Wolf RPG
What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Printable Version

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RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Cyn - July 26, 2015

Cyn walked into the infirmary. Ohen wasn't there and he was running which was faster than walking."I'm going to find Ohen." She couldn't just stay there without at least trying to find him. Fury laced her words and she started to walked out of the cave system. Burke would probably stop her, but a pup of Lusa's was missing and Cyn wouldn't let Ohen get away with that.

Cyn wanted to be a friend of Lusa's and if she couldn't find Chev she wouldn't mind if Lusa injured or even killed Cyn. "If I don't come back in four days you can anounce me as dead or missing." If she couldn't find him she would continue searching for Chev until she died. Cyn was willing to do this even though her family was probably dead and the pack was now her life. She would stay missing to find one pup.

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Cicero - July 26, 2015

Cicero nodded at Burke when he was thanked, and he nuzzled Damien's shoulder to encourage him to get going. Damien could carry the pup, being the stronger of them both, and Cicero decided he would stay by his brother's side to make sure he did not get any violent thoughts -- or at least to moderate his acting upon these violent thoughts if they did arise. Others carried the other pups, and so Cicero knew that his task of staying by Damien's side was important enough. He was glad he could continue to fulfil it.

"Let's go," Cicero said to @Damien, and he made to follow the group. He hoped this was the last of his worrying for Damien's health, and that his brother would be able to control his thirst for revenge or other stupid thoughts in favour of his survival, for now. However, if he would stray from the path, Cicero would follow Damien anywhere. He would follow his brother to the ends of the earth if he had to.

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Ayana - July 26, 2015

Ayana had been following the pack the whole time. She didn't know what to say to Periot anymore, it was like the girl didn't listen to her words at all, which Ayana didn't understand. She never grew up with pups, so she knew nothing about them. What she did know tho, was that they weren't the strongest, so she wanted to get the small white girl in a safe place as soon as possible. Her mother was injured, which broke Ayana's heart because she couldn't be there for her, but she hoped that by taking care of her daughter, Lusa would be fine with it.
The ground got dryer and dryer under Ayana's paws. The heavy rain had stopped and the mud in the female's fur had dried, forming a thick crust around her soft hair. She looked horrible, the whole pack did, but at least they found a safe place to hide. Ayana carried Periot down into the cave, laying her down next to Lusa. She didn't speak a word because she wasn't sure if Lusa was interested in talking right now, so after giving Periot a loving lick over her tiny face to wake her up, Ayana left the cave to give them a little bit of silence together.

When she stepped out of the cave, she saw what the storm had done to the territory. Trees were laying on the ground with their stems being ripped out of the ground, forming many tiny caves for small animals. The mud was everywhere around them, it smelled like wet plants and death everywhere. Ayana wondered how many deers and rabbits had survived the storm. They needed fresh food now that they left their homes.
Ayana saw Cyn walk out of the cave aswell, wondering where she would go. Her steps were fast and it seemed like the female had a plan. I'm going to find Ohen Why? Why was the female so obsessed with him? She couldn't simply leave on her own, she was a new pack member and didn't make the appearance of a very experience wolf that knew how to take care of herself in times of danger. Ayana howled to inform Burke, he wouldn't let the female leave on her own.
Suddenly Ayana realised why the female wanted to find Ohen. Didn't Ohen take one of Lusa's pups? Ayana felt like the storm did not end yet.

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Damien - July 26, 2015

Damien had doubted it, but it seemed like Grimnir knew what was good for his family. He handed Baldur over, and Damein, after staring blankly at him for a second took the pup by the scruff and walked away with Cicero, who didn't leave his side during the rough time that was ahead of them.

Damien, who had been caught by the swamp waters before being saved by Burke, had swallowed a lot of dirty water during his time of unconciousness, and his lungs were showing the sings of it. His breathing was troubled, and he felt his blood go thiner inside him. He got dizzy almost from the moment he got up at the Glen, and now things were very confusing. He knew that he was being followed by Cicero, which was comforting. His brother would never let anything happen to him, Damien was sure of it. But he had a life in his hands and he needed to find a safe place for them.

Suddenly, Damien felt the water catching up with them again, swamping their heels, and Damien had to make a quick decision. He was lost already, the shadows of Blackfeather seemed alien to him in his fuzzy state of mind, but one thing seemed to be clearer. The water was running west with them, and they needed to change directions. Turning south was the first reaction out of Damien's instinct, which told him south was dry. And so, the Dark child, his brother and their new toy delved into the darkness, away from the pack, to safety, to uncertainty.

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - DeadLusa - July 26, 2015

She watched as Grimnir set a heavy paw in front of Baldur, snaping at the dark teenager before putting her child in his paws. "Thank you Damien," she called, though the storm washed out her voice. She didn't exactly trust Baldur with Damien though. He was only a teen and possibly a teen with no caretaker experience. But right now, the goal was to get her children to a safe place.

