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Ankyra Sound Dancing on the Edge - Printable Version

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Dancing on the Edge - Rain - November 24, 2014

From the edge of a cliff, Rain gazes down at the area below, wondering how she could make her way to the coast. Her muzzle scrunches up in frustration. There is a pack down there somewhere, she knows. Even now she can glance movement along the bottom of the cliffs.

Stalking along the drop, she weaves through the trees, searching for an answer to the puzzle. The sun would soon disappear below the far side of the calm ocean, and she does not want to be so dangerously close to the cliff in the dark. One step the wrong way and she would be falling to her death.

Finding nothing to indicate a way down, Rain sits and sets her nose in the air. Her howl fills the darkening sky, hoping to summon a member of the hidden pack. As the call is taken up by the wind, she retreats to a safe distance from the cliff. There was always the possibility of meeting a hostile wolf and it would be simple for them to knock her off the cliff if she didn't spot them quick enough

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Nishu Inte - November 24, 2014

Nishu's self made patrol routes kept extanding farther inland. He searched for new sightings but hasn't gone far enough to find anything worthy to share. He didn't spend large amount of time out there. He had to be there for his master in case there was a task for him and being out there too long won't help him.

Upon his way returning to base he heard a boarder call not far from where he was. It was something that cought his attention which instantly made him what to see what was up. It didn't take long to reach the area where the sound was made. He didn't try to be sneaky at all. Casually walking then looking around spotting a wolf not so far from the cliff. This wolf wasn't someone he knew, he could atleast tell the female was from someplace else than here. He wondered if she thought the same way as the females here in Ankyra Sound. It would be great to be seen as something else than a slave or low class servant.

But duty came first, a stranger near the pack can pose a threat. Since no one else have arrived yet he thought it was up to him to find out what the stranger was doing. He had no idea how the pack handle things like this but it didn't stop him from trying. He showed off his dominate stance by holding his head high with his tail slightly lifted, he wasn't something he could do in front of the other females but he wasn't a real slave either. "What business do you have here?" he asked. This was actually the first time he got to do something that was part of his real job.He decided to just throw away all the acting he had to do to avoid getting scolded. He watched the female's eyes closely wondering if she would act like the others do or if she would act the way normal females would. It sure would please him to see a female act the way they were before he got involved in this pack located below the cliffs.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Rain - November 25, 2014

Anxiety creeps into her features as she continues to wait for someone to answer her call. If no one comes then she could give another day to this area even though she is eager to get home. She was on her way back from Oroboros Spine when word of a new pack settling here had reached her ears. Loyalty and duty to her alpha forced her to check out the rumors and from the signs, it seems a pack has indeed claimed the area.

Rain almost abandons the hope of spotting anyone before the padding of paws reach her ears making her feel both nervous and curious. Head erect and tail slightly lifted, a grey wolf walks up through the trees qestioning her intentions. She lowers her head just a tad, icy blue eyes locked on him. "Your pack, would I be correct in saying that it is newly formed?" Since she is still learning the packs that inhabit the wilds, she will feel extremely unintelligent if the rumors are false. "I've come to investigate, more or less."

As her unfaltering gaze studies him, she notices that he is a rather good looking wolf. The darker grey in his coat makes him look mysterious while his golden eyes give him a rather intemidating appearence. She can't help but low her eyes to drift over his body for a fleeting glance at his features. Lean muscle can be seen rippling beneath his coat as he walks closer, marking him as a possibly good fighter or hunter. Gazing back up to his face, she focuses just to the right of his eyes. It is becoming easier to tame her dominant nature. well almost, she thinks as her tail raises, hopefully out of his view.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Nishu Inte - November 25, 2014

Nishu was pleased to see a female not like the ones below, it made him smile. He instantly relaxed after watching her eyes and movements. Based on her words and stance he saw that she was no threat here. Moments after he realised that he was more relaxed within the presence of stranger compared to the presence of those in Ankyra. Guess that meant this pack was more a place of work than a home.

He sneezed then looked down below where the pack was located. "I've only been involved with them for a month, but I can confirm that this pack is fairly new still." he said at ease. His gaze returned towards her. It was still the eyes he watched more than anything else. Those light blue eyes were something he would surely remember. It made him wonder if she had a personality like the sky. 'Loyality' as the sky never abandons the earth.

