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Phoenix Maplewood Joining? - Printable Version

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RE: Joining? - Spring - January 12, 2016

Spring would have personally used Gotu Kola to fix the problem, but she found herself intrigued by the females answer.  She had never used that method before of using Plantain and Thyme together to rid of Anaphylactic Shock.  Still she found herself skeptical on if that would would really help cure the Anaphylactic Shock.  Spring would stick to using Gotu Kola no matter what.  To her knowledge Gotu Kola was the best herb to use.

RE: Joining? - Reek - January 13, 2016

Thankfully, Reek was not a mindreader or else he would have reprimanded them them both for being equally, and unequivocally, wrong. It had been a simple question— one that required a simple answer, and not the convoluted mess that this Lunar Eclipse had proposed. CPR was an impossibility for an adult of Reek's size and the herbs she offered didn't address the root cause of the problem. Histamine.

Rolling his eyes with disappointment, Reek shook his head in a resounding but silent no. "So close," he drawled with slight sarcastic twinge.  "If I had a respiratory infection, thymus vulgaris and musa paradisiaca would patch me up good. But, did I say I had a respiratory infection?" The question was meant to be rhetorical, as he answered it himself after a quick beat. "Nope."

Sighing with disappointment, Reek began to explain. "See, let me enlighten you. An alergic reaction is caused by a little chemical called histamine. It's the body's natural response to outside agents it deems threat worthy, thus causing inflammation in places that shouldn't be inflamed." It was quite ironic how a protective response of the body could so much harm. Life was full of these little ironies and they provided Reek much amusement. "The first thing you should try to do, is hinder this chemical signal with an anti-histamine... Elder Berry would be sufficient. You would need to feed me that before I lost conciousness or else it's already over. The window of opportunity is short, but the solution is simple."

"So why should I let you stay if you cant back up your word?" he asked in a mockingly quizzical tone. Unless she could pull a miracle from her hindquarters soon, she was destined to make her home elsewhere.

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 13, 2016

Lunar's brows furrowed,was he trying to trick her? "I don't mean to argue Alpha, but Elder berries are poisonous. Only the strand Sambucus Nigra is edible and it doesn't grow in this region,"she was wondering if maybe this was a test too or she simply didn't know if he truly thought ingesting elder berries would cure allergic reactions. If he did then she certainly didn't want to be his patient. But still she was nervous how he would react to her correction but she stood by it,she knew they were poisonous.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 13, 2016

Spring found herself almost open her maw to argue that Gotu Kola was the way to go and much easier to use, but stayed quiet.  Gotu Kola probably didn’t even grow in these regions.  Plus she shouldn’t argue with her Alpha anyway.  Spring stayed quiet.

RE: Joining? - Reek - January 15, 2016

"Good catch," Reek finally allotted. The different varieties of the Sambucus genus were an interesting and curious thing. "But, Sambucus Cerulea grows by the coast near the sycamore trees.  The plant itself is toxic as hell, but if you wait until the berries are ripe, they're safe to eat."  If one knew how to handle themselves, their harvest wouldnt prove extremely difficult.  

Even though her answer had been wrong again (this time, perhaps less wrong, the prospect atleast demonstrated a baseline understanding of the properties of plants— thus signifying, she could learn. With a proper teacher, maybe she could become a usefull edition to the pack. With this concession, Reek finally conceded.

"Omega... till you learn and prove your place around here." Without waiting for a response, Reek turned to head back into the confines of his border. He motioned for both Spring and Lunar to follow. "Come."

RE: Joining? - Lunar Eclipse - January 15, 2016

Lunar's heart beat faster at the mention of omega but she said nothing. She prayed to whatever God or Godess may have been above that the word didn't mean what it had at White Moon. She hoped she wouldn't have to run from this place as well. She followed after the Alpha and the girl,keeping behind them as status dictated. She kept her head down unsure if she would be allowed to meet the eyes of the other pack members. A small twinge of happiness flooded her and she had to stop herself from wagging her tail at being accepted by a pack. Instead she smiled to herself.

Ooc: I'm pretty sure that's the end of this thread.

RE: Joining? - Spring - January 15, 2016

Spring kept one eye on Luna.  Not very trusting to the newly accepted female.  As she padded after Reek.  She slipped behind Luna, so the snow colored white she-wolf wouldn't get any ideas.  Sprig continued to pad on.