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The Sentinels circle of perversion - Printable Version

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RE: circle of perversion - Osprey - May 30, 2016

"The little spirit tried to find the source of the voice, looking around with wide eyes, but when he didn't see anything, he just nodded. The wind around him grew stronger, until a little whirlwind formed around him, lifting him from the earth and bringing him higher and higher in the sky. 

They moved further and further - above the clouds and beyond, until there was only the clear, dark blue sky above them with stars dotted accross it and the moonlight growing stronger and stronger. So did the shiny orb - it grew bigger and bigger, until the wind dropped the little spirit on the moon, saying: "This is, where you find the moonstones. However you cannot take them - the moon has to give it to you willingly."

This confused the little spirit, but having got this far and so close to his goal, he sat down and thought for a while, until his train of thought was interrupted by a low, booming voice that seemed to be coming from the depths of the moon intself. It said..."

RE: circle of perversion - Lasher - June 07, 2016

"who are you, and what do you want!" lasher exclaimed in the voice of the moon, pleased to take yet another role in osprey's tale. he wondered what would happen next; he was content to wait, though he trembled with a gentle anticipation. what would the spirit do? would he flee or hold to his task? he waited for osprey to speak, grinning almost foolishly at her. 

he suddenly wished to add more, but he did not speak; not yet.

RE: circle of perversion - Osprey - June 10, 2016

"The spirit's first instinct was fear, but, when he realized that after all of his adventures, dangers he had met with and troubles he had gone through, this was something he simply had to deal with. Therefore he spoke loudly and clearly, telling his story from the very beginning. 

When he had finished, the moon did not reply for a very long time and, when he did, he praised the little adventurer for making a journey so far, and then told him about the place, where the moonstones were plenty. He would have to find a certain cave with ancient writing and enter it. There would three challenges await him in order to tell, if he was worthy of gaining a moonstone or not.

With this the moon fell silent and the spirit made his way to the cave. He found it after a day's worth of wandering and without any hesitation entered the pitch black darkness. After walking, what seemed like several miles, he entered a large cavern, full of golden light. And there the first challenge awaited him. It was..." 
she left the thread for Lasher once again, curious to know, what kind of challenge he would come up with.

RE: circle of perversion - Lasher - June 10, 2016

he followed the thread of her story well enough, smiling when he realized it would come to him to describe these challenges. and when osprey set down the thread of her story, the druid lifted it happily. "the first challenge was this: you must fly high until you find a lake that is a perfect circle. swim to its very center, and there you will find a chest. open this chest and defeat the monster that is trapped within it. the beast shall drop something ... you will know it when you see it ... and bring this thing to me."

"that is the first task. you only have one chance, and one chance only. if you do not succeed, you will be taken from this realm into one of agony and of pain. do not fail."

RE: circle of perversion - Osprey - June 17, 2016

If they continued like this, the story could go forever - new plot twists, new challenges, new heros and heroines. And though Osprey would have loved to go on and on, she did start to feel tired and unique threads for their continuous tale were harder to find. 

"After hearing this the spirit almost gave up there and then - after all the travels, all the adventures... why was it this hard to get back home? He weighed his options then - which weren't many. Either he proceeded with the quest or he would be bound to stay here forever and the moonland had seemed so lonely and barren. It was surprising that he found anyone here at all!

Therefore he called his dear friend wind and together they flew and found the lake, swimming to the very centre took some time, but they did that too and - as they had been told - lied the chest. There was humming coming from and the spirit hesitated a little, before he proceeded and opened the lid. For a moment nothing happened and then suddenly a large dark paw appeared from the depths of the chest, grabbed the spirit and dragged it inside the darkness. 

Our hero was dumbfounded in the beginning, but he had not endured the hardships for nothing. He realized to whom the hand belonged and therefore knew, how to defeat the monster,"
she left it there for Lasher to continue, as she sat down to rest for a while.

RE: circle of perversion - Lasher - June 21, 2016

i think this is a good place to fade <3 ;__; ill miss oss and her stories

"the hand belonged to the eagle!" lasher exclaimed, joy breaking across his face. "that was how he knew he could defeat it; the eagle had become the monster of the chest, and so the spirit, as he was dragged down, fought back his tears and his fear, and asked one sentence: are you the eagle who gave me this task?"

"above all else do eagles prize honesty and loyalty -- the paw disappeared and talons appeared in its place, and the chest opened to reveal the prizes that that eagle had demanded. 'I am he,' spoke the deep voice of the eagle. the spirit was filled with joy and relief, and he was released to surface from the water, he was freed at last."

lasher looked to osprey and smiled warmly.

RE: circle of perversion - Osprey - June 28, 2016

ooc: thanks for helping create this one! :) Join Donnelaith at some point with a different character. We have to have an Ebony here!

"It took many moons before the little spirit reached his faraway home, but he was not alone, for the wind was his friend and companion. When he finally did, he joined his brothers and sisters and his voice can still be heard in clear winter nights. Him telling his adventures to those, who know, how to listen," Osprey finished the tale, looking at Lasher fondly and feeling happy about the tale they had created together. Little did she know that this would be the very last heart-to-heart conversation she would have with the man. And therefore in later months, whenever she looked back at this very moment, she remembered it with affection. And in a way it made her grieving period easier, because, as long as this story lived, Lasher was never really gone to her.