"I suppose next you would need a little information on the pack before returning. Well I can tell you that this pack is female dominated to an extreme point. By that I mean male are nothing more than puppets." He said calmly before thinking out loud in a whisper. "I hope I'll be able to leave freely once my services to Tethys is over.." It be a problem if he wasn't allowed to leave, hopefully when ever that day comes it would be a peaceful goodbye. It wouldn't be that surprising if it wasn't after seeing how they are.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Rain - November 25, 2014

At the wolf's confirmation of the rumors she internally sighs in relief. Now she won't have to worry about seeming stupid in front of this male. His gaze returns to her then, and she resists the urge to meet his golden eyes. A prickling sensation crawling along the back of her neck indicates that her hackles are rising. Trying not to appear hostile, she gives him a small smile while inside she fights the instinct to challenge him. This Outrider position is turning out to be rather challenging, Rain notes.

A description of the pack's internal workings from the grey male brings forth several questions from Rain. "Female dominated? And males as puppets?" Bewildered, she requests further information by asking, "What does that signify, exactly?" Never before has she heard of the like. A pack, though not on equal terms between ranks, treated male and females the same. Never was one above the other simply because of their gender. The laws of this pack come off as rather preposterous to her.

Flicking an ear, she barely catches what he whispers to himself, but can't comprehend the full meaning of his words. His longing to leave stirs a familiar feeling of disgust. Several wolves have confessed leaving or wanting to leave their packs on her venture causing her to question the Wilds. The pack she had grown up in outside of this area had never once lost a member, nor had anyone ever considered leaving, and only once had they taken in a loner. The reason she is here now was forced upon her, not choosen. Every day she desperately wishes to be back in her homeland. Though in the case of this grey wolf's pack, she can't blame him for wanting to leave. I would help him, she decides then. Even though it goes against everything that I believe in.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - RIP Spyridon - November 25, 2014

This happens right after he speaks with Caiaphas.

Spyridon knew what had to be done, and after agreeing to meet Caiaphas on the morrow, he went to seek out his target. It did not take him long, for the male's scent still seemed foreign and easy to pick out of the plethora of female scents. Initially, he had intended only to seek out his target from afar, but when he spotted the drudge speaking with an outsider, he knew that he could not stand by and watch their secrets spilled.

He made haste toward the two, his hackles raised and teeth bared as he inserted himself between Nishu and the stranger. Spyro glared at the drudge, every muscle ready to pounce if the man did not back away. This was not the way that strangers were to be dealt with, and Nishu was not qualified for such a thing anyway. If he did not back down, things would get violent. Spyro gave the girl no acknowledgement, but if she knew what was good for her, she would high-tail it out of her sooner rather than later.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Caiaphas - November 25, 2014

After her grave meeting with Spyridon, Caiaphas had similar thoughts -- and she was surprised to find his scent entwined with Nishu Inte's tracks. Affording a small smile of pleasure to see the dark male so dedicated, Caiaphas trailed behind -- meandering with the most sheathed of purposes.

Any guilt she felt for the potential harm that (may) would befall Nishu Inte disintegrated immediately when she saw him conversing freely with an outsider. Instant fury for her disciple's lack of inhibition clouded her mind, and like Spyridon she strode towards the duo vehemently, her own hackles flared in alarming disquiet. She came from the side, propelling towards him like a missile -- all teeth and claws -- and as she drew closer she threw herself into a terrific leap, aiming to slam Nishu Inte in the shoulder with her own momentum, and bring him down for his insubordinate actions. There was no remorse in her actions, only ire, and if she collided with the male her teeth would seek to vanquish any uprising with snarling snaps.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Nishu Inte - November 25, 2014

[size=x-small](ooc: no permanent damage on anyone!)[/size]

Nishu was about to explain himself until suddenly the male called Spyridon appeared. At first he thought he came with hostility towards the stranger but that idea didn't last long as angered wolf came inbetween them and faced him instead. It was highly unusual, was he not even allowed to talk to outsiders about the pack? He took a step back but remember that it was the cliff's edge that's just a few steps behind him so he only took one step.

"What are y..?!" but was interrupted as he saw Caiaphas charging straight at him. This was definitely an attack but towards him. There was not even a moment to ask why but he understood this atleast, these two have marked him as some enemy. Nishu knew he needed to avoid that charge but there no possible path to dodge. Spyro was in front of him and there was the cliff behind him. Jumping to the side wouldn't help avoiding Caiaphas' charge.

