Wolf RPG
Sawtooth Spire Harvey Two-Face - Printable Version

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RE: Harvey Two-Face - Anuniaq - October 06, 2015


Had he the mind to return to this spot in a few days time, he would be disappointed. His attempt at a cache was laughable, really. A single ear still remained above the disturbed ground, a beacon to scavengers that hey, there was free food here! Still, Sitamat thought he had done a good job, and he wore a proud smile even as Tonravik looked to him with a countenance of exasperation and disappointment equally.

"W...watchk," he echoed the word clumsily. He did as she said, however, ears pricking as he indeed watched her drag the dirt to properly cover the rabbit before settling the ground. His eyes brightened and the boy's head tilted, fascinated. Apart from the scent, it was like there was nothing there at all! He looked back to his mother, questions swirling in his mind but not having the words to yet express them. Looked like it was time to head back anyway. She turned and, with a last look to the cache, Sitamat followed with aching paws but a beaming smile.