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Phoenix Maplewood bad chick - Printable Version

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RE: bad chick - Citali - September 29, 2015

The salve was ready. The relevant oils of the flower's petals were exposed and all that needed to be done was to apply it so the lavender would be able to work it's magic. She asked the girl to sit near her and Regina complied without protest. This was far better than that time with the water so perhaps she was making it very clear which of them needed to be listened to here.

All the same, she leveraged her paw, nose and tongue to transfer the pulp to the nicks and scratches along the girl's back. She spent a little more time in the areas that were deeper, but all in all she finished fairly quickly and it was all as good as done.

"That's it, then" she said, wiping the remnant salve from her paw. "All done." She rose to her feet and padded over to the subtle stream to clean up more thoroughly and clear her palate from the taste of those herbs. "No rolling around. Even if it itches." She lowered her head to the water then paused. "And no scratching!" she called over her shoulder before stealing a drink. Even if the slave dried and became flaky and itchy, the last thing the coy-pup needed to do was start scratching and make it all worse.

RE: bad chick - Regipre - September 30, 2015

She winced slightly when Auntie began to rub the salve into her cuts and scrapes, though the pup didn't move or make a sound. Reggie stiffened her upper lip, in part to make up for being such a wimp earlier. Thinking about her behavior near the water caused her ears to burn and her eyes to drop to her paws.

When Auntie finished, she moved away to take a drink, but not without issuing a few warnings first. Sensing that she was dismissed, the pup held her tongue on any queries. Perhaps she would see Auntie again and ask then. Right now, she just needed to thank the she-wolf and make herself scarce.

"Thank you, Auntie," Regipre said, unaware that she had just spoken in Dothoran. She bowed her head, then turned and slunk away noiselessly, ignoring the sticky sensation on her back and doing her best not to bump into anything.

RE: bad chick - Citali - October 01, 2015

She lowered her head to drink. The cool water was wonderful on her tongue. Refreshing. Satisfying. She lifted her had and ran a forelimb beneath her chin to catch the excess dribbles before cleaning her paws of the salve once more. All the while she tended to herself, she kept her ears turned towards the child to both listen for any sounds of scratching or anything else she might need to reprimand for.

Instead she heard a squall of words followed by her name. "What was that, child?" she asked, turning her had to gaze in the direction of the coy-pup who was already slipping away. No matter. She was sure the words were of no consequence and the child was already gone. Citali sighed. Coyotes. What on earth had Reek been thinking?