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Cerulean Cape Gi[m]me all your crebz - Printable Version

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Gi[m]me all your crebz - Xan - July 27, 2016

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: sex ahead.
@Maude — My friends convinced me that Xan should be thrown through a loop, and so I thought a thread with just the two of them might be better suited for that than the alternative. ^^ Hope you don't mind the slight change~

Quite some time had passed since his last trek away from home, and so the boy had eventually found himself heading towards the borders. Of course, he'd told his father of his departure beforehand, and had also included his uncertainty regarding when he might return. The journey had been approved of, and so he'd left immediately. It was not the farthest he'd ever traveled, from what he could remember, but it was a close second; several days had gone into it, after all. Still, he'd not been deterred by the unknown, and had instead pressed forward until nothing looked familiar. He'd entered uncharted waters, and while that should have made him more cautious, he'd continued to walk with confidence in his step. Even when he'd spotted the ocean—it was definitely the largest body of water that he'd ever seen in all his life, since the end couldn't even be located—the Inuit hadn't changed his course of direction, path being set straight for it instead.

Xan had been curious of the water once he'd approached it, the scent being something he'd never smelled before. Of course, he'd tasted the water, only to let it fall from his mouth immediately after in a futile attempt at ridding himself of the awful flavour. Clearly it wasn't drinkable, and so he'd moved on to something else. Only a few steps had been taken before he'd run into a crab, the scuttling creature being followed with his gaze. Could he eat it? An attempt was made, but the thing had managed to get away from him before any bites could be landed. Thereafter his interest was further piqued, and thus began a search for more of the specimen, as well as for a way that he might successfully catch one.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - July 29, 2016

It's fine! excuse maude and her horniness

While to some fucking idiots, she may not look the part of a woman, she definitely was one. And she definitely had the same needs as one too. Unlike most women, who go into heat every once and a while, she seemed to feel the heat of her loins a lot more frequently. Once or twice a month more like. It was this drive that often drove her to attach herself to one special male, though at least with him, she would have one special someone to "cure" her (most of the time, at least), but she was without that special someone. Ferahgo was long gone. Caiaphas was a woman and she had no love for the "gentler" (whoever came up with that term for women had never met some of the crazy bitches she knew) sex, and Kjalarr was different. She barely knew the others in her crew, but most of them were women as well. So she left Saltwinter in search of a fling, desperate to itch her scratch (if you get what I'm saying).

The shore was empty, unluckily for her. She nearly reached the river before she found someone. And when she saw the white male by the shore, nipping at a crab's heels, she smiled and licked her lips. Ahoyy~ She called, walking towards him.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - July 29, 2016

Xan is one of those fucking idiots lmao

Several crabs had been located after the first, but each had managed to scurry away from him. The shells were new to him, as were the claws that he'd learned of during one of his most recent attempts. Xan had succeeded in snagging the creature between his jaws, but a pain on his tongue had caused for him to release it almost immediately. It hadn't been a direct hit, but the clamp had latched on hard enough for him to jump back whilst simultaneously flinging the crustacean forward. The little bastard had escaped once again, and he was beginning to grow quite frustrated. He could fish and he could hunt, so why was it so difficult to catch one of the buggers? To him, it made little to no sense at all. Despite his budding irritation, however, he was still determined. And so he'd gone after another, which had resulted in his nose getting pinched.

The young Inuit was ready to try and drown it (not knowing that doing so wouldn't work out too well), but was stopped out of embarrassment, perhaps, when a new voice was heard. It'd sounded feminine and so he'd looked in the direction of the stranger without hesitation, eyes beginning to scan over the foreign body while a deep breath was taken in. With the salt of the air there'd come the scent of a male, much to both his surprise and interest. "Ahoy?" he'd returned, though posed as a question for he hadn't the slightest clue as to what it meant. "Anyone ever told you that you sound like a girl?" Xan was, as always, off to a bang-up start with first impressions.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - July 29, 2016

Xan, omg

Landlubbers seemed to flock to the ocean for no apparent reason. They always flop about the shore, trying to be a seadog, but like this one, they always fail. She cackled softly, remembered her own unfortunate encounter with a crab not to long ago. She reflexively licked the wounds the crustacean inflicted, but ignored it as the pale male finally turned his attention towards her.

