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Firestone Hot Springs Is it getting any better - Printable Version

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RE: Is it getting any better - Charon - December 11, 2015

Osprey played right into Charon's faux-busy-ness, and Charon wondered if it was because she figured he really had to go, or because he was right and she was the one that needed to leave. Regardless, Charon smiled — a little wryly — as she got to her feet and stretched. A reminder that there was so little left of the wolf that she once used to be. Charon wanted to say or do something that would make things alright again, that would bring Osprey closer to him instead of drive her away, but there seemed nothing he could do. He didn't know what to say, which in itself was unique for Charon, so he just stood there and watched her extend an invitation. Along the coast... That bloathead Dante'd better not claim Stavanger Bay, Charon thought grouchily, although he had no actual claim over the territories anymore anyway. Well, whatever; he had his mountain now.

"Say hi to Casmir for me," Charon said, remembering just in time that he was part of Blacktail Deer Plateau, too. It wasn't like Charon would likely visit their new pack anytime soon, if Dante was still in charge. He'd probably get run out, anyway. "You're always welcome to visit Moonspear. Just look for the biggest mountain in the area and call for me." Charon smiled lightly, and he stood waiting, though he wasn't sure what for, exactly — just staring blankly ahead, waiting for her to leave, almost as if she would walk out of his life by doing so, and he hoped that he would see her again. He didn't want to lose Osprey as a friend, but it felt like she was slipping from his grasp anyway.

RE: Is it getting any better - Osprey - December 17, 2015

ooc: sad, but beautiful. I think that Coldplay's "Scientist" sums it up nicely - "Nobody said it was easy. Oh, it's such a shame for us to part. Nobody said it was easy. No one ever said it would be so hard. I'm going back to the start."

[size=medium]"I will," Osprey promised, glad that there was at least something she could do for her friend, because otherwise she had this feeling that their meeting and reunion... which should have been a happy thing had not quite gone that way. That she had hurt her friend's feelings without intending to do so. The worst part was that she did not know, how in their circumstances she could make things right again. [/size]

[size=medium]"I am sure, I will find it," she lied and smiled, knowing well that with her sight becoming worse she would never be able to make long journeys again. But Charon did not have to know that.  "Good luck and..." she paused, "... see you later then." A "good-bye" would be final and she had not quite given up the hope of making things between them right again. At some point. [/size]

[size=medium]But for some reason, as she turned around and made her way back to the plateau, tears were rolling down her cheeks. The ray of hope for a brighter future did not manage to go through the thick clouds of grief that day. [/size]

RE: Is it getting any better - Charon - December 19, 2015

yes, that is a beautiful song and this is so sad.
Osprey did say good-bye, after promising to say hi to Casmir. Somehow though, from the way that she said 'see you later', he knew that she wouldn't come see his mountain. Disappointment flushed him, but Charon showed little of it on his face, but a shimmer of sadness in his eyes. "See you later," he returned, melancholy in his voice, longing for the nostalgic feeling of warmth and carelessness that Osprey used to give him; and knowing that it was likely never to return.

I'll miss you, he added mentally as she turned around to return to the Plateau. As eventually he, too, turned around and started back home, back towards Moonspear, he was left feeling mixed, angry and confused. He was angry that after all this time, after returning to the valley, after all he'd done for her — after he fought for her — Osprey would turn her back on him, and not even say it straight to his face. She had walked out of his life without so much as looking back, without skipping a beat, without telling him why.

Resentment soon took over longing and nostalgia, and the young Alpha settled on one of Moonspear's upper reaches after returning home to his mountain to look over the valley. A bitter feeling towards his old friend sank into his bones, one that might find a hard time passing on at all if Osprey didn't come to visit him like she (semi) promised.