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Redhawk Caldera The night is still young - Printable Version

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The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - April 26, 2015

He'd stayed close to the rendezvous site for those first few days, though eventually the tantalizing view of Lake Rodney beckoned him to roam to its distant shores. He spent the afternoon there, tracking and hunting. He didn't manage to fell anything, though. Feeling decidedly exhausted, Peregrine paused for a long drink. The setting sun warmed his black pelt. Thirst slaked, he turned and began to wander back toward home.

He became lost in thought as his feet carried him toward the caldera. He thought of Luke. He hadn't seen his friend in a while now, he realized. Peregrine still felt fond of the other male from afar, though he thought it was unlikely anything would happen between them at this point. They lived entirely different lives and it would just be too hard to balance a wandering lover with his family. Maybe they could hook up sometime, though. That might be fun.

There was a slightly lascivious nature to Peregrine's smile as he hit the foot of the mount and began to climb. He wasn't aware of it. He paused when a spring breeze swept against him, cool and refreshing as it wove through the long black fur at the nape of his neck.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 01, 2015

idek if this is doable BUT HAVE A LASHER OK

while he loved blue willow, and adored the children they had created, lasher was restless. the nature of his body drove him, and he sought the spirits that walked the earth at night. as if unbidden, the eve drew him inexorably toward the caldera, and he ranged not far from its borders. he had not seen peregrine in some time, nor fox -- they had both been busy with their children, and while he knew the panther had come to visit his sister, taltos had made himself scarce in that time.

the gentle breeze played its darting fingers through the earthen ruff; he breathed deeply of its airy palms and therein was the musk of his former lover, and perhaps onetime friend. murkwater eyes searched the greying  shadows for the familiar dark form, but he saw nothing.

strangely contented, taltos allowed himself a brief linger there, in the shade cast by two pines, touched by the verdant loveliness of the caldera and with peregrine's own scent washing over him. he did not move to seek the redhawk wolf, and presently would take his leave, once he had extended the moment to its limits.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

His eyes slowly closed, only to pop open two seconds later when the wind brought to him an unexpected but not unwelcome scent. Peregrine's head jerked to the side and he stopped walking. He tipped his black snout into the air, testing the breeze, confirming what he suspected. The dark wolf then pivoted and began picking his way back to the caldera's base, jade eyes sweeping his dark borders but his nose doing most of the guiding. Eventually, it led him to a pair of pines just beyond his realm, where his eyes found Lasher's familiar silhouette in the darkness.

"Taltos," Peregrine said, "what are you doing? Lurking?" he asked in an amiable voice. "What brings you to the caldera?" he asked, hoping it wasn't bad news. He moved closer to his former flame, the tip of his tail waving as he took a moment to muse how ironic it was that Lasher would appear even as his mind was on Luke.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

he was both surprised and not when peregrine appeared, his handsome features darkened with the evening shadows and some small shade of unreadable emotion. unsure of how to answer, the beta gave a wan smile in response to the panther's inquiry, meeting the jeweled eyes for a long moment, before dropping them in deference to the redhawk wolf's rule here.

"i do not know why i came," lasher answered easily, truthfully, though his words were chosen with the usual care. a flicker of his eyes past peregrine's shoulder beheld the glory of the caldera, which had surpassed the plateau to the former blacktail wolf. returning his attentions to the panther, taltos breathed a gentle sigh. "perhaps i came to see how you are." a slight emphasis on the pronoun bespoke his intentions not to mention fox, or their respective little ones -- this moment belonged to the former lovers, and them alone.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

Peregrine's lips pursed when Lasher declared he didn't know why he'd come. He'd moved close enough to gently nudge his companion's shoulder before settling back on his haunches. He regarded the other male silently, bobbing his head as if to acknowledge the inference in Lasher's next few words.

"I'm doing really well," the Alpha responded honestly. Life had its ups and downs, yet largely Peregrine's life had been going swimmingly as of late. Knock on wood. "How about you? Everything all right?"

