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Firefly Glen Dancing with fairy lights - Printable Version

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Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 17, 2024

A black shadow, brown kissed with wide green eyes slid into the bottom of the meadows at the foot of the mountains. The fireflies were out now or beginning to be at least and she was so excited.

She raced downward. Happy laughter in the air. She was amused by her own antics. Excited to seek out the simpliest of fun. To laugh and enjoy and just like life.

She found her footing in a bed of grasses and jumped and flitted like a dancer. Finally tumbling to roll among the lightning bugs.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

Specks of firelight bobbed from the depths of the glen. The bugs seemed to move to their own rhythm, some climbing high overhead, some hovering just above the long grass. A coyote’s cackling call could be heard in the distance, signaling that it was time for creatures of the night to step onto the earth.

The white hunter moved slowly into the firebug territory. His sweet plum eyes were trained on the dancing lights. It was a great comfort to the man, finding these peaceful places. Kannoyak could see this, and many other lands, as potential homes.

Laughter bubbled from the trees. Kannoyak howled low, a wolf’s song.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 18, 2024

Amalia was breathless and happy. When all thr night sounds began. She laid quietly watching the stars for a few seconds.

A low song of the wolves flowed out. Black head popped up over large grasses. Green eyes searching the dark. A soft yip and a howl.

Then she waited and watched. The voice was familiar but she didn't know why. Tail beating gently against the ground. A small tilt of an ear.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

The voice returned to him! A yip and howl gave him direction and so the white hunter followed, noting that her voice too was familiar. The man knew many wolves of the moon. They were near enough to catch hunters from either of the packs inland. He did not know if the village on the coast still thrived.

Padding into a small clearing, Kannoyak chuffed twice. The hunter searched the brush for movement, for signs of the other wolf. Another quiet awoo and then the man stood still, head low, while he waited for her response.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 18, 2024

Amalia saw a great white ghost coming towards her. A small smile as he drew nearer. She stood and lifted a paw to wave. It would be hard to see her down in her grass.

She narrowed her eyes trying to gauge his face. He held a familiar bearing, but she couldn't quite tell.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

A dark head and bright green eyes appeared.

Kannoyak stopped, standing tall and stiff at the surprise. She had been nearer than he expected and the bright glint of green from her gaze had caught him off guard. Though, he knew that face. He had spoken to this woman before.

Sister to the storyteller man!

Kannoyak’s voice boomed slightly. His surprise at finding another familiar face was visible.

A- her name escaped him. Amaly?

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 18, 2024

She laughed at his surprise. Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I was enjoying the night air and the fireflies..

Another laugh. Yes Alaric is my brother. He has grown in his storytelling. Still upon monspear.

She should make the time to visit her rascal of a brother.

A small twinge of disappointment that he didn't remember her name. But quickly ignored. After all he was a path maker. He saw many faces.

Hello again Kannoyak. Close. Amalia. But I'll accept Amaly. It has a nice ring to it.

Green eyes filled with happy laughter.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

Alaric’s name had also been forgotten, though Kannoyak did not forget the man’s penchant for crafting tales. The storyteller had been a good man and he had shown the white hunter a great deal of kindness. It relieved him to hear that the other man was doing well, that he had expanded his abilities, and that he prospered in one of the villages of the moon.

The girl corrected him, offering her name as a reminder.

Kannoyak felt his cheeks burn hot with embarrassment. It was not good of a man to forget a name. It did not reflect the respect he had for this woman and her brother.

This man will not forget again. Amalia, he spoke in a solemn voice, head bowed with shame.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 18, 2024

Amalia wasn't in the least offended. Honestly, it made sense their meetings had been fleeting.

Amalia bent forward with a small little bow and a smile.

No need to worry. These things happen. I'm not upset. Our mertings were fleeting and you are path maker yes?

She smile. Many of these pathes you've met so many. Not all can be remembered. It is enough to be thought kindly of.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

But this one remembers, he insisted.

Amalia is-

Kannoyak paused for a moment, features tightening in thought. He did remember bits of their talks. She had been fond of her brother - a shared feeling, perhaps not to the same extent. She had spoken of her own skills when they had last talked. The white hunter had not forgotten her.

Amalia is scout and hunter woman.

The cotton grass man nodded his head, proud that he would recall this from the depths of his mind. Though it hadn’t upset her, Kannoyak had felt it disrespectful. She had shared her name with him, after all. It had been offered and he should treasure it properly.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 18, 2024

She hoped he wasn't too upset. Really she wasn't angry or irritated.

He seemed to want to make sure she knew. So she waited while his thoughts raced. It was a nice feeling knowing he cared enough to make sure he proved it.

She nodded. Correct. And you are hunter and path maker.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

Yes, he nodded, a warm smile lifting his features.

Shedding some of his shame, Kannoyak padded closer to the dark woman. She looked healthy. It was a good sign that winter had not been hard on the wolves in the area. The pale man had already seen promise of prey upon his return. The summer months would be good to them.

Please, please, tell this man of your life. How was hunting in the winter?

The cotton grass man sat, attentive on Amalia in hopes that she might humor his request.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 18, 2024

His face lit up when he smiled. How lovely was her only thought.

Amalia hadn't had the best winter. Only because of her run in with the wild cats. But she had been fed well and taken care of.

She smiled Well i had a run in with some wildcats. Left me a calling card.