Nishu had no reason to fight but it looked like there was no way to avoid this. The chance wasn't even given. He decide to leap to the side, creating a small distance between him and Spyro. Next he steadily lowered himself preparing to thrust to the side, using his shoulder at the point. If Caiaphas continues they will collide and both will receive a heavy impact. His stance will allow him to keep on his paws but will get tossed off balance for a moment.

There was a moment where he thought about the stranger but clearly there was no time to think about her and of what she would think of this.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Rain - November 25, 2014

A black wolf pads out of the trees to place himself between her and the grey she was pleasantly conversing with. Stiffening, Rain watches the new wolf for any signs of agression towards her. But the wolf did not even focus on her, just the grey. If a fight broke out between the packmates, then she felt that it was not something she should physically involve herself with. The only thing she could do for him would to take the blame for speaking with him.

But before she could step forward another wolf comes charging in to tackle the grey. Rain's tail raises high into the air like a flag, head held high and teeth bared at such hostility towards their own pack member. Two ganging up on a single member? She can't sit idly by and watch such an unfair fight even if this has nothing to do with her. Was this the brutal treatment towards males of a female dominant pack?

Growling low in her chest at the black male between her and the grey Rain says, "If you move in to join the fight, I will not hesitate to sink my teeth into your neck." She snaps her jaws together, snarling viciously to make her intentions clear.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Eos - November 25, 2014

Her treks had often led her to the cliffs. She had spent a fair amount of her time wandering her new home, and growing to love it. Had she not been near the edge of their territory, the naiad would not have heard the savage noises that startled her from her thoughts. A peculiar scent filled the air. Drawing her narrow muzzle upwards, Eos could feel the fur along her neck and spine prickle with territorial anxiety. She had already lost her first home. She would not allow the second to fall to vicious attacks.

Willowy legs carried the dusty female from her wandering to a sight that did not please her. Their alpha was there - a savage mess of beautiful ashen and inky fur, sparked by wicked yellow orbs. Eos sauntered forward, tossing her tail upwards in dominance towards the silvery stranger. Drawing her lips back to reveal dangerous canines, the naiad appeared more like a feral wreck. The dark male from their pack meeting was there, but he was not the intended target.

Just as she closed the distance between herself and her fellow pack members, her lengthy ears caught the final words of the silver female. Bristling angrily, Eos turned her savagery towards the foreigner. "You would do best to leave," she snapped wickedly at Rain. It was not a warning. It was a threat.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - RIP Spyridon - November 26, 2014

Caiaphas appeared from seemingly nowhere, all teeth and hackles. The outsider spoke, though Spyridon did not understand a single word that fell from her lips. He spoke and understood only Greek. Eos arrived shortly after, and while he did not understand her either, he could not allow her to be endangered. Without hesitation, he leapt at the outsider. She was close to their territory and threatening them, so he was well within his rights. He would allow her to escape if she wished, but until she wised up, she would have to deal with both him and Eos.

Jaws agape, he aimed to bite the stranger's shoulder.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Caiaphas - November 26, 2014

When she collided with Nishu, the rest of the world was forgotten. Feral, ferocious, and entirely imbued with bile, the wicked she-wolf was relentless in her tirade.

Rain would be dealt with separately -- and if it were not for the gravity of the situation Caiaphas would have turned to her and killed Rain for challenging her rule in her pack. Nishu Inte had betrayed the pack by revealing information about them -- but there was no time to explain his wrong doings and insubordinate behavior to the Sunspire wolf.

Eos and Spyridon flanked Rain quickly, and Caiaphas' rueful gaze fell on Rain with inordinate savagery. "σκοτώσει" She snarled between gasps, rounding upon the hulked Nishu Inte -- her blackened gums curled back and lethal yellow teeth exposed. He was low to the ground, which worked to Caiaphas' benefit -- lunging towards him, she sought to pin him by grappling his scruff with her teeth -- hopefully forcing him to the ground with this tackling maneuver.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Nishu Inte - November 26, 2014

Upon collision Nishu was only thrown off balance. There was no doubt now that he was treated as an enemy. Another member of the pack had joined but was fixed on the stranger, Spyridon had switched to her as well. Everything began to make sense after Caiaphas said something towards the silver stranger. The situation allowed him to have the idea of what was said. Both him and the stranger were now their enemies. Clearly these wolves know nothing of foreign affairs, Peace can only exist between packs as long as they respect and acknowledge the others. Only beasts of war choose to kill a stranger who is only trying to acknowledge them. Nishu felt true anger building up inside. He set himself a new task, Protect the stranger and escape.

