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Blacktail Deer Plateau You can't take me, I'm free - Printable Version

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RE: You can't take me, I'm free - Osprey - March 11, 2014

"Always the gentleman..." Osprey teased Peregrine light-heartedly about his first encounter with Hawkeye and leaned over to nip on his ear. But she understood him perfectly and it was a great thing that the famous "first words" hadn't deterred the alphess from getting to know her brother better. Many wouldn't have been either so tolerant or forgiving. These were good traits.

The simplicity of their story took her aback. Where were the declarations of undying and true love? Where were the feelings so beautifully described in the tales of romance? It seemed to her that both of them had come to a practical agreement, where both sides benefitted and where all things were done for the greater good. Marriage was about being practical and rational, of course, but she couldn't help but feel that all had happened too quickly and deep inside feared that just the same way Hawkeye had declared Perry to be hers, she could - theoretically - sack him too.

But she kept this to herself, since she didn't want to make judgements out of simple speculations. She hadn't spoken with Hawkeye in person, she didn't know her. The only thing here Osprey was concerned about was her brother's heart and that it wouldn't be broken and betrayed again.

However the fact Atticus and Crete's attitude seemed very unjust. Peregrine was not Tyrannus, he would never be. They should have known their brother better and treated him as such. Because after all they had suffered, how could they possibly believe that the one person, who was fiercely loyal to them, could simply turn his back and become the scoundrel their older brother had been. "That is very unfair," she spoke her mind out loud and sounded annoyed. "They had no right to judge you or deny you happiness. You are not him, Perry, and if they have forgotten that then I am very disappointed."

Always and forever - that was their promise. One should never give up on family, no matter what.

RE: You can't take me, I'm free - Peregrine Redhawk - March 11, 2014

It had all happened very fast indeed. Since then, Peregrine's feelings had become very strong and deep; they were incredibly genuine at this point. He thought the same went for Hawkeye and perhaps would've been devastated, had he known the truth: that his mate doubted their relationship frequently. He didn't know—didn't even suspect—and since Osprey made no outward remark about the matter, nor did he.

When Osprey rebuked their brothers for how they'd treated in him, Peregrine felt something melt in his stomach. "Oss," he said quietly, "you have no idea how much it means to me to hear someone say that. All this time, I've been understanding toward them... but the whole thing feels so fucking shitty," he admitted. He frowned lightly at her. "I'm not sure what to do but to give it time and space. Crete, at least, doesn't seem to loathe me the way Atti does. I haven't even seen nor spoken to Atticus since that day. He said he needed time to think..."

His throat felt tight and Peregrine shrugged with feigned casualness that Osprey would surely see through immediately. He didn't care, though. He appreciated his sister, her company and her take on the matter. They needn't linger on things that were beyond their control. Hopefully, Atticus and Crete would come around and everything would be sunshine and daisies again someday. Just like old times...

"You are the best, Silver Bullet," Peregrine opined, stretching out on his side like a sleepy cat. "I'd like to think Atti and Crete will come around, despite what's happened, and that, of course, I can always count on Hawkeye. But with you, I just... know. I know you'll always have my back and that you'll always be there for me. Love you sis," he said, sitting up quickly to plant a smooch on her muzzle before sprawling out again and closing his eyes.

RE: You can't take me, I'm free - Osprey - March 11, 2014

"Where's your pride, Peregrine?" Osprey asked, still feeling dismayed about the way her brothers had treated him. That was wrong. Sure, Tyrannus had had his share in damaging the trust and loyalty in family, yes - the betrayal hurt and they would all need time to get over it. But they didn't have to lose the perspective along the way. Life went on, everything was changing and you either went with the stream or were cast aside. The four of them were the only true family they had. They shared the same blood and, if everything around crumbled and went to pieces, the one thing they should never doubt would be trust and loyalty to each other.

"You feel shitty, because they treated you that way. You did nothing wrong. You don't have to crawl on your belly and beg for forgiveness and understanding for every thing they are not happy about," she went on and the more she thought about the more acute she felt it. "If they have problems, then they either deal with them, swallow them or leave," as simple as that. At this moment she wished that March Owl was here - she would be able to "beat" some sense in those two. "My point is - don't let them ruin your happiness just because they have issues with the past. That's not worth it," she concluded.

"They will get over it eventually. If they don't - you will always have me. I believe in you, I trust you, I love you, Perry," with that she laid her head atop her brother's shoulder.

RE: You can't take me, I'm free - Peregrine Redhawk - March 11, 2014

We should have another thread soon. :D

Osprey asked a very pertinent question and Peregrine had an answer at the ready, even if it wasn't an easy one. "Which one matters more: pride or family? It's been really tough on me, trying to figure it out. I don't have it figured out," he admitted, his eyes dropping for a second, then lifting again when Osprey launched into a soliloquy about their brothers.

He listened without comment, his heart swelling in his chest. The only thing he did say was to murmur, "But I don't want them to leave..." He wanted them here, all four of them. They belonged together. Peregrine didn't see why this issue couldn't blow over or why he couldn't have Hawkeye, his rank and his brothers and sister by his side. Would Atticus or Crete really make him choose? He hoped not.

"Thank-you, Oss," he said in response to everything she'd said and her verbal reminder that she would always be there. "You're the best," he repeated, once more settling on the ground and closing his eyes. He didn't intend to fall asleep but when Osprey's warm head rested on his shoulder, he felt safe, and so he spun away into dreamland.

RE: You can't take me, I'm free - Osprey - March 15, 2014

"Perry, family is important - there is no doubt about that," Osprey said, reminding herself again the sacred vow. Always and forever. Family above all. "But if they treat you shitty, you must not let it happen. Especially, when it is for nothing. Stand your ground." It wouldn't easy for her either, it would hurt a great deal, but if her family decided to stand against her happiness, then she would make the choice. No matter how hard it would be.

"Sure you don't." she nuzzled his forehead. "But sometimes you are simply too good," she added and fell silent, listening to her brother's even breathing. She felt calm and safe with him. Happy. And this feeling was worth fighting for and there and then she swore to herself that she would let no one to hurt Peregrine and walk away. Not even her own siblings.

ooc: Ok. Another nice thread - I think we can leave it here and we can have another one right away.