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Phoenix Maplewood How to disappear completely and never be found - Printable Version

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RE: How to disappear completely and never be found - RIP Tavi - March 03, 2016

Maybe she was off-kilter with her angle, but Tavi's digging did not result in an immediate freedom. She chunked away at the loose soil until she couldn't breathe for all the dust, and paused to duck away from a wave of it, trying to get a good breath. Everything tasted stale -- maybe her laughter had been more than a bad idea, but a dangerous one -- and when she resumed digging, it was with great insistence. Right when she thought she couldn't dig anymore for lack of breath, a chunk of rock came loose, and a ray of light beamed in from outside.

Oh my god, finally. she mumbles, and shoves her nose through the small hole intent on getting some air. I think I'm too far, she comments before realizing how nasal and weird she sounds, what with her nose stuck in the wall, and so she withdraws it with a small sneeze. The closer to Mortimer you can dig the better. I might've just expanded the den more. Which is precisely what she'd done, but Tavi wouldn't be able to confirm it until later. She shimmied sideways, brushing her shoulder against Reek's again, and tried to orient herself based on his dark figure - with the aid of a little light, he was a grey silhouette instead of a black void.

RE: How to disappear completely and never be found - Reek - March 03, 2016

With every second of darkness, Reek's worry grew until he was knocking on the doorstep of outright panic. His heart thrummed in his chest and his breaths became heavy; wasteful. No matter how far he dug, he was only met with more loosely packed dirt... the angle was off somehow. He could already feel the air around him starting to thin; for the first time in Reek's life, he neared the point of losing all hope. His digging slowed. Perhaps it was time to make peace.

He turned his head toward Tavi, though she couldn't see it, and with a hoarse throat he almost spoke what he believed may be his last words. Don't let me die alone.  But, before he could find the words a ray of light pierced through the den as Tavi broke to the surface with a nose sized hole. Reek breathed a stuffy breath of relief. "Fuck yes!" he exclaimed. The light quickly disappeared, however, as soon as Tavi pressed her nose into it. Reek quickly pressed against her a muttered, "Move over," as to get his own turn.

Once she pulled away, Reek stuck his nose in the opening and inhaled deeply. With breath filling his lungs, Reek clinged to life.  She shimmied further over to adjust her angle and Reek followed at her side. With the light as their guide, together they would break free.

RE: How to disappear completely and never be found - RIP Tavi - March 03, 2016

The air hole wasn't enough to completely alleviate their terror, or the symptoms of the thin air; but it was enough to invigorate them. Tavi was digging at the soil as quickly as she could, occasionally scratching at a dense patch, or a rock, or even the edge of Mortimer. Eventually the door gave way and a wave of light spread out across her face - and while she stood blinking and coughing, a grin spread across her face. Bingo! Tavi exclaimed, stumbling out of the den and in to the fresh air. She breathed in deeply, and felt an instant wave of something - it was like vertigo. Probably a head rush. She stumbled a little bit, giggling softly to herself, and collapsed a moment later - awake, but completely spaced out. Its so bright out here, duuude, she drawled, and absently lifted a limb to try and shade her eyes.

RE: How to disappear completely and never be found - Reek - March 04, 2016

Wanna fade this one out and have a new, new thread sometime soon?

Tavi broke through her end first, the cascade of dirt around them finally allowing the bright morning light to pour into the den. As fast as he could, Reek abandoned the task at hand and slipped out of the hole Tavi had created in pursuit. Upon reaching the open air, he was nearly blinded by the light of the unobstructed sun. He blinked several times, allowing his eyes to painfully adjust.

Reek's heart still raced. "What a rush," he joked despite the panic that had set in moments earlier. "Lets do it again sometime."

RE: How to disappear completely and never be found - RIP Tavi - March 04, 2016

Fading! And yeah, an up to date thread would be a good idea. Jeeeze this got long.

They were both free, gasping for clean air. Reek's statement brought a snicker to her lips, and she shook her head violently. Heck no. I think I'll sleep outside for a few nights. Her head hurt from the lack of oxygen, but not terribly. It was enough to make her giddy though, and Tavi rolled about with giggles emanating from her chest. You were so freaked out, she commented, laughing between syllables - and would continue jokingly mocking his panicked voice for a few hours at least, until getting up to resume an actual task.