The stranger didn't appear to want to run, He wouldn't mind trying to take on three wolves but he knew they were more. Escaping was the better plan. "You must escape stranger! I'll cover you!" He said as Caiaphas lunged at him. He could see that she was aimming to pin him down but could she match his brute strength? He decide to ignore her and just force his way through even if he was carrying her on his back while she had a grip on him. He will not allow himself to be brought down so easily. While moving he attempted to bite at Caiapha's side with the intention of trying to get her off if she was trying to bring him down. Each step was well placed as he tried to get inbetween the stranger and the others. In truth he thought about how the stranger would escape but nothing about how he would.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Rain - November 27, 2014

The black wolf lunges towards Rain in a blur of motion. Jumping back, she barely escapes his gaping jaws and snaps at him, more to force him away than cause harm. Making sure both of the savage wolves are in her view, she waits for the next move, glancing between them. Feelings of nervousness and fear elude her as confidence in her fighting ability stabilizes her emotions. Not for one moment does she believe that she can fight two on her own, but she may be able to hold them while the grey fights his own opponent.

From the edge of her sight, she spots the grey looking at her. "You must escape stranger!" He yells. "I'll cover you!" Her nose scrunches up in a snarl. Him cover her? Did he believe her to be weak? It is her that is facing two wolves and it would be her holding them until the grey either defeated his opponent or ran. Ignoring his words, Rain prepares herself for a brutal fight.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Eos - November 28, 2014

The grey male from Ankyra seemed to have been protecting the silver female. Unfortunately, she was far too moronic to understand that - unless she moved to escape - both Eos and the green-eyed wolf would be able to force her out. It wasn't a matter of strength. It was a matter of statistics. Caiaphas instructed her death, and so it would follow. The naiad watched as her dark packmate lunged forward. He would be the brute strength, where Eos would have to use some tact to assist him. Still, the silver fool managed to avoid his attack by leaping backwards. Eos watched with calculating eyes before making her own move.

With nimble paws, the dusty wolf darted forward. She tucked her head to one side, aiming to ram the weight of her body against the silver stranger with her shoulder. If Rain were to leap back again, Eos would have enough momentum to pivot on her front feet and kick the intruder with a surprising amount of force with her rear feet. The dark male would certainly have enough time to make his next move. Their foolish target could not dodge everything they threw against her. She was no God.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - RIP Spyridon - November 28, 2014

To keep everybody straight, here's what's currently happening: http://cl.ly/YkCg
Just a reminder: no godmodding, powerplaying, or metagaming. :)
I plan on doing my own damage rolls via The Table. (Rolling 1d8, where 5+ Spyro takes a hit.)

The stranger's teeth bit into the front of his shoulder but for a moment, and when Caiaphas yelled out, Spyridon obeyed. It was his nature, and he would follow her orders only. She could have saved herself if she had run, but she had refused. “Είστε ένας ανόητος,” Spyridon hissed. Caiaphas would handle Nishu, Spyro was confident in that, and he and Eos would have no trouble making good work of this foolish girl. With Eos lunging face-first toward the stranger, Spyridon came at Rain from the side.

Once she was out of the way, he could help to pin down Nishu and rid him of his ability to procreate. But until this silver bitch was out of his way, he could do nothing to help his leader.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Caiaphas - November 28, 2014

sounds good! as always, if there are any questions PM one of us! tl;dr version: nishu's bite lands on phas' cheek, phas tries to slow him down by shaking her head and then tripping him

Nishu Inte had the advantage of size, Caiaphas could give him that -- as her teeth found his scruff he kept going -- though not before imparting a wicked snap at her cheeks. Falling back (but trying her best not to let go of the silver furred male) Caiaphas was able to somewhat mitigate the blow -- but not before his teeth left wide scores of scrapes and blood across her dark muzzle. His attack stung with amazing clarity, and only seemed to further fuel her intensity.

