Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain What is Love? - Printable Version

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RE: What is Love? - Chaska - December 17, 2015

Sorry? For what? Also, last post. Unless you want to go on

He barley understood her. In it's own way, he was getting her back for the horrible taste. Because he guessed she was having it too, with having multiple of the flowers in her own mouth. Then the idea of them being in her mouth felt..odd. Since they would be going in his, if he needed them again. But what other way could she carry them?

"A bad taste? That ain't even close to what I'm tasting." With the leaves gone, he tried to do his best at spitting the taste out. He had never tasted anything this bad in his life. At least, to his current knowledge.

He let off a little smirk. "Oh, it will be funny." He followed her after her signal. The effect wasn't right away, but he trusted that the pains in his head would be gone soon.

RE: What is Love? - RIP Krypton - December 17, 2015

I made poor Chas eat bad tasting flowers! Also, thanks for the thread :D

Laughing and shaking her head, the tawny female kept her stride even and slow for Chaska. She did have to agree with him, the taste was horrendous. However, it held abilities to heal, and she had some what gotten used to it from all the times she got headaches as a pup (mostly from overtraining).

It will be funny? She bet it would be funny, and probably embarrassing for her as well. If need be, she would put him in his place. But until then, it was okay for now between the two. "You sshould feel besher shoon. I promish." She tried to say, but failed.

With that, she continued to walk back with Chaska at her side towards home.