Lusa wanted to get out as fast as she can, so when Bruke and Grim began moving, she was more than willing to follow. Every so often she glanced back, seeing if everyone was okay. They were lucky that only one wolf was injured, but that unlucky wolf was her.

When they reached the dry imfirmary she was bought to a mossy bed. Ayana set Peridot by her side. Thank the Moon that they made it saftley. Blue eyes filled up with worry as she glanced around. No Ohen or Chevalier in sight. Her ears folded back and her lip curled back. "Where is Chevalier? They both should be here by now!" She growled loudly, making it clear she was in fact not pleased to not have Chevalier next to his sister. She glanced around again. "What the fuck?!" She stood up and lifted her injured leg. She went up to the surface to glance around. "No Baldur either?!" She stormed back inside, hudling close by her little girl. "Both of my sons are not here!"

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Grimnir - July 27, 2015

Ayana set Peridot next to Lusa as she laid down. Grim nuzzled his mate feeling anxious. Ohen and Damien had not shown up yet. Lusa voiced her own worries about their pups, standing to walk to the entrance. He followed behind her. Anger was beginning to build within him, the dark male looked out at the world with growing hatred. He couldn't sit here waiting for the two wolves he did not trust to return with his pups safely. Turning to Lusa he was about to announce that he was going to leave when Ayana's howl informed them that Cyn had left. Grim snarled. The female had lost Chev in the first place. He did not want to accept her help.

I'm going to go looking for them myself," he told his mate. "Rest here, I will howl if I find anything." Grim gave her a kiss before trotting off into their chaos of a territory. It didn't bother him the way Blackfeather woods had changed. He was all about chaos. If only his heirs had not disappeared in it. He could not have the remaining pup be Peridot. She was a disgrace. He growled to himself. He needed to find his sons.

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Baldur - July 27, 2015

Teeth gripped his scruff, lifting him from the ground. Baldur whimpered. Why had daddy given him to this wolf? He stuck his nose in the air in an attempt to look at the small male. A big nose filled his vision, he yelped in surprise and gave up on the task. Wriggling in the wolf's jaws, Baldur struggled to get down. He wanted to get back to his mom and dad. Why was this wolf taking him from them?

The world around him distracted the young pup. He watched the dark trees with awe. They were so huge! And there were so many of them. He also watched the bushes and studied the small animals that he spotted every now and again. How big was the world? Was it like this everywhere?

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Potema - July 27, 2015

Last post from Potema

The mountain rose up in the horizon, and Potema got a good glimpse at what was to be her future home. The land here was seemingly untouched by the dark clouds, though the rain hit hard here. Potema followed the birds as they swept into crevices in the mountain's side, protected by the winds. Potema followed, tucking into the lower part of a dent in the mountainside, shivering from the cold water that poured down on them as they came to this mountain.

She decided to rest here for a while before heading back to the Woods to gather the wolves, but her plan was scratched away by the slowly descending funnel of wind. Mouth agape, Potema pushed far back into the dent, watching the funnel tear up everything in its wake. She wouldn't be coming home as quick as she wanted to.

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Cicero - July 28, 2015

Cicero, Damien and Baldur followed the trail of the rest of the wolves. Cicero noticed that Damien had trouble breathing, and occasionally nudged his shoulder to make sure that he was still present in his head. "Tell Cicero if he needs to take the pup," Cicero said, although he doubted that Damien would do so. He was proud, after all, and would unlikely admit that he was tiring.

The water made the decision for him, in a way, as it lapped at their hocks. Cicero wanted to stay on the path they were following. If Damien would give Cicero the pup, it would be alright. However, Damien changed direction, and so Cicero followed his brother wordlessly.

Cicero glanced over his shoulder once as he and his brother vanished into the dark, away from the rest of the group, before turning his gaze forward. He hoped they would be safe.

RE: What do you do when the devil comes for you? - Burke - July 28, 2015

Wrapping up this activity thread. YAY! I loved this guys! GO BLACK FEATHER!

Burke stayed outside, they had reached the Infirmary but it seemed Damien and Cicero weren't there with Baldur, and Ohen wasn't here with Chevalier. God damn it. Where were they!? He needed Cicero's healer skills for Lusa's paw. Now he would need to have a look at it. He could try and have a look at it but he didn't have a healers eye. Burke let out a long sigh. He was definitely going to whoop Damien's and Cicero's ass when he saw them again. Leaving in the middle of a crisis like this. Their only excuse was if something happened that was the only thing that would get them out of punishment. 

Burke wished his mate was here, but she wasn't and he had to deal with this alone. It almost felt like some sort of test. He wasn't going to wait outside in the rain any longer. Lusa needed him to look at her leg. He already gathered two branches that were blown of a tree so he could straighten out he paw. He remembered Meldresi having some big leaves in the infirmary somewhere to wrap around the branches. After taking care of Lusa he hoped to find a drowned deer for the pack to feed from. That hopefully would sustain them for a while. The worse of the storm was over now. He could feel it.