Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Strong enough to hold you through the winter - Printable Version

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RE: Strong enough to hold you through the winter - Dante RIP - December 01, 2015

Last for me! to keep things moving <3 since woo relocation!

The doubting seemed appeased, for the moment at least, and Dante was pleasantly surprised at how well the news was taken. If he had stopped to think earlier, though, perhaps this wouldn't have come as such a shock - after all, most gathered here had not been here all that long. Lasher and Blue's children were likely still of an age they would follow wherever their parents led (save Constantine), and many of the others were recent arrivals. Malachi was longer-lived, and Osprey the longest, but the former's fears seemed focused on what they would find rather than what they were leaving. It seems the decision had been a good one.

The next news was harder to deliver, if only because he did not wish to cause any trouble with it. But he had spoken with Lasher already and believed now to be the right time to make things clear. "After we have scouted it, we will look to claim the new land. Blue Willow is already there now. I will lead us there, but once we have arrived, Lasher will step forward to guide from then on." He smiled. Honestly the change would likely mean little... the Beta had been doing much of the legwork of late anyway. "I'll be stepping down to support them as Beta instead." He finished, making clear that he would be sticking around, just not in the same capacity.

"If you have any questions, as always, I'm around." He looked about, tail waving peacefully after having finished. It was never as bad as he imagined, once he got started. But he would be ready to make things clearer if there were any concerns or confusion, especially with the switch of the leaders. His reasons were clear in his mind - he had no issues with making them known.

RE: Strong enough to hold you through the winter - Lasher - December 05, 2015

last for me also

dante's last order was to announce the shift in the leadership ranks; lasher rose to dip his head at the gathered wolves. "i hope to continue dante's reign of affability and strength, and i am also here for discussion," he added. his own plume waved once and he glanced to the gunmetal man with a soft smile.