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

fighting back the insistence of his body to lean into peregrine's brief and friendly gesture, lasher explored the sudden longing that welled within him, but chose to ignore it for the time being -- he intended to quell it at a later time. "i am well." a sudden, ironic and subtly bitter expression flew into a cupid's bow upon his lips. "i told dante of affections i have long held for him. while he was gentle, they are not reciprocated."

lasher laughed lowly into the warm night, teeth flashing in a grin warm on peregine's behalf. "what is it that is said? c'est la vie," he murmured. "such is life. i am glad it is treating you well." for, despite the anger and hurt that had followed the panther's departure, peregrine's happiness was tantamount in his mind.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

His old lover's admission took Peregrine by surprise. He remembered discussing Lasher's interests a while back but he hadn't mentioned Dante, had he? No, wait! He totally had. It all came rushing back. "I bear interest in Dante," Lasher had said earlier in the year. Peregrine remembered finding it funny, since he himself had once felt some interest in the plateau's current Alpha male.

"I'm sorry, Taltos," Peregrine answered simply but genuinely. He fortunately hadn't experienced much reciprocated love in his lifetime, though he could imagine the pain. "What about the other lovers you mentioned, though? Has anything panned out with them?"

His jade eyes lingered on Lasher's for a moment and, perhaps responding to something he saw there, he felt compelled to share, "I still haven't taken any lovers since... well, us. I've thought about it. I've even had promising prospects." Luke's handsome face flashed in his mind. "But I'm beginning to think it's not meant to happen again for me."

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

peregrine spoke softly, and lasher nodded in answer to his genuine apology. "it is the way of things." he was quite taken aback to hear that the panther had sought no other comforts -- with his handsome confidence and innate charm, taltos felt the peregrine would have garnered much attention. it seemed fox would allow it, but he pushed her from his mind, determined not to allow the rubyflame a place in this time. "i have taken no others either. it seems it was not the time for it."

to the panther's last words, lasher gave a small shake of his head. "you are much too charismatic and loving to be without other loves. these companions -- they arrive when one ceases looking for them." was that not how they too had entwined? lasher had not been searching for a lover, and he had found such comfort and desire in peregrine nevertheless. 

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

His brow knitted into a thoughtful expression at this news. There was a small, selfish part of him that liked knowing that neither of them had entered successful romantic relationships since their own, aside from the ones they shared with the respective mothers of their children. Mostly, though, he felt sympathy for his old friend.

"Maybe, though I find myself not wanting to take any time or energy away from my family. But I'll never say never, I guess," he said with a faint twitch of his lips. His eyes flashed with jade fire before he turned to nip suddenly at an itch on his right shoulder.

When his teeth had nibbled the itch into submission, his gaze returned to Lasher. "I'm glad you're here, even if you don't know why. I still enjoy your presence as much as always. Want to go for a walk...? The night is still young."

I feel like every time we thread with these two, I turn on this song. :P

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

lol that music video brought back memories haha great song

if asked, he too would admit the unselfless pleasure riding in his breast at the same, but he would never reveal this. he did not feel sympathy for peregrine, however; it was a wordless clash of emotions burning in him quietly. at the panther's suggestion, lasher nodded, gathering himself to his paws. "i am glad that i came. i will certainly walk with you, peregrine." the name came easily to him, and he hid a small smile at the warm familiarity of it.

bowing in a brief stretch, he sidled alongside his sable companion and murkwater eyes met those of a jade god's, as he awaited peregrine's set-off into the lovely land he had claimed for himself.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

Lasher agreed to walk with him. As he fell into step beside the swarthy Alpha male, Peregrine reached over to nip the other male's cheekbone before facing forward and trotting off into the cool April night. He led them away from the borders a ways, then turned to follow a course parallel to the caldera. Its great shadow loomed over them, darker than the purple night that fell deeper and deeper around them, swallowing them.

They proceeded in companionable silence for a stretch. Peregrine found himself wondering if Lasher still felt the same as ever, unwilling—no, unable—to court him as long as he was here with Fox. He didn't spend long on that thought, though, and let it spin away into the dusk. He was happy that Lasher was in his life, in whatever capacity, and was satisfied with their friendship.