He was much stronger than her -- she could slam on the brakes but it would only hinder, not stop, his progress. As he kept onwards like a bull moose in rut season, Caiaphas tried her best to trip him -- she would snake her head back in wrenching succession and one forepaw was shot forwards in the hopes of tripping him. If he fell, she would use this to her advantage and try to pin him -- if he kept going, she would keep slugging.

So enveloped was Caiaphas in her attempts to slow him down that she scarce saw Spyridon and Eos close in on Rain. Either way. the pale waif had no doubt they would soon dispose of the peddling, obnoxious female.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Nishu Inte - November 28, 2014

Seeing the stranger not even attempt to escape frustrated Nishu. It meant a change of plan. It was impossible to hold three wolves back if the one that should escape doesn't try. Caiaphas didn't give him much time to think clearly. He felt her teeth on the back of his neck and it was even more painful as she shook. He knew now he needed to take care of Caiaphas before doing anything else or else he might lose himself to her.

He stopped at the same time she tried to trip him. Which gave him an idea. If they ever needed to escape the best was to take out their legs or atleast one. First he needed her to let go. He twisted violently in attempt to be freed from her grip and if he could he would attempt to bite one of her fore paws to try and temperarily cripple her. He would hope that she didn't have the reflex to pull away her paws. With out a little surprise, legs and paws are hard to get a hold of.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Rain - November 28, 2014

The rusty wolf makes the first move, rushing towards Rain with her head tucked to the side. Rain lowers herself, using her hindlegs to lunge up and into the oncoming wolf's assult, jaws aiming to tear into any bit of flesh within reach. As she collides into the female another force barrels into her side, tearing her away from the reddish wolf, and sending her tumbling across the hard packed ground.

A loud thwump followed by a high pitch squeal rings out as Rain comes to a sudden halt, her back slamming into something rough. White and black dots scatter acoss her sight, hindering her senses. Glancing thick branches hanging above, she can guess what laid in her path.

It takes a moment for her eyes to clear, and she struggles to stand. With shaking limbs she is able to get to her paws, but a sick feeling settles in her center. Snarling, Rain looks back at her attackers and sways a bit. Gathering herself she lets out a sharp bark, and then darts towards them, nose between her forelegs. Though a bit weak, her intent is to get tangled up in one or both of the wolves, it is harder to attack an enemy if they are entwined with a packmate.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Eos - November 29, 2014

So much was unfolding around them, that it was almost difficult for Eos to keep her attention on her specific target. The timing of her attack was off just enough so that when Rain reared back and snapped wildly at the dusty woman, she found a connection on Eos' cheek. She would have - perhaps - landed more damage if the dark male had not barreled her out of the way, incapacitating her for a moment. The naiad huffed through her nostrils, shaking her head once or twice in hopes that it would relieve the stinging sensation from her face.

The fight was taking too long. Eos felt as though her green-eyed packmate was more capable than she at handling the silver stranger. In a moment, with only a little thought, Eos turned to Nishu and Caiaphas. Without another breath, the girl pointed her muzzle towards the earth and charged towards Nishu. As she closed the distance between them, Rain was just clambering to her feet. Eos' attempt was to catch him off guard - while he was attempting to throw Caiaphas - and latch her teeth to his throat. She hoped silently that the dark male could manage against Rain a while longer.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - RIP Spyridon - November 29, 2014

One or two more rounds, maybe? Don't want this to drag on for too long. Rain and Nishu can escape, but I feel like the longer they fight, the less realistic that outcome is.

Eos sprung to where Caiaphas and Nishu were at it, leaving Spyridon to fight the outsider. Why she was fighting, he still did not know. It was as if she had a death wish. Perhaps she knew Nishu before he had come here and was attempting to "rescue" him from The Nereides. If that was the case, she was even more foolish than Spyridon had thought in the first place. The Nereides were a different breed, but they were not cruel so long as you played by their rules. They wished for obedience and respect, just as any superior would. Spyro still did not understand why men made themselves act so high and mighty around them, especially those from the outside.

The silver girl darted toward him, but Spyridon was able to leap out of the way in the nick of time. Baring his teeth, he turned on the girl once more, jaws agape as he attempted to latch on to her throat. If she ran, he would probably leave her be and help Caiaphas and Nishu. But if she continued to fight for some bloody unknown cause, she was only going to inflict more damage upon herself.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Caiaphas - November 29, 2014

i think one or two more rounds is a great idea too

Nishu Inte plowed forwards, at once wrenching Caiaphas from her grip -- there was a fleeting snap as her jaws closed around air and her ears swiveled back in outrage. Without thinking she bolted forwards, her jaws wide as she tried to regain her grip on his scruff and once more attempt to hold him there.