Ahoy means hi, love. She smirked, walking closer, only to stop in her tracks. The pirate gritted her teeth and forced herself to smile. Fighting words. An angry part of her screeched, but the hormones in her brain and loins repressed her anger a little bit. I am a girl.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - July 29, 2016

In the short time that he'd known her, he'd learned that she talked pretty strangely. Wasn't it easier to just say hi? It seemed a bit excessive, but then he remembered the greeting that his father had taught him and realized that maybe it wasn't so bad. Still, it was something new and he was always a bit iffy around things like that. But he'd put that aside, filing the new greeting away somewhere in his mind just in case he might need it again in the future. What followed, however, was something that he could not so easily accept, for all he'd been known growing up forbade him from immediately doing so. There was no way that the wolf was a girl, he'd quickly decided, no matter how her voice might sound. "Yeah, and I'm a seal," he'd responded, disbelief evident in his tone. It was his turn then to step closer, stopping just outside of her reach where he'd then paused.

"You see that?" the boy had questioned, stepping forward and, if allowed to do so, prodding in the general area of her underside but with the intentions of pointing out her member. Thereafter he'd stepped back immediately, lifting one of his own hind legs just as he'd once done for Kendra and Nemesis. "I have one, too. It means you're a boy." Xan lowered his leg back down as the words were spoken, odd gaze having never left her own. "I've never seen a girl with a penis, so you can't be one," was his logic, shoulders being shrugged as he'd spoken. Never before had he encountered someone like Maude, and so he'd definitely need some serious convincing.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - August 01, 2016

A smile-snarl alighted her face, and she stepped back as Xan gestured towards that little thing in-between her legs that should not be there but was. A part of her, the desperately horny part of her wanted to make a quip, but every other part was screaming to correct this boy either with words or wounds.

Her gaze lingered on his own member as his leg lifted. Ok, now he was just teasing her. She gritted her teeth, that burst of warmth in her loins quickly being replaced with a furious snarl at this boy's ignorance.

I ain't ever seen a wolf wit red eyes 'fore this, so that means they don't fuckin' exist, right? How the hell that sort of logic even work anyway? Just because you haven't seen it before didn't mean they didn't exist.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - August 01, 2016

The snarl, however angry it had sounded, had resulting in him grinning. For once, he was not irritated by the actions of another, but somewhat amused by the fact that he'd gotten a rise out of her. Though the moment had lived a short life, for the second she'd spoken his smirk had been wiped away and replaced by a glare. "Obviously I exist," was his blunt reply. He'd nearly added on how he was not the only one with crimson eyes, but was quickly reminded of his mother's death and kept his mouth shut. Honestly, he didn't know if there were any others out there, and he sure as hell didn't know how or where to find them if there were.

For perhaps a moment too long, he'd been quiet, eyes like daggers against the stranger's face. "Fine," he'd eventually said, shifting his weight in the process. "If you're a girl, then prove it." Xan hadn't a moment to think prior to challenging her, and knew not what was to be expected in return for his impulsive actions. How something like that could be proved, he didn't know, but was a bit interested to find out.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - August 01, 2016

I exist too, mate. She huffed, breaking through the silence he made, exasperated with another one of these dumb ass hell conversations. She just wanted one thing and one thing only from this male. That was it. But he needed proof that she was a woman first? She wanted to retort that she needed proof he was a man, but he had already displayed that before, she thought back with glee.

Wot, d'ye want me t'go into heat right now? No woman can do that. Was this guy even old enough to know what heat was? Wot else d'ye want me t'prove?

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - August 02, 2016

Her huff had been more or less shrugged off, words decidedly unimportant. He could tell that she existed, but didn't know how to go about accepting what his eyes had seen between her legs. It was confusing to him, the experience something he'd neither encountered nor previously been told about. Xan was the type to rely on what he could see, but this time, he felt uncertain whilst doing so. Her member said male, but she said female, and that was something he couldn't quite wrap his head around. But, that isn't to say that he wasn't willing to at least try, but persuasion (or possibly even bribery) was necessary.

