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Serpent Lake have you tried turning it off and on again? - Printable Version

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RE: have you tried turning it off and on again? - Lasher - September 29, 2015

the two moved in a comfortable silence for a moment before kero -- iqniq -- spoke. "ah, yes," the ecru beta rejoined. "naught as of late; we are a quiet bunch. my children are already half-grown, and keenly i feel my age. but my wife is as peerless and lovely as ever, and my lover adores me with all his heart. my life is happy," taltos murmured, genuine joy leaping to the forefront of his heart.

though he wished that luke would come to live with him, he could and would not begrudge his frosted swain's loyalty to the wolves he had promised. there was time enough for the blue-marked man to accompany him into the plateau -- lasher need only wait, and bide his time.

RE: have you tried turning it off and on again? - Iqniq - September 29, 2015

He had no qualms with the silence that stretched between them. With some, he wondered if silence was something of a curse reserved for thoughts unshared, but as their friendship was in its infantile stages and they'd discussed much already he thought nothing of it.

It seemed as though Lasher lived a simple and modest life. There was something nice and idyllic about it that seemed very contenting for the soul. Perhaps in the future that was something he'd lust for, but for now he was decently satisfied with his own path. "It sounds like a happy thing," he commented, glancing towards the wolf. "How are the children? Half-grown and such?" He'd be a parent soon and Kero was curious.

RE: have you tried turning it off and on again? - Lasher - September 30, 2015

"for the most part they are wondrous creatures, full of beautiful curiosity and boundless energy. my oldest son, however, sometimes tends toward hotheadedness, my youngest does have a grasp of quite colorful speech, and my daughter ... eilidh acts as if she is twice her current age." he laughed.

kero seemed sated by his life, and lasher found that comforting. tonravik surely was a savage mistress; perhaps the mellowed attitude of her mate tempered her own.

RE: have you tried turning it off and on again? - Iqniq - October 01, 2015

Last post from me! Thanks for the thread.

A soft smile spread upon Kero's lips as they idled along. He'd caught that wording. "For the most part..." Just like any others, there were good days and there were bad days. It pleased him to know he was not the only wolf caught in such a pattern of ups and downs. Lasher's children though, they all seemed so uniquely different and bold in their own ways. He laughed again. "Funny how they all become so different." No doubt his own children would forge their own paths for themselves.

When they'd wandered far enough and they could continue no further with putting the one or the other in the wrong direction, Kero bid his goodbyes. Lasher had certainly proved to be an enlightening fellow. Perhaps he would encounter the dreamer of a wolf some other time in the future.

RE: have you tried turning it off and on again? - Lasher - October 03, 2015

<3! thanks for the thread!

they ambled and spoke until their paths forked. kero was an affable, intelligent sort, and lasher rather hoped he would see the crimson man again one day. there was a lightness to his step as he traveled in the direction of home.