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Moonspear Braveheart - Printable Version

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RE: Braveheart - Wildfire - November 11, 2015

Neither of them seemed prepared to delve into the subject of her half-sister. Wildfire didn't really want to dwell on the past right now anyway. There would always be time to tell them that story later, especially now that they were pack mates. Anyway, both of them seemed a bit more hung up on her phobia. Wildfire quirked a brow, then cracked a smile and shook her head. She supposed Charon had a point.

"What if I just don't like them? Is that acceptable?" she quipped lightly, then caught Floki's gaze yet again and said, "If you're down there with me, it probably won't be so bad." Wildfire had a feeling she would do just about anything of Floki came along with her. But on the same token, she didn't think caves would ever be among her favorite places to visit.

"What about water features?" she wondered in the next beat, gaze wandering toward Charon. "Are there any large ones, like a lake or a river or... ooh, a waterfall?" She was starting to feel a bit tired from today's events but genuine curiosity sparked in her amber eyes.

RE: Braveheart - Charon - November 12, 2015

Flóki didn't dive into the subject of Dhole's half-sister's attack either, and so that subject was buried for another time. Charon nodded as Flóki agreed with him, as though the fact that an additional wolf agreed made it more truthful. Dhole tried to get out of it by saying 'what if I just don't like them', but too bad for her; nothing would stop Charon from curing her fears now. "Too late, you already admitted being terrified of them," he said with a grin. He didn't catch Dhole's glance at Flóki and, presuming she meant him or both him and Flóki, he said: "See? We'll just take you to a cave sometime, no biggie. I bet you'll start loving them when you see how cool they can be." Charon loved how they echoed his voice off the walls and he also enjoyed their aesthetic values. If Dhole enjoyed the view, she'd love the caves, too.

Dhole asked about water features next, and Charon considered this for a moment. "Haven't found a really big lake yet, but there's this waterfall off the eastern side that's sort of half hidden in a cave. Pretty cool, huh? There's some smaller creeks and rivers too, but haven't found anything else noteworthy yet. Haven't yet been able to check out every single piece of the territory though, so, y'know, there might be more cool stuff hidden out and about. Hey, we could explore sometime, the three of us," he suggested. With two Outriders, surely they should be able to find some cool features they didn't know about yet.

RE: Braveheart - Floki - November 14, 2015

Floki smiled at Wildfire when she caught his eye, but otherwise moved on from the topic of caves and tunnels when she changed the subject. He and Charon could do their best to try to help her get over her fear, but in the end it would ultimately be up to Wildfire. His friend and brother started talking about water features, and he listened with interest. He hadn't seen the waterfall yet, though he had drank from a couple of the smaller tributaries that crisscrossed the lower face of the mountain.

Charon suggested that the trio go exploring sometime, and Floki nodded eagerly. "Let's do it," he agreed. A glance at Wildfire showed that she was beginning to look a bit fatigued. "Should we call it a day and let our newest member get some rest?" he said teasingly with a wave of his tail. If she was ready, he would escort her to a place where they could bed down for the night -- and he would be sure it wasn't in one of Moonspear's many caverns.

RE: Braveheart - Wildfire - November 14, 2015

Of course the waterfall would be in a cave. Wildfire gave Charon a playful look, as if accusing him of planning that purposefully. She then chuckled lightly and bobbed her head when he enthusiastically proposed they do more exploring together. Wildfire was a traveler by nature but she knew that getting familiar with her new home would preoccupy her for a while. There were probably hundreds if not thousands of little nooks and crannies just waiting to be discovered. One day Moonspear would be as familiar to her as Redhawk Caldera but there would be lots of adventuring in the meantime. Despite the sadness at the back of her mind, she felt a little thrill go through her.

Floki took notice of Wildfire's creeping exhaustion and she shot him an appreciative glance. "It's been a long day," she said, trying to keep her voice light even though her throat pinched a little bit. "Maybe we can pick up where we left off tomorrow or a few days from now...?" she suggested, amber eyes flicking between the brothers' faces momentarily before coming to rest on Floki's in particular. She wondered where he might take her to spend the night.

RE: Braveheart - Charon - November 18, 2015

Dhole seemed eager to explore more, but she was growing tired. Charon didn't blame her; they had walked a fair bit and she had come all the way from the Caldera, too. Dhole suggested picking up the exploration another day, and the young Alpha nodded in agreement.

"Alright. I'll be off, then. See you later," he said casually and smiled at Dhole and Flóki both before turning away towards he borders. Only later did he think about the fact the waterfall-cave might be a great start for Dhole getting over her fear of caves, while he patrolled the borders. Well, that was a story for another time.

RE: Braveheart - Floki - November 19, 2015

I'll fade! :)

Wildfire seemed to be appreciative of Floki's hint, and agreed that she was ready to take a break. Floki wouldn't have put it past Charon to urge her to keep going -- after all, Moonspear was his prized possession and he understandably wanted to show it off -- but the young Alpha let her off the hook. He departed, leaving the two younger wolves behind.

Suddenly feeling shy, Floki glanced at Wildfire. "Soooo...let's go find a place to sleep?" he suggested. He smiled bashfully at her, then led her down the mountainside.