She shifted to show her scoured sides. But it was good. We hunted bison in the plains with many other packs. Moontide hosted! It was glorious.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

A grunt of concern was given as Amalia turned to reveal the wildcat’s attack against her. The white hunter had had few run-ins with the cats that prowled the mountains. They were vicious opponents and dangerous to any wolf who dared face them. Kannoyak could not help but wonder how she had escaped with only those marks to show.

Your swift paws aided you, Amalia, he spoke in a hushed voice. It was as though the cat could hear them speak, that it might be summoned simply by referencing it. It is good that you are safe.

The dark woman spoke of hunts with the wolves of the moon. Kannoyak’s tail waved. He was pleased to hear of this success. Bison were no easy hunt. It must have been a thrilling chase with a most satisfying end.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 18, 2024

Amalia had been woefully unprepared for their attack. And her life had almost ended. She had even thought of leaving and never returning, but she had returned. Anxious to leave her friend Maia behind.

She nodded. That they did. They only grazed me. I traveled where i shouldn't have walked.

She wagged her tail a little hop and wag. There were so many wolves Kannoyak! That we felled more than 2 of the great beasts. There were healing circles and women circles.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 18, 2024

The cotton grass man listened, enthralled with her tale of the battle. Many wolves had gone to fight the wildcats. Healers and women, she noted. Kannoyak nodded, unable to imagine these things without experiencing them. He had hunted near the mountain cats before. He had nearly met his end to one, though that had been many years before arriving in the Teekon Wilds.

It is a battle you will tell for many years. Fighting alongside your wolf brothers and sisters is a great honor, he said. The pale man dipped his head. It should be a proud thing for her to retell. Dangerous as it was, she had emerged victorious and she wore the proof of her victory on her hide.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 19, 2024

Amalia was so lost in the storytelling. It didn't register that he had misunderstood. And besides it wasn't as if that wasn't a possibility.

Amalia tilted an ear. How could a hunt be considered a battle. Though the Bison were huge and there were a few injuries. So it made sense. So the parallels she could grasp

She wagged her tail with a smile. But listen to me prattle on. What have you been doing? What did you see? Did you meet new wolves? Make friends?

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 19, 2024

Questions fell from her mouth, so quick that the cotton grass man had trouble keeping up. He wished to answer them all, to give Amalia tales of his journeys into the frigid northern terrain. Kannoyak had never been a man for intricate tales, or even for words. He could manage often enough, though he had found himself getting lost in the flurrying way some would speak.

This one traveled to the village in the snow. High in the mountains. The wolves were good and capable hunters. We chased buffalo in the deep snow. This one helped them to trade with the other villages, make the snow village stronger.

The white hunter smiled, nodding his head. It was a good life, he felt. The duties of a pathmaker suited him well.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 19, 2024

Amalia herself was simple. She enjoyed simple things, she enjoyed simple stories. She spoke simply. She didn't need intricate details and glory. She just needed the truth.

She listened. Snow he had broken paths in snow. A hard joruney for certain. That is what Moontide sought to do. Trade with other packs hunting. This was Alpha Rodyns goal as was Kukutux's.

She looked him over. This work suits you. I hope you can continue it.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 19, 2024

These are good goals. Trade helps the villages prosper.

Kannoyak would like to aid them in their efforts, if they would take his help. The cotton grass man could think of no better way to spend his time. Trade routes were vital in his home. He had set out into the world with the intention of sharing this skill and watching those who adopted it benefit.

This one will ask if he might help them. Make paths to Amalia for trade, yes? the white hunter inquired of her. She did not smell of the moon villages. Kannoyak could sense others on her coat. She belonged to a group in the area, he imagined. It would be good to begin with friendly faces.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 19, 2024

She agreed. She had seen the turnout. There had been so many new pathways opened on the bison hunt days. So many new facea, trades, hubters and ways.

Amalia smiled. I would check with moon villages first. Moontide has most traders. I will go to Brecheliant and speak with my leaders. They will meet you with grace.

Maia and Teya were sweet and kind. They would at the very least give him an audience. And they had enjoyed the hunt it had seemed.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 20, 2024

Please, yes.

It humbled him to know her kindness. Amalia with the newspring eyes. She had always been gentle toward him, interested in the things he had shared. Her brother, too. They were good wolves with good spirits. Kannoyak did not know that he would find anyone else who carried such decency in their hearts.

This one will bring gifts to Bre-Brechelant. Skins for the dens of mothers. Food for them and their young.

The pale hunter bowed his head.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 20, 2024

Amalia offered another smile. A soft toss of her head in delight. The excitement of seeing an old friend, of stories told, moving her paws. She wanted to walk, dance, she wanted to run. But she kept herself in check.

They will appreciate it! And so do. Such a good man and path breaker. I will tell Alaric to tell stories for you.

A smile again. Eyes narrowed with happiness.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - RIP Kannoyak - May 20, 2024

Kannoyak laughed in his booming voice.

Does storyteller brother enjoy the moon village?

The mountain had been appealing to the cotton grass man. He had considered asking for a place in their ranks. The young daughter of the Moonwoman had been a strong-willed individual with a stern face. He had admired her, from what he could remember. Sialuk - he conjured the name of the pale woman in his mind.

RE: Dancing with fairy lights - Amalia - May 21, 2024

Amalia laughed in return. His laugh was contagious. Eyes springing shut with delight.

He does. He has found his place nicely. He loves storytelling and helping to heal. Hes building a garden.

The leader treats him fairly. And he has joined them in leadership.