Still, he wasn't perfect. Peregrine couldn't resist reaching out to touch his nose to Lasher's cheek. He felt a warmth pass between them. Then he woofed, his breath ruffling the ocher fur beneath his companion's ears. Peregrine then turned and broke into a gallop, inviting Lasher to give chase. So this would be less of a walk and more of a run then.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

he thought little of fox these days; lasher had merely presumed that peregrine wanted no further interlude between them, and that it was for the best. the panther's toothed nip to his jawline caused a flush to simmer beneath his dark fur, and at length he reached out to do the same to his companion, pressing his lips for a brief second to peregrine's cheek. 

the long legs of his dark companion blurred, and lasher's with them; he broke simultaneously into a run that kept him at a steady pace alongside peregrine, shoulders moving in tandem, their bodies dancing once more beneath the kiss of wind and the dome of night sky, with only the stars as witness to the affectionate ballet.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

His companion quickly caught up with him and they ran side-by-side around the caldera's perimeter, like the two hands on the face of a clock. The moon and stars came to shine brightly above them and the temperature continued to drop, so that the wind whistling in Peregrine's ears made them ache ever so slightly. But his body remained warm, impervious to the April night's chill.

After a while, he began to slow, then canter along leisurely. This pace would allow for conversation, even though Peregrine sensed the usually eloquent Lasher wasn't particularly in the mood for words tonight. "I'm glad you came," he repeated his earlier sentiment, shooting the other male a breathless smile. "We should do this more often. Get together, I mean. I haven't seen you in months. I know we lead separate lives now and all but, well, I want you to always be part of mine, and me of yours."

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

it ended almost as quickly as it had begun; he slowed, sides heaving with the exertion of the unpredicted laps about the caldera. peregrine's soft word buoyed him; he listened in a half-haze of exhaustion and elation, and when the other had fallen silent, the brief green of his own eyes, dull marble in comparison to the electric jade of peregrine's own, came slowly to alight upon the hopeful and lovely features.

and while he wished to respond suddenly and with the wanting that flared within him, gnawing at his entrails as if it were molech's fire upon the bones of children, taltos settled for a warm smile, a gentle nod. "i would enjoy that very much."

and yet the words held, beyond his control, the undercurrent of unspoken things; he held the panther's eyes, his heart beating quickly in the cage of his ribs, both from their night running and the anticipation he fought so viciously.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

Lasher was a very agreeable sort tonight, though that had always been his way: he'd always accommodated Peregrine's every wish. The dark Alpha mused about this as he slowed and eventually stopped. He motioned for his friend to take a seat facing Lake Rodney in the distance. He could only tell it was there because the moon was reflected in its glassy surface. As soon as Lasher had made himself comfortable, Peregrine plopped down beside him.

There was an energy about Lasher that made Peregrine inwardly muse about force fields. He held his companion's gaze, his lips pressing together as if to ask a question. Instead, he scooted a little closer to Lasher so that their flanks touched. He then leaned to nuzzle the other male's ear and mutter a quiet, "Something's up. What is it?" into his former flame's ear.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

he followed the panther's lead, letting his gaze alight upon the glass of the lake nearby. sensing peregrine's questioning nature, lasher closed his eyes at the mesh of their respective pelts but soon regained his senses and remained receptive to the redhawk wolf's inquiry. the earthen servant gave a brief, breathless chuckle, and turned away to reflect upon the moon's image mirrored in the water. 

"out of every creature i have met, yours is the rejection i fear most, devil," he whispered affectionately, unable to turn back toward peregrine, though each word was meant for his closely seated companion. "even still," he added, wondering at himself and the night's events thus far.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 02, 2015

His companion didn't attempt to evade the question, though his answer was a bit too ambiguous for the much less articulate Peregrine. He tried to gather Lasher's meaning before answering, "I would never reject you, Taltos. We will be friends always." But was Lasher hinting at something beyond mere companionship? "But what do you mean, exactly?" he queried straightforwardly, nudging Lasher to encourage him to clarify.

Before his old flame could answer to that, Peregrine said quietly, "I told you I'd never stop loving you. I meant it. You'll always have a piece of my heart, even if we're not together." He spoke earnestly, his dusky jade eyes never leaving Lasher's face.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 02, 2015

he had not meant to be so vague, but the searching, kindly nature of peregrine's eyes brought a small shudder to lips closed tightly over thrumming grief and pent desire. he found he could not answer -- he did not wish to be a mere friend to the panther -- but chose in that moment to express the words that did not come through the movement of his body.

he did not allow the fire licking at his veins to take hold! those old desperate flames! but instead he laid his head against peregrine's firm shoulder, and the tension drained from his body in a quietly expressed sigh. for a long series of moments he remained as such, if the panther permitted, but presently he spoke.