But her attempts were frustrated as he swung his muzzle around, his teeth seeking with fierce intention her paws. A shriek of indignity erupted from her narrow muzzle and she retracted her paws to the best of her ability, her own teeth aiming to rake ruthlessly across his cheek and force his head down. Eos she had not seen -- but as Nishu closed the gap between them his teeth did indeed find purchase on the narrow slab of her foreleg -- leaving a most offensive welt in its wake.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Nishu Inte - November 30, 2014

[size=x-small]I feel like I'm doing a little too much here :P if there is a problem tell me[/size]

Although freed from Caiaphas grip she managed to leave a scratch on his cheek when he aimed to catch her paw. However he managed to grab hold of her paw with his jaws before it could escape his reach. But he had to release shortly after to avoid her teeth from getting a grip on him again. He was sure the damage he did wasn't enough to stop her, At the very least he hoped that it was slow her enough to where he could escape. He released her paw then leaped away in order to avoid her attack. He may have been freed and the escape path was open but he saw Eos charging at him only leaving a few seconds to react.

He knew that he would have to take the charge head on since he had no speed advantage. Within moments he completely lowered himself to just above ground level as he landed from his leap away from Caiaphas. He needed to deal with her before attempting to escape. To do so he would thrust forward the moment Eos got close bash his head at her front legs in order cause her to flip over him, or atleast try to make her flip over him. She may have not gotten his throat but she was able to reach the back of his neck and could continue where Caiaphas left off, just until her momentum would cause to continue forward, likely to not allow her to keep a grip.

If he succeeded he would be able to escape. The stranger should be able to escape from one wolf. If Caiaphas doesn't have the reflex to follow up on Eos' charge then he would be clear to make a run for it and hopefully get away from this pack of beast.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Rain - November 30, 2014

This would be a good place to toss Rain over the cliff and into the river if you want Spyro :) If not, I can figure out another way for her to escape

Her headlong rush misses the black wolf as he leaps to the side at the last minute. She skids to a halt, fear rising up as her paws kiss the edge of the cliff. Below a river thunders by, its waters beating against the large rocks interrupting its flow. As she stumbles back, teeth dig into her scruff causing her to cry out. With the so cliff dangerously close, Rain pushes back into the beast instead of trying to tear away for fear of tumbling over the edge. Of course moving into the large male would give him a better grip on her. She can already feel the warm flow of blood soaking her silver coat where his sharp teeth pierced her skin.

She hadn't noticed when the rusty wolf ran off to help fight the grey male. If she had, then she wouldn't have tried to ram into them. It couldn't be helped now, and with the drop off so close Rain feels she has made a grave mistake. It would be nothing for the black male to shove her over. What would become of the dark grey male if she was thrown to the deadly grasp of the river? Would he be able to escape from three ferocious wolves seemingly intent on killing them?

A feeling Helplessness overwhelms her as she struggles to free herself. The world around her slows becoming surreal. Rain feels that she is looking at the fight from outside of herself as if all this is happening to someone else. Her emotions are muffled behind this veil of surrealism, but she can hear the rapid beating of her heart thumping in her ears.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Eos - November 30, 2014

It was wise for the naiad to have left her dark companion to face the silver female on his own. He had proven himself as more than capable of taking Rain on. Nishu, on the other hand, must have been driven by some ungodly amounts of adrenaline. It seemed that very little was affecting him. With two wolves focused on keeping him down, he was not likely to escape - Eos hoped, anyway. She watched as moments before her charge had taken place, Caiaphas was wrenched free from his nape. The grey male then seemed to prepare himself for Eos' attack by dropping his head towards the earth.

Her reflexes were not poor. She felt the sharp crack if his skull against her chest, knocking most of the air from her lungs. With a desperate attempt not to be thrown over the cliff, she turned her head sharply and snapped out with her teeth, aiming to take the place of Caiaphas. If she succeeded, it would give her leader some time to recover and dive back into the fray. If not, Eos would find herself dangerously close to the edge. Still, she was larger than her dark-furred leader. She would be much more difficult to shake once latched on.