Wolf RPG
Moonspear some legends are told - Printable Version

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RE: some legends are told - Charon - March 07, 2016

The game was on when she responded with a growl; perhaps another would be put off, but Charon knew (though he had no idea how; it was an instinct thing) that it did not mean that he was unwelcome. It was a game, and one that required patience and affection to play. The reason that he held off and let go eventually was not because of her reaction, but because something was missing to drive him to the deed. It didn't seem like the time yet; she wasn't in heat.

They both relaxed and with that, the tension between them melted away and they were back to casual. She asked if he was hungry, and Charon nodded at her. He licked his lips, his mouth dry from the exertion of their spar, and followed suit when Ame lead the way to head towards one of their caches.

yas, i'd love another thread after the osprey one. :) gonna wait a bit til that proceeds and i'll tag you in a new thread!