"i have never ceased loving you, peregrine. i always shall, and it is not the mere pale affection of one friend toward another."

taltos then closed his eyes, silent and comforted by the familiar heady fragrance of peregrine's muscular body.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 03, 2015

He didn't mind it in the least when Lasher cuddled closer to him, leaning his head on Peregrine's shoulder. It felt natural and cozy. The black wolf turned his muzzle to rest it gently atop his companion's head, his eyes staring at the distant lake. His ears quivered when Lasher sighed. He remained silent, and patient.

Lasher's words came as no surprise. "I know. It's the same way for me. But we separated for a reason, right?" Peregrine said gently, pulling back just to hold the other male's gaze again. "Does it not still stand?" he wondered.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 03, 2015

a momentary flash of anger sent a glissade of sensation across taltos' heart, though he was careful to keep mention of it from his features -- could not peregrine enjoy the night with him without incessant prying? and then he was guilty immediately following the ire; he could not fault the panther for the natural curiosity that accompanied an unexpected visit from his former lover.

"i do not know," taltos murmured truthfully. it was loneliness that had brought him here, he knew now, loneliness that made him ashamed of his own weakness, no matter how pleasant the devil's company. "i had not thought of it before i came."

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 05, 2015

Lasher seemed uncertain of the answer to that. One time, this might have teased Peregrine's heart, frustrating him. But he felt surprisingly calm about everything. He still loved Lasher, yet at the same time, he had moved on past their breakup. Would he happily go back, should his former flame change his mind? That was a definite possibility. But Peregrine felt he would be content having Lasher in his life in a platonic capacity too, if that's what he wanted (or needed).

Gently, the Alpha licked Lasher's muzzle. "I'm here, either way." There was no impatience or pressure in his voice, though he followed this statement with a ponderous sound. Lasher was clearly uncertain and vulnerable right now, so it was Peregrine's duty to uphold his prior decision for him in his moment of weakness. "Nothing has to happen right now, one way or the other. I'll just keep you company." He smiled.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 06, 2015

the flicker of peregrine's tongue, no matter how chaste the panther meant it, caused a low sound of desire to thrum momentarily in the servant's throat. he stifled it, however -- this moment, this moment did not call for such things. in truth, lasher had given very little thought to what role he wished for peregrine to play in his life. the old hurt still throbbed around the edges of his heart; taltos had not yet relinquished his feelings of abandonment. and yet the affection showed unto him this night by peregrine caused his mind to reel with thoughts of what could be.

very carefully, the beta reached out to return the gesture, his tongue lingering for the briefest moment upon the edge of the dark one's smile. the night grasped hold of him; if he never returned, he was open to whatever their shared love would manifest between them.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 07, 2015

There was an energy between them, subtle but fierce, that Peregrine did his best to suppress, for Lasher's sake more than his own. Although he accepted the kiss with a gentle smile, he did not repeat it nor attempt to make any further moves. Mentally, he searched for something to say to distract them from the silent tension humming between them.

His jade eyes eventually lifted to the dark sky. "My father, Aether, loved the night sky. He was something called a Skywatcher. I never had much patience for stargazing. But they're really beautiful, when you take a minute to be still and appreciate them."

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 08, 2015

thankful that peregrine did not pursue the gesture, and yet mildly regretful that he did not press for more, lasher settled into comfort, his own eyes traveling to the sky. he did not recall that peregrine and himself had ever spoken of aether -- perhaps once -- but he enjoyed the insight all the same. "where i am from, donnelaith --" and his heart hurt even at the very mention of the accented name -- "we call them réaltaí, and our ancestors are thought to be dancing on nights when the stars are particularly bright." 

he fell into a gentle silence, mesmerized by the darkness with its pinpricks of light, and peregrine's nearness. for a moment, all felt as if it had always been this way, and he was content.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 08, 2015

His ears twitched in response to the foreign, exotic words that sprang from Lasher's tongue. He liked the sentiment, even if Peregrine wasn't sure he believed in such things. He smiled, then quite suddenly relaxed backward into the grass. He sprawled with his four legs crooked in the air, his underside on display and his snout pointed at the stars. The view was better for him (and Lasher had good one all his own).

After admiring the way the sky curved away as far as the eye could see, Peregrine murmured, "What if we're really just in some giant bubble and the stars are just holes or something? I guess that's nowhere near as pretty as your legends," he mused, turning his face sideways. His jade eyes danced in the dark. Turning his muzzle skyward again, he continued, "They do look particularly bright tonight. If your ancestors are dancing, I wonder why..."