A point was made, and a mistake realized. Shaking his head, he'd dismissed the notion entirely. "Forget proving anything," he'd shot back, unintentionally snapping. "Get me one of those pinching things to eat, and I'll take your word on being a girl." Of course, he'd still question it in the back of his mind, but he'd refrain from bringing it up again verbally if she were to feed him.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - August 02, 2016

She had, at the very least, cornered him and dispelled his dumbass logic. Whether or not he believed her didn't matter; she knew who she was and he was put in his place, at least for now. She wondered, she hoped that the boy would throw away his disgust and do the deed, but something about his face told her otherwise. She scowled, her itch thoroughly unscratched as the boy demanded that she catch a crab for her in order for his agreement.

It's a crab, addlepate. She hissed, offended that this random boy would dare make her do anything. And just for his confirmation? She didn't need his confirmation that she was a girl, she just needed him to shut up and fuckher mind his own business and worry about his own genitalia. Wot makes yew t'ink I'll just listen t'a little boy like yew, eh?

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - August 02, 2016

Xan had expected her to do as she'd been told, but was met with resistance instead. There had also been a name hissed out, something to call the scuttling creatures. Whether or not the information could be trusted, he wasn't entirely sure, but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt just this once. Besides, he had other things to worry about, such as being able to try one of the little buggers. It'd been made clear prior that he couldn't catch one on his own, and so, in a way, he sort of needed her—not that he'd ever admit that aloud or anything. In fact, he hadn't said anything for a short while, jaw kept clamped shut whilst he worked to keep himself from lashing out at her. Couldn't go off ruining whatever chance he could possibly have at tasting a sea-beast (but which sea-beast, exactly?).

"I'm not little," he'd finally said. Insinuation? Perhaps. "You'll listen because I'll do something for you if you do this for me." What he had in mind was probably vastly different from whatever was in hers, but Xan hadn't the capability to think in that direction.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - August 03, 2016

Maude's head cocked at his proposition. Yew'll do wot fer me? She was immediately intrigued. Perhaps the boy didn't have what she had in mind, but did it matter? He obviously knew what a dick was, so he obviously knew what it was for. Maybe she could prove her womanhood that way...

Fine. She complied, though a part of her was indignant. The pirate wench stalked off in search of a crab, hoping that it didn't end up like last time. It didn't take very long, surprisingly. One scuttled past her in an attempt to return to sea, but her paws were much quicker than its little feet. She pounced on the crustacean, feeling its shell crack first underneath her weight, then her teeth. She hauled the catch back to the albino, licking at the crab meat that threatened to spill out from its broken carapace. One cracked crab.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - August 03, 2016

Xan had replied with a mere shrug, knowing not what he'd do in return for a meal. "You name it, I'll do it," he'd eventually said, figuring the trade was fair enough. Of course, he only imagined basic tasks—such as bringing some sort of inland prey in exchange, or helping to track down something that had been lost.

The boy had kept still whilst watching her walk off, and was unusually patient with his waiting. It had been good in the end, too, for she'd come back soon enough with a crab in her mouth. Of course, he'd sniffed at it a few times to ensure that there wasn't anything wrong, which had made him wrinkle up his nose. No matter, the scent did not warn him off for very long, and he'd soon managed to work enough of the meat out without a single word having been said. It was only after he'd eaten what he'd been able—and discovered that he rather liked the taste—that he'd looked back to the stranger. "Not a taste I was expecting," he'd noted, having no complaints to share afterwards. "Okay, so what do you want?" Xan was, perhaps, a little too eager to fulfill his end of the deal, but only because he didn't like the idea of being in debt to someone.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - August 03, 2016

Maude settled to her haunches and stomach, watching as the albino slurped up the crab meat. She wasn't that hungry, having eaten before she left Ankyra Sound, so she sat still as he ate, her mind wandering as he finished up the crustacean. Hmm.. She smirked, her smile crooked as her eyes became lidded. I want yew t'fuck me.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - August 03, 2016

Hunting, searching, tracking—any sort of assistance, really, was what he'd been expecting. What was actually said, however, had his eyes widening. "What?" was all he could manage to say at first, taking a step back as he'd spoken. "How's that supposed to even work? You don't have a... you know." Was he being messed with? Was Nemesis getting revenge on him after so long for the story he'd told her? No, she wouldn't do that. The wolf before him was being serious, and he hadn't the slightest clue on how to approach the situation from there on out.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - August 03, 2016

