Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Don't let go of this moment in time - Printable Version

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RE: Don't let go of this moment in time - Osprey - February 13, 2014

Osprey hadn't been very careful about the choice of her words, since Tyrannus subject still was very touchy. However, it took one serious look for her to turn her gaze away, indicating that she hadn't meant any harm. "That's a good boy," she offered him a kind smile. "I know that you will be one awesome..." Osprey paused, looking for a more appropriate word, "kick-ass dad." The slang words didn't come to her as easy as they did to Perry, but they were useful.

The plan was great as far as it concerned Peregrine, but it did not satisfy his sister. Not that she minded his care for the pregnant mate, but - well - come on - he was going to leave her in the middle of the forest with no idea of where to go or stay. He had forgotten that this was an entirely new place to her and besides the borders and the brief walk they had had together, she knew nothing about the plateu. "Well, okay," she smiled brightly at him, swallowing her frustration. "Be on your way - see you later."

RE: Don't let go of this moment in time - Peregrine Redhawk - February 13, 2014

"Oss," he said when she smiled at him and told him to be on his way. "You don't think I'd just leave you hanging like that, do you? Really? Really?" He gave her a serious look, then laughed a moment later and batted at her silvered shoulder with a large black paw. "I'm not just gonna frolic off into the sunset and leave you standing here in the middle of the forest. Come on, I'll take you back to Crete."

Swiping his tongue up and over the entirety of Osprey's face, Peregrine pranced out of reach before she could chide him for his slobbery smooch. He then waved his tail at her and broke into an easy trot, leading her back toward their brother. Crete was mute, of course, but the Alpha was fully confident that he'd show Osprey around without a problem.

RE: Don't let go of this moment in time - Osprey - February 13, 2014

ooc: Another thread? I adore these guys! :)

"Well... I can't hold on your tail and whine like a crybaby, can I?" Osprey returned, showing no signs of the genuine fear she had felt moments before. This was not home yet, everything was unfamiliar, customs might be different and she was not sure, what was expected from her.

The lick was something she had not expected and moments after Peregrine had taken off, she sat blinking and rubbing her face with her paw. "You, cheater!" she hollered and went after her brother, vowing that he would be receiving a lot more sloppy kisses, once she caught him.

RE: Don't let go of this moment in time - Peregrine Redhawk - February 13, 2014

Yes, I'd love another. I have an open one in this forum if you want to hop in that or you can make us another if you like, whenever you're ready...? :)

Random aside: my co-workers and I printed out a sheet of silly insults and I'm going to be borrowing from it heavily for Peregrine's posts, lol.

Peregrine made a point of turning to look over his shoulder and letting loose a loud, "HAW HAW HAW! Last one there is a puking, fat-kidneyed strumpet!" to further instigate Osprey. Then, well aware that she'd catch up to him and dole out her own brand of punishment, he lowered his head and charged forward, trying not to let his laughter affect his running—and failing miserably—as he led Osprey back to Crete.
