperate attempt to comfort her, her brother and Packmates driving away the terrifying wolf. She had known what was happening then - a crime to the civilised society that wolves had learned, a terrible instinctive act that should be condemned beyond recognition. Then, the punishment had been swift and final.

All this rushed through her head in a second, eyes narrowing from the warm amber orbs they could be to furious yellow slits as she balanced on the log.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" she screamed, a wild blazing fire simultaneously calming her and giving her to her own dirty instincts. He wanted it to be that way? She would oblige.

Tearing down the hill, she felt not the subdued boredom of her birth Pack, but the fiery spirit of her true Pack. The dragon.

She fell on the lone wolf, clawing at his pelt, instinct a better fighter than she had ever been; her fury was his pain, his death, he would pay, he would pay for what he had tried to do.

He would pay.

Hello, Packmates! :3 You have the rare pleasure of seeing Eve angry. Shit is going down, people. @Noctura , I believe?

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - April 17, 2016

this is from a friend's(Ezi's) iPad, so sorry for stupid mistakes,and posting order is @Jolon @Eve (me) @Noctura @Asterr @Ezimette

  Suniku was completely overwhelmed, but he finally had a moment to get away, so he planned on it. But first, a large white female raced down the hill. He snarled as she attempted to claw at him, landing some strikes. Like a bear woken from hibernation, he finally fought back. He attempted to bite at her legs, hoping that he would strike. He was strong, so. A blow would hurt. IF it struck. A vein in her leg. Yes, he would fight to his death.

I take back my words, you can kill him at the. End. I still have Ink.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - April 17, 2016

Noctura had hesitated because he'd been seconds from accidentally hurting Jolon. During that pause there was a chance the enemy could have escaped, but instead one of Ryūjin's other loyalists thundered onto the scene.

The black wolf summoned every iota of self-discipline he had, reaching out mentally to the stars, and to Asterr, and to his Ryūjin friends, all that gave him light... and for the first time ever, he succeeded in reining back his violent instincts. He's yours, brother, he said to Jolon, and let Eve take his place. By this time it was obvious to Noctura's trained eyes that the trespasser would not escape. Noctura was not needed, and Jolon deserved the death blow.

So he forced the dark haze to lift somewhat from his mind, and with blood dripping from his teeth the huge stargazer took a step back. If it looked like Jolon or Eve needed him he would step back in, but it seemed the foe was in his final struggle. It was the perfect opportunity for Noctura to prove an inner strength for the first time in his life.

Bristling and watchful, Noctura stood protectively with Asterr and Ezimette.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Asterr - April 27, 2016

If the outcome of the encounter between Jolon and Killdeer has been discussed, then I think we may be able to wrap this up here soon. ^^ Also, apologies for the wait. This is the last post from me if Ezimette follows Asterr.

The battle continued, the outcome seeming bad for the man that had possessed the audacity to target a member of the tribe. Her eyes lingered upon the men, observing their actions and awaiting the conclusion of the vicious actions. When she'd felt the touch of another against her, however, her head tilted in Ezimette's direction. The woman was weeping, perhaps with fear or perhaps with shock (she couldn't determine the exact cause). The yearling's body was still as she stood there, letting the other release all of her tears before a comforting nudge was delivered to her subordinate's cheek. Not a word was spoken, living in the silence of the moment and blocking out the sounds of the men's actions meters away from them.

It didn't last for very long, however, as more shouting was done, drawing the girl's attention away once more. To the battle she had looked, glancing from wolf to wolf as it progressed. Only when Noctura had approached her did she return her gaze to Ezimette, nudging her gently once more. "Come," she'd stated, taking a few steps away. To their guardian she had nodded, silently thanking him for his services. "We will be going. You need not see anymore of this, nor should you still be here once the battle has concluded." It was for her own safety then that the chieftess began to try and lead her away. If successful, she would herd the other female deep into the territory, where she would then be hidden away until her heat had passed. If her attempts failed, however, she would remain there still, acting as a silent observer.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Ezimette - April 27, 2016

Ezimette was grateful to have Asterr near, and soon moved closer to her, following as she was guided away. Her ears were laid back and her eyes were wide with absolute confusion and shock. Jolon owuld be okay, he had to be okay.
She was his, and only his, and that would be made official. Ezimette was sure that Jolon,too, would ask for the blessing of Asterr to unite them. Then she could always be there for him, always. This was a scene thta she would have been battling in had it not been for her deeply bruised shoulder and Asterr. She just truly wanted to be with him, and it froze her heart when she saw him in battle. Especially with...That man.

  The pale beauty was taken deep into the territory and hidden away snugly. She was still in heat, after all, and it would not be safe to be around Jolon. with a deep sigh, she thanked Asterr many times as she tucked herself into the warm den.