She cackled at his surprise, but she was serious. He was the only male wolf on the beach, one that she didn't know well and who wasn't in her crew. There were no strings attached to their brief union. It was perfect...except for the fact that he seemed entirely bewildered by her anatomy. Men an' women can both be fucked up their arseholes, y'know. It isn't entirely unpleasant. Her smile widened as her tail flicked behind her.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - August 03, 2016

The cackling had resulted in his ears falling back, nearly laying flat against his skull. She'd offered an alternative to what he'd always imagined his first time would be like, and while he was curious, he was also hesitant. Though she'd said she was female, and he'd chosen to believe her, it still unsettled him—but the thought of owing her, of all the wolves out there, something had him putting his discomfort aside. "Are you sure?" Xan asked, eyes glancing towards her backside before finding their way back to her own. He'd always thought that he'd have sex with Kendra before anyone else, but then there he was, one step away from hooking up with a total stranger. No matter the outcome, he'd decided right away that his family could never learn of his trip.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Maude - August 03, 2016

Maude felt a surge of triumph through her body. He was hesitant, but it seemed like he was coming around to the idea. She licked her lips again, her hips rising slightly as he pondered. Mmhmm... She rose entirely to her feet as he rounded to her backside, her tail lifted out of the way. Go 'head. She murmured, looking back at him suggestively.

RE: Gimme all your crebz - Xan - August 03, 2016

A part of him—the part that didn't understand for a moment what was going on—had hoped that she'd come up with something else. That he'd be able to get away without doing the deed, but that just wasn't going to happen. And so he'd rounded her form, eyes trailing along the length of her body before having settled on the base of her tail. Yet his gaze hadn't been made to linger there for very long, having started to trail downwards once her tail was raised. To his surprise and utter bewilderment, his friend had made an appearance only moments after he'd started inspecting the stranger's backside. He'd taken that as a hint that, for the moment at least, what he was about to do was fine. Surely his body wouldn't betray him, trick him into doing something that wasn't natural.

"Don't tell anyone about this," he'd muttered, stepping near enough then so that he could swing a forelimb over her back. He'd stayed like that at first, only to bring up his other limb and hook each one around either sides of her hips, yanking her closer. He'd been slow moving at first, prodding around a few times until his mark had been hit, and then his hesitation seemed to fly right out the window. Reaching forward, Xan had snagged her scruff between his jaws, pulling perhaps a bit harder than intended as his hips began to move against her own. He'd been met with an array of different feelings, all of which being entirely new to him, and none being something that he'd felt he needed to shy away from. Things seemed to click within his mind, but he'd not the capability of thinking too far into it at the moment. His focus remained on her, his grip growing tighter every now and again, whilst his thrusts became rougher as he no longer had any reason to hold back.

RE: Gi[m]me all your crebz - Maude - August 04, 2016

He didn't hit the mark at first, which frustrated Maude. The wench muttered a few curses, urging him to get on with it, but the moment he did enter her, all crudeness exited her body. She moaned contently, her hips attempting to push back with his thrusts a few times as they began, though as they continued to get rougher she eventually stopped, her paws shifting. The pulling on her scruff did nothing to suppress the pleasure she felt; she even welcomed the harsh feeling. For all of her posturing and defiance, Maude liked nothing more than to be dominated, at least during sex. She whined with pleasure, a hint of disappointment in her tone, knowing that their brief union would soon be ending, even if she goaded the boy to another round. It occurred to her, in her hormone laden mind, that she didn't know his name, and he didn't know hers.

She honestly didn't care.

RE: Gi[m]me all your crebz - Xan - August 04, 2016

Xan had lost himself to the motions, his body acting even without commands from his mind. And even though he was aware enough to realize what he was doing, he couldn't bring himself to care. It felt right, so it couldn't possibly be wrong; of course, he'd have quickly said that he was forced into it anyways if spotted by someone that he knew. He'd wondered, briefly, if this was how things were always meant to be. If he'd been taking an interest in the wrong type of wolves all this time, but it had been soon that the theory was discarded. He knew he'd had feelings for someone else, that he'd been attracted to her, but what he currently felt seemed so much better than that.

Her whine had encouraged him, his pace increasing only to eventually slow. For a moment or two longer, he'd continued just like that, rocking against her before having come to a complete stop. Still, though, he'd remained there just long enough to pull at her scruff once more, only to unmount directly after. He'd slumped over, panting, but did not move away from her body. Words could not be formed, nor did he think them necessary. Strange as it was for him to admit it, he'd found something that seemed to resonate with him, and wasn't interested yet in leaving it. Xan wanted more, as much as he could get, for he knew not how long he'd be made to go without encountering someone like her again. "Do you have anywhere to be?" he'd eventually found his voice just long enough to ask, speaking between breaths. Thoughts of his family and the home that he was soon supposed to return to were no longer present within his mind, the stranger having stolen all of his senses away.

RE: Gi[m]me all your crebz - Maude - August 04, 2016

With his pace slowing and then ending, Maude felt her toes curl in the sand as she reached her peak. The wench let out a long winded moan before he pulled away, letting her sink to the ground. She panted heavily, but had turned to the pale wolf with a giddy, crooked smile. She licked her lips, rubbing her face on the ground; her fur was still on fire. She still desired his touch. And lucky for her, so did he.

No, She raised her head, a mischievous expression on her face (when wasn't there a mischievous expression on her face?) Do yew? Maude lifted her body until her nose met under his chin. She licked there, her mouth moving to the corner of his, where she started nibbling his neck. She was entirely interested in another round, all but forgetting how their encounter started.

RE: Gi[m]me all your crebz - Xan - August 04, 2016

As he'd watched her after the fact, he'd felt himself wanting to reach back out. To take her again and again until it all made sense and he could question nothing more. But the urge was resisted, fought against as his breathing began to even back out. For how long he could keep his cool, he did not know. His focus had shifted from her body to her answer, relief flooding his system when there came a simple no. She had nowhere to be, no one that demanded her immediate attention, and for that he'd pressed nearer to her. For the moment, she was his, and that realization made his earlier worries cease existing altogether.

The question was returned, however, and he'd nearly said yes. He did have somewhere to be, but he also did not, and her touch made him lean more towards the latter as being true. Everyone would still be there when he returned, it was fine for him to stay; he'd told himself this several times over, even though, at this point, he'd needed little prompting. With teeth having lingered along his neck, Xan's body lurched upwards, bringing him back up to his feet. "Do you want me to have a place to be?" The question was answered with another, though already had he started to trail his nose through her fur. He'd followed the length of her body, stopping once her hind legs were reached and then nipping at her thighs. "Like here, maybe?" he'd suggested, keeping his body close to hers, but making no move to return to his previous position atop her. He wanted to know that it was still okay, that he wasn't acting in a way that he shouldn't. He needed to know that there wasn't anything wrong with him wanting her.

RE: Gi[m]me all your crebz - Maude - August 04, 2016

phone post while watching Captain America lol

Her minstrations were quickly reciprocated by the pale male. She smirked as his nose shifted through her fur, trailing down to her thigh. Maude shuddered contently, watching his progress as he moved closer and closer to her groin. No... She groaned. Wait, don't move... She slid underneath his body, crawling forward until her mouth met his member. I want yew right 'ere. She licked tentatively, waiting briefly for his reaction, then going all at it as her tail wagged gently behind her.

RE: Gi[m]me all your crebz - Xan - August 04, 2016

Surprised by the no, he'd stopped his advances and pulled his muzzle away from her body. Eyes never left her form, however, observing her so that he might learn what he'd done wrong. Surely he'd acted incorrectly, his earlier thoughts beginning to take form within his mind again. For how long they'd held, he'd been left unaware, for his mind seemed to run blank as she'd crawled beneath him. "What are yo–" Never had he the opportunity to finish his question, a groan of his own doings having absorbed all formal words. It wasn't an entirely new feeling—given his near obsession with personal cleanliness, he'd started demanding that he'd be cleaned at a very young age—but when combined with his arousal, it seemed to take on a whole new feeling. He did not move, he didn't want to, the occasional huff or groan filling the air around him.